Many-Body Systems and Quantum-Statistical Methods
Prof. Dr. Michael Potthoff
Our group studies the physical properties of quantum systems consisting of a macroscopically large number of strongly interacting fermions.
These systems may show collective behavior that cannot be understood on an independent-particle level. The field covers collective magnetism, correlation-driven metal-insulator transitions, high-temperature superconductivity and unconventional states of matter in general.
We are interested in classical and quantum phase transitions in low-dimensional lattice systems and nanostructures, in elementary excitation spectra and in non-equilibrium phenomena and real-time dynamics. The employed methods range from field-theoretical techniques and exact diagonalization over (dynamical) mean-field theory and cluster techniques to (quantum) Monte-Carlo methods and density-matrix renormalization group. An important focus is on new methodical developments.
See also: Research fields
And: Publications