Quantum Matter Group
In our group, we experimentally study matter at nano-Kelvin temperatures. Using a sophisticated arrangements of laser beams and magnetic fields, we cool dilute atomic gases until the distinction between individiual atoms starts to blur. Under these extreme conditions, quantum mechanics rules supreme, with astonishing consequences: Particles may flow without friction, behave as waves and interfere with each other. New quantum states of matter emerge, such as e.g. Bose-Einstein condensates where nearly all particles gather in a single quantum state.
The experimental control achieved over ultracold quantum gases in recent years is unique within experimental physics. It is possible to control both the external and internal quantum state, change the dimensionality of the systems under study and tune the interaction strength. This microscopic access to the systems properties allows us to study fundamental issues of many-body quantum mechanics with experiment, effectively realising an analog quantum simulator. We are particularly interested in the behaviour of strongly correlated systems, where the interaction strength becomes comparable to the kinetic energy and every particle influences the behaviour of all others.