Research groups
Prof. Dr. Gleb Arutyunov
- Stringtheorie
- Supersymmetric quantum field theories
- Integrable models
Dr. Benjamin Bahr
- Mathematical Physics
- Loop Quantum Gravity
- Renormalization methods
Prof. Dr. Robi Banerjee
- Star formation
- Interstellar medium
- Magnetohydrodynamics
Prof. Dr. Freya Blekman
Prof. Dr. Robert H. Blick
- Nano-Electronics & Nano-Electromechanical Systems
- Nanopores and Hybrid Nano-Devices
- Quantum Transport and THz-Spectroscopy
Prof. Dr. Christian Bressler
- Structural Dynamics of Transition Metal Complexes
- Solvation Dynamics with femtosecond X-Rays
- Functional molecular systems
Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen
- High energy astrophysics
- Extragalactic astrophysics
- cosmology
Prof. Dr. Francesca Calegari
- Attosecond physics
- Ultra short time laser technology
- Detection and control of ultrafast dynamics in molecules, biomolecules, and nanostructured materials.
Prof. Dr. Andrea Cavalleri
- Ultrafast Control of Complex Solids
- Atomic Structral Dynamics measured with Femtosecond X-ray Scattering
- Electronic Structral Dynamics measured with Femtosecond XUV Photo-emission
Prof. Dr. Henry Chapman
- Coherent X-ray imaging and solution of the phase problem
- Structure determination of macromolecules
- Experimental methodology using intense X-ray pulses
Prof. Dr. Helmut Dosch
Prof. Dr. Markus Drescher
- Ultrafast cameras for observing molecular dynamics
- Time-resolving electron and ion spectroscopy with free-electron lasers
- Nonlinear optics in 'unconventional' areas of the spectrum
Dr. Irene Fernandez-Cuesta
Prof. Dr. Elisabetta Gallo-Voss
Prof. Dr. Erika Garutti
- Expansion of the track system of the CMS detector
- Study of radiation damage from silicon detectors
- Particle flow calorimeter; Calorimeter for medical applications (PET)
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Oliver Gerberding
- Gravitational wave detection
- Laserinterferometry
- Technologies for earth and space-based detectors
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Daria Gorelova
- Theory of ultrafast light-matter interaction
- Exciton dynamics with (sub-)femtosecond temporal resolution
- Attosecond x-ray science
Prof. Dr. Tais Gorkhover
- X-ray imaging with high temporal and spatial resolutions at the nanoscale
- Exploration of novel super-resolution imaging approaches
- Research with Free Electron Lasers, Synchrotrons und table-top XUV sources
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Grübel
- Examination of disordered materials (liquids or glasses) with coherent X-rays
- Ultrafast magnetization dynamics with "pump probe" techniques
- Development of new measurement methods (correlation spectroscopy)
Prof. Dr. Florian Grüner
- Laser-based plasma wakefield acceleration (PWB)
- PCB-based free electron laser
- Extragalactic laser-based medical imaging
Prof. Dr. Caren Hagner
- Experimental neutrino physics: neutrino oscillations and double beta decay
- Detector development for neutrino physics (low background, large volume)
- Flavor physics, Belle2 experiment
Homepage (German)
Prof. Dr. Johannes Haller
- Experimental particle physics with the CMS detector at the LHC
- Search for New Physics
- Global interpretation of HEP data
Prof. Dr. Peter H. Hauschildt
- Simulation of star and planet atmospheres
- Radiation transport
- Parallel supercomputing
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hemmerich
- Quantum gases
- Cavity quantum electrodynamics
- Quantum optics and metrology
Prof. Dr. Tobias Herr
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hillert
- Seeding of free electron lasers
- Superconducting high frequency technology
- Electron beams of highest brilliance
Dr. Andreas Hinzmann
- Experimental particle physics with the CMS detector at the LHC
- Searches for new physics
- Reconstruction techniques for collider experiments
Prof. Dr. Dieter Horns
- Gamma astronomy
- Search for dark matter
- Detector development
Prof. Dr. Nils Huse
- Multidimensional femtosecond vibration spectroscopy of biomolecular and hydrogen-bonded systems
- Properties and dynamics of transition metal complexes using THz, infrared and optical ultra-short-time spectroscopy
- Tracking atomic-resolved molecular dynamics in the condensed phase using transient inner-shell spectroscopy
Prof. Dr. Dieter Jaksch
- Light-matter interactions in the ultimate quantum limit
- Quantum Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Non-equilibrium quantum many body systems
Prof. Dr. Franz Kärtner
- Ultra short-term laser technology
- Attosecond physics
- Compact x-ray sources
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Gregor Kasieczka
- Experimental particle physics with the CMS detector at the LHC
- Search for New Physics
- Machine Learning
Prof. Dr. Rainer Kaufmann
Prof. Dr. Bernd Andreas Kniehl
- Particle phenomenology
- Precision tests of the standard model
- Quantum field theory
Prof. Dr. Dorota Koziej
- Hybrid nanomaterials & nanostructures
- Materials for energy
- X-ray based methods to study nanostructures in sultion
Prof. Dr. Jochen Küpper
- Cold, controlled molecules and controlled chemistry
- Imaging of ultra-fast molecular processes
