Soft X-Ray spectroscopy of small quantum systems
Dr. Michael Martins
(former Prof. Dr. Wilfried L. Wurth)
Our main research focus is the investigation of ultrafast electron dynamics in solids, at surfaces and in small quantum systems using light sources like the free-electron lasers FLASH at DESY in Hamburg, the Linac Coherent Light Source LCLS in Stanford or FERMI in Trieste.
Another research activity of the group is the investigation of the static electronic structure and magnetic properties of supported metal clusters using high brillance synchrotron sources like PETRA III.
A third focus area is the development of new concepts and instrumentation for spectroscopy with these sources.
In addition, we are strongly engaged in undergraduate and graduate teaching in the physics department.
We are partners in the excellence cluster „Advanced Imaging of Matter“ (CUI) and the DFG collaborative research center SFB 925 „Light induced dynamics and control of correlated quantum systems“.
With great sadness, we mourn the death of Prof. Dr. Wilfried L. Wurth
Prof. Wurth was an inspired university teacher, mentor, and supervisor. His integrity as a researcher was exemplary. We will greatly miss his warmth and amiability, his extensive knowledge, and our many conversations and discussions.
Members and alumni of Prof. Wurth’s research group at Universität Hamburg
Find obituaries for the MIN Faculty at Universität Hamburg, DESY, including its Photon Science Department, the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, and the Committee Research with Synchrotron Radiation (KFS).