Presentations and Seminars
Presentations of the year 2009
- Trento 20.10.2009 (PDF) (272KB)
On the backreation of quantised Dirac fields on curved backgrounds - ICMP Prague 04.08.2009 (PDF) (356KB)
Looking at the Sky with the eyes of algebraic quantum Field theory - Mainz 07.07.2009 (PDF) (382KB)
Towards a Rigorous Functional Framework for Classical Field Theory: Algebraic Structure and Dynamics - Göttingen 30.06.2009 (PDF) (543KB)
Semiclassical Einstein equations: a bridge between quantum Field theory and cosmology - Leipzig 27.06.2009 (PDF) (314KB)
The Wick monomials in a conformally generally covariant quantum Field theory. - Durban 29.05.2009 (PDF) (392KB)
Distinguished ground states in FRW spacetime - Durban 27.05.2009 (469KB)
A Rigorous semiclassical effect in Cosmology - Hamburg Colloquium SFB 23.04.2009 (PDF) (486KB)
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory meets Cosmology - Aarhus 08.04.2009 (PDF) (376KB)
Towards a Rigorous Functional Framework for Classical Field Theory: Algebraic Structure and Dynamics - Hamburg 25.03.2009 (PDF) (301KB)
A Nonperturbative Construction of Retarded Off-Shell Intertwiners of Covariant Phase Spaces in Classical Field Theory - München DPG Tagung 12.03.2009 (PDF) (207KB)
A novel point of view on the conformal anomaly for quantised Dirac Fields - München 12.03.2009 (PDF) (531KB)
Aspects of Quantum Fields on Cosmological Models - München 11.03.2009 (PDF) (250KB)
Local retarded off-shell intertwiners of covariant phase spaces - towards a nonperturbative construction - Hamburg SFB Meeting 03.03.2009 (PDF) (399KB)
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory meets Cosmology - Pavia 23.02.2009 (PDF) (435KB)
Quantum Field Theory and Cosmology - Göttingen 31.01.2009 (216KB)
Euclidean Epstein-Glaser Renormalization - Göttingen 30.01.2009 (PDF) (274KB)
Remarks on the expected stress-energy tensor of quantized Dirac fields on curved backgrounds - Hamburg 14.01.2009 (PDF) (344KB)
Distinguished ground states in FRW spacetime - Hamburg 14.01.2009 (PDF) (459KB)
Remarks on the expected stress-energy tensor of quantized Dirac fields on curved backgrounds
Presentations of the year 2008
- Leipzig 08.11.2008 (PDF) (307KB)
Quantum states on inflationary cosmological models and their Hadamard property. - Torun 27.06.2008 (PDF) (110KB)
Cosmological Horizon and Reconstruction of Quantum Field Theory - Hamburg 22ndLQP Meeting 22.06.2008 (PDF) (119KB)
Cosmological Horizon and Reconstruction of Quantum Field Theory - York 27.05.2008 (PDF) (132KB)
The Road to Holography in Asymptotically Flat Spacetimes - Dublin 21.04.2008 (PDF) (369KB)
Solution of the semiclassical Einstein equations with possible interpretation in cosmology - Freiburg 05.03.2008 (PDF) (328KB)
Solutions of the semiclassical Einstein equations with possible interpretations in cosmology - Trento 06.02.2008 (PDF) (446KB)
Stable cosmological models with a free quantum Field as source - Göttingen 25.01.2008 (PDF) (440KB)
Solutions of the semiclassical Einstein's equations with applications in cosmology
Presentations of the year 2007
- Hamburg 21.11.2007 (PDF) (715KB)
Semiclassical Einstein equations: A solution with implications in cosmology - Wien 03.2007 (PDF) (256KB)
Localization and position operators in Möbius covariant theories. - Hamburg 31.01.2007 (PDF) (233KB)
Localization and position operators in Möbius covariant theories.