- Cooling, control, and imaging of very large molecules, biological and nanoscopic systems
Prof. Dr. Wim Leemans
Prof. Dr. Alexander Lichtenstein
- Electronic structure of strongly correlated magnetic systems
- Quantum theory of magnetism and ab-initio investigation of exchange interactions
- Numerical evolution of path integrals for general quantum impurity problem
Prof. Dr. Jochen Liske
- Observational astronomy
- Galaxy formation and evolution
- Cosmology
- Astronomical instrumentation
Prof. Dr. Jan Louis
- Supersymmetry and super gravity
- String theory
- Physics beyond the standard model
Dr. Michael Martins (ehemals Prof. Dr. Wilfried Wurth)
- From atom to solid - X-ray spectroscopy on small quantum systems
- Ultrafast electron dynamics in solids and at interfaces
- Reaction dynamics on surfaces
Prof. Dr. Ludwig Mathey
- Ultra-cold quantum gases
- Ultraschnelle Dynamik in Festkörpern
- Many particle theory
Prof. Dr. Sven-Olaf Moch
- Precision calculations for collider physics, QCD corrections at higher orders
- Top-quark physics, Higgs physics, proton structure and parton distribution functions
- Computational physics, large scale computer algebra, mathematics of nested sums and multiple polylogarithms
Prof. Dr. Gudrid Moortgat-Pick
- Higgs and BSM phenomenology at the LHC and LC
- Investigation of spin effects and beam polarization
- Calculation of scattering processes within strong external fields
Prof. Dr. Henning Moritz
- Ultracold bosonic and fermionic quantum gases
- strongly correlated and low-dimensional systems
- mesoscopic physics
Prof. Dr. Konstantinos Nikolopoulos
- Experimental investigation of the Higgs sector
- Search for dark matter
- Detector development for of particle and astro-particle physics
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Parak
- Synthesis of colloids (nano- and microparticles)
- Studying the interaction of colloids with biological matter
- applicantions in the fields of imaging, drug delivery, sensing, photoelectrochemical sensors
Prof. Dr. Arwen Pearson
Prof. Dr. Daniela Pfannkuche
- Transport and dynamics in nanostructures
- Time-dependent phenomena in correlated quantum systems
- From a few particles to many-body physics
Prof. Dr. Michael Potthoff
- Strongly correlated quantum many-body systems
- Collective phenomena and non-equilibrium processes
- Quantum statistical methods
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ralf Riedinger
Dr. Georg Rohringer
Prof. Dr. Nina Rohringer
- Inner-shell x-ray lasing
- Nonlinear x-ray processes
- Stimulated x-ray Raman scattering
Prof. Dr. Michael A. Rübhausen
- Applied Condensed Matter Spectroscopy at Interfaces and in Systems with Competing Interactions
- Time Resolved Techniques to Study the Physics and Chemistry of Transition Metal Centers in Bio-Inorganic and Condensed Matter Compounds
- Applied Biophysics and Characterizations of Compounds embedded in Fluidic Systems.
Prof. Dr. Robin Santra
- Ultrafast, light-induced phenomena in matter
- Quantum theory of multi-electron systems
- X-ray physics
Prof. Dr. Peter Schleper
- Experimental particle physics with the CMS detector at the LHC
- Higgs, supersymmetry and top quark physics
- Silicon detectors, jet calibration
Prof. Dr. Peter Schmelcher
- Nonequilibrium classical and quantum dynamics
- Ultracold Rydberg atoms and molecules
- Fundamental processes and concepts in quantum physics
Prof. Dr. Roman Schnabel
- Quantum optics and laser physics
- Gravitational-wave detection
- Entangled and squeezed light
Prof. Dr. Volker Schomerus
- String theory and gauge / string duality
- Non-perturbative quantum field theory
- Mathematical Physics
Prof. Dr. Andreas Schreyer
- Materials research on lightweight materials for structural and medical applications
- Diffraction and imaging experiments at DESY (synchrotron radiation, PETRA III) and at the MLZ (neutrons, FRM II)
- In-situ and in-operando experiments with synchrotron radiation and neutrons
Prof. Dr. Christian Schroer
- X-ray microscopy
- X-ray optics
- In-situ imaging of physical and chemical processes
Prof. Dr. Klaus Sengstock
- Ultracold bosonic and fermionic quantum gases
- Quantum simulation
- Laser physics and quantum optics
Prof. Dr. Günter Sigl
- High energy cosmic rays
- Magnetohydrodynamics in astrophysics and cosmology
- Remains of the early universe
Prof. Dr. Andreas Stierle
- Catalytic reactions on nanomaterials
- Nanoscale phenomena
- Oxidic surfaces and interfaces
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Tackmann
Dr. Andrea Thorn
- Molecular structure determination by crystallography and cryo-em
- AI-based methods for the experimental determination of macromolecules
- Integrative structural biology utilizing big data
Prof. Dr. Michael Thorwart
- Non-equilibrium quantum dynamics
- Matter-light interaction
- Dynamics of ferromagnetic domain walls
Prof. Dr. Tim Oliver Wehling
Prof. Dr. Timo Weigand
Dr. Christof Weitenberg
- Quantum gas microscopy
- Topological matter
- Machine learning in quantum physics
Prof. Dr. Günther Wiedemann
- Instrumentation
- IR-Astronomy
- Exoplanets
Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger
- Nanomagnetics und Nanospintronics
- Correlated systems and unconventional superconductivity
- Scanning probe microscopy and nanoanalysis