- Allgemeine Vorträge
- Vorträge auf Tagungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft
- Vorträge im DESY-Doktorandenseminar
Allgemeine Vorträge
- Björn Wonsak (PDF 6.7 MB)
04.11.2020, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) Seminar, RAL Oxfordshire
Neutrino Physics with THEIA - Björn Wonsak (PDF 11.3 MB)
10.07.2020, Neutrino Physics and Machine Learning Workshop, Stanford
ML challenges in Theia and WBLS - Björn Wonsak (PDF 51.2 MB)
30.11.2018, 5. KAT Strategie Workshop, Bad Honnef
News in Astroparticle Physics: Low Energy Neutrinos - Björn Wonsak (PDF 6.8 MB)
14.6.2018, 5th International Solar Neutrino Conference, Dresden
3D Topological Reconstruction in Liquid Scintillator Detectors - Björn Wonsak (PDF 44.6 MB)
5.6.2018, Neutrino 2018, Heidelberg
Status and Prospects of the JUNO Experiment - Daniel Bick (PDF 5.6 MB)
26.07.2017, TAUP 2017, Sudbury
Status and Physics of the SHiP experiment at CERN - Björn Wonsak (PDF 13.6 MB)
19. April 2017, Dresden Seminar
3d-Topological Reconstruction in Liquid Scintillator - Sebastian Lorenz (PDF 1.3 MB)
22.10. 2016, FroST – Topical Workshop for THEIA, Mainz
Topological Reconstruction in Liquid Scintillator - Björn Wonsak (PDF 5.2 MB)
09.-10.06.2015, GDR Clermont-Ferrand
Advanced Reconstruction in Large Volume Liquid Scintillator Detectors - Daniel Bick (PDF 15.2 MB)
26.03.2015, SFB Block Meeting, DESY Hamburg
SHiP - Seach for Hidden Particles - Daniel Bick (PDF 10.9 MB)
14.+15.10.2014, DESY Seminar Hamburg und Zeuthen
Detection of neutrinos from the primary proton-proton fusion process in the Sun with Borexino - Björn Wonsak (PDF 7.9 MB)
September 2014, ANT 2104, Los Angeles
Tracking in large Volume Liquid Scintillator Detectors - Annika Hollnagel (PDF 7.8 MB)
26.08.2014, PANIC 2014, Hamburg
The OPERA Experiment - Latest Results - Mikko Meyer (PDF 5.5 MB)
25.08.2014, PANIC 2014, Hamburg
Search for Sterile Neutrinos with the Borexino Detector - Benjamin Büttner (PDF 2.6 MB)
25.06.2014, Astroparticle Physics 2014, Amsterdam
Latest Results from the OPERA Experiment - Mikko Meyer (PDF 7.6 MB)
25.06.2014, Astroparticle Physics 2014, Amsterdam
Results and Future Prospects of Borexino - Björn Wonsak (PDF 2.6 MB)
13.12.2013 MIAMI 2013, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Recent results from the OPERA experiment - Björn Wonsak (PDF 2.7 MB)
9.9.2013, TAUP2013, Asilomar, California
Status and Perspectives of the COBRA Experiment - Daniel Bick (PDF 9.9 MB)
12.10.2012, LEXI Meeting 2012
Neutrinophysics with Liquid Scintillator - Daniel Bick (PDF 3.2 MB)
06.10.2012, NNN12
Status of LENA and Developments in Large Liquid Scintillator Detectors - Michael Wurm (PDF 16.7 MB)
19.09.2012, Treffen der Astroteilchenphysik 2012, Zeuthen
BOREXINO and LENA - Michael Wurm (PDF 10.4 MB)
11.09.2012, NOW 2012, Otranto
LENA - messengers of new physics - Torben Ferber (PDF 3.8 MB)
27.03.2012, DIS 2012, Bonn
Measurement of the neutrino velocity with the OPERA detector in the CNGS beam - Michael Wurm (PDF 20.8 MB)
10.07.2012, Heidelberg
Recent results from the solar neutrino experiment Borexino - Michael Wurm (PDF 7.6 MB)
03.07.2012, LAGUNA-LBNO general meeting, Oxford
