Welcome to our Institute!
General relativity, quantum field theory and the Standard Model of particle physics. That is current state of the art when it comes to fundamental theories of physics. Despite its success in practical terms, for various reasons we know that there must be another, more fundamental, theory behind that collection of different frameworks. To explore this mysterious theory in the back is what drives physicists around the world, with the II. Institute for Theoretical Physics active at all front lines. It starts with formal-mathematical considerations (Algebraic QFT, Theory of Complex Systems). It continues with different approaches to model unified thories of gravity, the Standard Model and cosmological observations (Particle Cosmology, String Theory). And it ends with concrete calculations needed to test these approaches in experimental settings, be it with cosmic rays (Astroparticle Physics) or at large particle colliders like the LHC (Particle Phenomenology).
Besides its traditionally close cooperation with the DESY Theory Group, the II. Institute for Theoretical Physics is part of the research networks Center for Mathematical Physics Hamburg, Cluster of Excellence “Quantum Universe”, Helmholtz Alliance for Astroparticle Physics, Local Quantum Physics Crossroads, Next Generation Perturbative QCD for Hadron Structure, and the Wolfgang-Pauli-Centre Hamburg.
Intersted in where we come from? Have a look at the history of our institute.
Intersted to learn more about the fundamental theories of physics? Look into the collection of our lecture notes.