- David Meyhöfer (PDF, 11,0 MB)
Dissertation, 2021
3D Topological Reconstruction in JUNO applied to GeV events - Henning Rebber (PDF, 11,3 MB)
Dissertation, 2019
Event Discrimination with Topological 3D Reconstruction at MeV Energies in the JUNO Experiment
- Stefan Bieschke (PDF, 32 MB)
Dissertation, 2020
The Drift Tube Spectrometer for the Measurement of the Muon Flux and Spectrum Emerging from a Proton Beam Dump at the SPS for the SHiP Experiment
- Malte Stender (PDF, 48,9 MB)
Dissertation, Dezember 2023
Light Separation in an ideal Water-Based Liquid Scintillator Detector
- Sebastian Lorenz (PDF, 9.9 MB)
Dissertation, November 2016
Topological Track Reconstruction in Liquid Scintillator and LENA as a Far-Detector in an LBNO Experiment
- Annika Hollnagel (PDF, 23.6 MB)
Dissertation, Mai 2018
Energy Reconstruction of Electron Neutrino Events and νµ → νe Appearance Search in the OPERA Detector - Jan Lenkeit (PDF, 24.0 MB)
Dissertation, November 2015
Timing Calibration of the Trigger System for the Drift Tube Detector of the OPERA Neutrino Oscillation Experiment - Christoph Göllnitz (PDF, 6.2 MB)
Dissertation, August 2012
Alignment des Driftröhrendetektors am Neutrino-Oszillationsexperiment OPERA - Torben Ferber (PDF, 5.9 MB)
Dissertation, August 2012
Limits on neutrino oscillations in the CNGS neutrino beam and event classification with the OPERA detector - Martin Hierholzer (PDF, 8.0 MB)
Dissertation, Januar 2012
Event classification with the electronic detectors of the OPERA experiment using neural networks - Benjamin Janutta (PDF, 2.3 MB)
Dissertation, Oktober 2008
Inbetriebnahme und Funktionsnachweis des OPERA Precision Trackers insbesondere des Zeitmesssystems - Björn Wonsak (PDF, 1.7 MB)
Dissertation, August 2007
Die Spurrekonstruktion für das Driftröhren-Myon-Spektrometer des Neutrino-Experiments OPERA - Jan Sewing (PDF, 1.7 MB)
Dissertation, Juli 2006
Entwicklung und Bestimmung der Nachweiseigenschaften des Myon-Detektors für das OPERA-Experiment
- Christian Oldorf (PDF, 16.2 MB)
Dissertation, Juli 2015
Operation of CdZnTe Semiconductor Detectors in Liquid Scintillator for the COBRA Experiment - Nadine Heidrich (PDF, 5.5 MB)
Dissertation, Oktober 2014
Monte Carlo-based Development of a Shield and Total Background Estimation for the COBRA Experiment - Jan Horst Karl Timm (PDF, 3.3 MB)
Dissertation, Juli 2015
Studien seltener neutroneninduzierter Prozesse und Koinzidenzanalysen zur Bestimmung und Reduktion von Untergrundbeiträgen im COBRA-Experiment
- Mikko Meyer (PDF, 76.3 MB)
Dissertation, November 2016
SOX - Towards the Detection of Sterile Neutrinos in Borexino - Daniel Bick (PDF, 11.3 MB)
Dissertation, April 2011
Setup of a Drift Tube Muon Tracker and Calibration of Muon Tracking in Borexino