Short baseline oscillations: DAEdALUS and IsoDAR with LENA - Michael Wurm (PDF 8.2 MB)
14.06.12, Hamburg
LENA performance: Astroparticle and geophysics - Torben Ferber (PDF 5.4 MB)
24.02.2012, Lake Louise Winter Institute
The OPERA experiment: Direct tau neutrino appearance and neutrino time-of-flight measurement - Björn Wonsak (PDF 10.5 MB)
29.11.2011, Dortmund
The OPERA Neutrino Velocity Measurement - Björn Wonsak (PDF 10.1 MB)
25.10.2011, Oxford
The OPERA Neutrino Velocity Measurement - Daniel Bick (PDF 5.8 MB)
11.10.2011, ANT'11
Overview of Scintillation Systems - Michael Wurm (PDF 29.8 MB)
10.10.2011, LEXI Meeting, Hamburg
New Puzzles in Low Energy Neutrino Astronomy - Björn Wonsak (PDF 9.5 MB)
10.10.2011, LEXI Meeting, Hamburg
The OPERA Neutrino Velocity Measurement - Nadine Heidrich (PDF 22.0 MB)
05.10.2011, ICATPP Conference, Como, Italy
COBRA - Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Experiment - Michael Wurm (PDF 10.3 MB)
22.09.2011, BLV Workshop, Gatlinburg
Search for Nucleon Decay in the Future LENA Detector - Christian Oldorf (PDF 4.3 MB)
08.11.2011, TAUP Conference, München
Recent Progress of the COBRA Experiment - Michael Wurm (PDF 22.4 MB)
16.09.11, AAP Workshop, Wien
Liquid-scintillator detectors on the 100-kton scale - Björn Wonsak (PDF 2.6 MB)
08.12.2010, Discrete 2010, Rom
OPERA: A First ντ Appearance Candidate - Björn Wonsak (PDF 4.3 MB)
02.11.2010, Heidelberg
Status of OPERA: Observation of a first candidate for ντ-appearance - Daniel Bick (PDF 3.3 MB)
24.03.2010, SFB Block Meeting
Muons in Borexino - Caren Hagner: Neutrino Physics (PDF 8.6 MB)
DESY Summer School 2009 - Caren Hagner: SFB Lecture Part 1 (PDF Juni 2009, 3.7 MB)
SFB-Lecture: Aspects of Neutrino Mass and Mixing
Part 1: Neutrino Mass and Mixing, Atmospheric Neutrinos, (PDF Neutrino Beams) - Caren Hagner: SFB Lecture Part2 (PDF 6.4 MB)
SFB-Lecture: Aspects of Neutrino Mass and Mixing
Part 2: Neutrino Beams, Solar Neutrinos - Caren Hagner: SFB Lecture Part 3 (PDF 6.1 MB)
SFB-Lecture: Aspects of Neutrino Mass and Mixing
Part 3: KamLand, Theita13, Future Oscillation Experiments, Outlook - Björn Wonsak (PDF 16.6 MB)
22.05.2008, „Physics of Massive Neutrinos“, Milos, Griechenland
The OPERA Experiment: Status and First Results
Weitere Vorträge
Vorträge auf Tagungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft
Würzburg, DPG-Tagung 2018
- Daniel Bick (PDF 10.3 MB)
Eingeladener Vortrag: „Search for New Physics at a Future Beamdump Facility at the CERN SPS: The SHiP Experiment“ - Henning Rebber (PDF 1.4 MB)
Topological Track Reconstruction in Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detectors for MeV Events
Münster, DPG-Tagung 2017
- Annika Hollnagel (PDF 7.6 MB)
The OPERA Experiment – Concluding the Neutrino Oscillation Analysis - Sebastian Lorenz (PDF 4.7 MB)
Topological Track Reconstruction in Unsegmented Multi-Kiloton Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detectors - David Meyhöfer (PDF 2.0 MB)
Vertex reconstruction in large liquid scintillator detectors - Stefan Bieschke (PDF 1.7 MB)
Multicomponent drift gas mixtures for the SHiP Muon Magnetic Spectrometer - Daniel Bick (PDF 4.8 MB)
Search for hidden particles with the SHiP experiment - Henning Rebber (PDF 3.6 MB)
