Equal Opportunity
Please contact us (best via email) for an appointment.
The equal opportunnity department is divided in areas that work by mutually representing one another.
Campus Jungiusstraße | Campus Bahrenfeld | Campus Bergedorf |
PD Dr. Jens Wiebe | Prof. Dr. Daniela Pfannkuche | Dr. Pia Jakobus |
Substitute: N.N. |
Substitute: |
Substitute: |
Equal opportunity plan for the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences for 2020-2023
The plan is available as a pdf file here (only in German).
Responsibilities of the equal opportunity commissioner
The equal opportunity commissioners support the University's Institutes to promote equal treatment of men and women.
There is a full-time equal opportunity commissioner at university level and also
there is an administrative department Stabsstelle Gleichstellung, that is acting on a university-wide basis on behalf of equal opportunities.
In particular, the duties of the equal opportunity commissioner encompass the following points:
- Function as a contact person in case of any kind of discrimination
- Counselling members of the Fachbereichsrat PHYSIK (management of the Physics Department)
- Participation in committees for the assignment of academic positions (with veto-right)
- Participation in all staff procedures (from job announcements and job interviews, to the decision for an applicant)
- Advice and initiation of actions and measures for better compatibility of family and studies/job (also conflict mediation
concerning e.g. attendance of lectures, etc.) - Information about scholarships, funding opportunities, and coaching programs
- Regularly invitating to participate in the women assembly in the Physics Department
- Participation in the development of the equal opportunity plan of the MIN-faculty
Job advertisements
For the positioning of job advertisments the equal opportunity commissioners suggest international job advertisments with a duration of 4 weeksand direct contact to female (possible) applicants to enlarge the amount of successful female applicants. The mailing lists mentioned further down can be used to spread advertisments or the following selection of possible portals for job advertisments:
PhD positions:
Physics general:
Euraxess (free of charge)
Research in Germany (free of charge)
CERN (IOP Publishing, starting from 750 Euro)
APS (starting from 595 USD for 30 days)
Jobs pro Physics (starting from 480 Euro for 4 weeks)
Particle physics:
Inspire HEP (free of charge)
EAS (free of charge)
AAS (starting from 71,50 Euro per week)
Mailing lists
Mailing list of women in physics of the DPG
The mailing list of women at the physics department can be contacted by: physikfrauen"AT"min.uni-hamburg.de (you can subscribe this list here). The mailing list is used for drawing attention to job advertisments and equal opportunity activities
Women in science networks
Femconsult (Database of female scientists)
Equal opportunity website of the MIN faculty
Helpdesk of the University Hamburg for sexual harrasment
Deutsche Physikerinnentagung (German meeting of women in physics)
Women in astronomy