Neutrino Physics with JUNO
Hamburg, DPG-Tagung 2016
- Daniel Bick (PDF 11.9 MB)
Tau neutrino physics with the SHiP experiment - Sebastian Lorenz (PDF 3.8 MB)
New Reconstruction Method for Liquid Scintillator – First Results for Muon Tracks - Annika Hollnagel (PDF 6.6 MB)
The OPERA Experiment – Discovery of Tau Neutrino Appearance in the CNGS Muon Neutrino Beam - Mikko Meyer (PDF 18.6 MB)
SOX: Search for Sterile Neutrinos with Borexino
Wuppertal, DPG-Tagung 2015
- Björn Wonsak (PDF 7.2 MB)
JUNO: Determination of the Neutrino Mass Hierarchy using Reactor Neutrinos Eingeladener Vortrag - Annika Hollnagel (PDF 6.0 MB)
The OPERA Experiment – Latest Results - Björn Wonsak (PDF 3.1 MB)
Positron discrimination in large-volume liquid scintillator detectors using #D topological reconstruction - Mikko Meyer (PDF 13.0 MB)
Antineutrino Spectrum Modeling and Monte Carlo Generation for SOX
Mainz, DPG-Tagung 2014
- Mikko Meyer (PDF 12.5 MB)
Search for new Physics with SOX - Nadine Heidrich (PDF 6.3 MB)
The COBRA Experiment – Gruppenbericht - Daniel Bick (PDF 3.4 MB)
Results from Borexino phase I and future plans of the experiment - Sebastian Lorenz (PDF 1.7 MB)
Processing of 3D volume data from new reconstruction method applied to LENA - Nadine Heidrich (PDF 1.6 MB)
KingCOBRA – MC based Background Estimation - Björn Wonsak (PDF 5.4 MB)
The LENA Neutrino Observatory - Björn Wonsak (PDF 2.2 MB)
Tracking in large volume liquid scintillator and water Cherenkov detectors applied to LENA - Annika Hollnagel (PDF 4.8 MB)
νe Appearance at OPERA - Electromagnetic Shower Energy Estimation - Markus Kaiser (PDF 771 KB)
Mass Hierarchy from SN rise time in LENA
Dresden, DPG-Tagung 2013
- Henning Rebber (PDF 1.3 MB)
Koinzidenzanalysen zur Untersuchung des Einfangs thermischer Neutronen am Cd-113 im COBRA-Experiment - Nadine Heidrich (PDF 574 KB)
Development of a shield based on Monte-Carlo studies for the COBRA Experiment - Christian Oldorf (PDF 6.8 MB)
Status des Doppel-Beta-Experiments COBRA – Gruppenbericht - Jan Horst Karl Timm (PDF 2.2 MB)
Das COBRA Experiment – Poster - Annika Hollnagel (PDF 9.8 MB)
The OPERA Experiment – Group Report - Markus Kaiser (PDF 666 KB)
Supernova Neutrinos in LENA - Mikko Meyer (PDF 5.4 MB)
Die Winkelvergleichsmethode am Beispiel des OPERA-Spektrometers - Mikko Meyer (PDF 2.8 MB)
Kosmogener Untergrund und Pulsformanalyse bei Double Chooz
Göttingen, DPG-Tagung 2012
- Sebastian Lorenz (PDF 954 KB)
Diskriminierung von NC π0 Ereignissen im Flüssigszintillatordetektor LENA - Benjamin Büttner (PDF 7.7 MB)
Beidseitige Auslese an OPERA-Driftröhren-Modulen - Annika Hollnagel (PDF 6.2 MB)
Das OPERA-Experiment – Suche nach Neutrino-Oszillationen – Gruppenbericht - Nadine Heidrich (PDF 492 KB)
Monte-Carlo based studies for the COBRA Experiment – Estimated Muon Background for the R&D Set-up - Markus Kaiser (PDF 791 KB)
Supernova-Neutrinos in LENA – Channel Discrimination - Daniel Bick (PDF 8.2 MB)
The Neutrino Observatory LENA – Group Report - Björn Wonsak (PDF 7.6 MB)
OPERA und die Neutrino-Geschwindigkeitsmessung – Eingeladener Vortrag - Mikko Meyer (PDF 2.2 MB)
Kosmogener Untergrund beim Double Chooz Experiment
Karlsruhe, DPG-Tagung 2011
- Jan Horst Karl Timm (PDF 3.1 MB)
Gammaspektroskopie im HERA-Tunnel - Mikko Meyer (PDF 4.6 MB)
Impulsanalyse bei OPERA - Annika Hollnage (PDF 4.7 MB)
The OPERA Experiment Observation of a First nu_tau Candidate Event in nu_mu -> nu_tau Appearance Search – Group Report - Benjamin Büttner (PDF 7.3 MB)
Beidseitige Auslese an OPERA-Driftröhren-Modulen - Björn Wonsak (PDF 5.3 MB)
Status des COBRA-Experiments
Münster, DPG-Tagung 2011
- Christian Oldorf (PDF 2.5 MB)
Untersuchung des Verhaltens von CdZnTe-Detektoren in Flüssigszintillator für das COBRA-Experiment - Nadine Heidrich (PDF 2.3 MB)
Entwicklung einer Abschirmung für das COBRA-Experiment mit Hilfe von Monte-Carlo Simulationen - Jan Horst Karl Timm (PDF 3.1 MB)
Gammaspektroskopie im HERA-Tunnel
Bonn, DPG-Tagung 2010
- Nadine Heidrich (PDF 2.1 MB)
Monte-Carlo basierte Untergrunduntersuchungen für das COBRA – Experiment - Belina von Krosigk (PDF 1.9 MB)
Kalibration der Kalorimeter des Neutrino-Detektors OPERA - Jan Lenkeit (PDF 8.4 MB)
Das OPERA-Experiment – Status nach dem CNGS–Strahlbetrieb 2009 – Gruppenbericht - Christian Oldorf (PDF 1.5 MB)
Betrieb von CdZnTe – Detektoren in Flüssigszintillator für das COBRA – Experiment - Daniel Bick (PDF 3.7 MB)
Aufbau und Betrieb eines kompakten 3D Myonenspursystems
München, DPG-Tagung 2009
- Jan Lenkeit (PDF 2.8 MB)
Status des OPERA-Experiments nach dem CNGS-Strahlbetrieb 2008 – Gruppenbericht - Belina von Krosigk (PDF 2.2 MB)
Parametrisierung von Hadronschauern im Target des OPERA-Detektors - Christian Oldorf (PDF 2.4 MB)
Untersuchungen zu Betriebsparametern des OPERA-Driftröhrenspektrometers - Christoph Göllnitz (PDF 2.4 MB)
Die Alignment-Strategie des OPERA Precision Trackers
Freiburg, DPG-Tagung 2008
- Burkhard Steinke (PDF 2.0 MB)
Das Triggersystem des OPERA-Driftröhrenspektrometers - Torben Ferber (PDF 3.5 MB)
Indirekte Messung der Neutrinomassendifferenz bei OPERA - Christoph Göllnitz (PDF 15.2 MB)
Status des OPERA-Experiments – Gruppenbericht
Heidelberg, DPG-Tagung 2007
- Björn Wonsak (PDF 3.6 MB)
First results and status of the OPERA experiment - Christoph Göllnitz (PDF 2.4 MB)
Slow Control des OPERA Precision Trackers - Torben Ferber (PDF 1.9 MB)
Gassystem des OPERA Precision Trackers
Dortmund, DPG-Tagung 2006
- Jan Sewing (PDF 3.0 MB)
Der 'Precision Tracker' im OPERA Experiment - Raoul Zimmermann (PDF 3.7 MB)
Status des OPERA Experiments – Gruppenbericht
Aachen, DPG Haupttagung 2003
- Caren Hagner (PDF 2.0 MB)
Plenarvortrag „Neue Ergebnisse der Neutrinophysik“
Vorträge im DESY-Doktorandenseminar
- Nadine Heidrich (PDF 20.1 MB)
COBRA – Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Experiment - Christian Oldorf (PDF 6.7 MB)
Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay and COBRA - Martin Hierholzer (PDF 6.6 MB)
Current and future Neutrino experiments - Jan Lenkeit (PDF 3.5 MB)
The OPERA Emulsions - Torben Ferber (PDF 4.6 MB)
Experiments with Neutrinobeams - Daniel Bick (PDF 9.4 MB)
Neutrino Experiments with Liquid Scintillator Detectors - Björn Wonsak (PDF 1.7 MB)
Status and Future of Neutrinophysics - Benjamin Janutta (PDF 4.1 MB)
Experiments on neutrino oscillation & OPERA - Jan Sewing (PDF 2.2 MB)
Introduction to OPERA