News5 September 2024|PublicationEccentric Black Hole Binaries Could Point to a New Fundamental ParticlePhoto: M. Koschnitzke & M. Bošković et al. (2024)Three researchers from the Quantum Universe Excellence Cluster have found that observing black hole binaries with a higher than expected orbital...Contribution from the news channel Research Highlight19 August 2024|PublicationMADMAX Prototype Searches for Dark Photon Dark Matter with Thousand-fold ImprovementPhoto: MADMAX Collaboration – Egge, J. et al. (2024)MADMAX (Magnetized Disc and Mirror Axion eXperiment) at University of Hamburg & DESY is being developed to look for Galactic axion dark matter using a...Contribution from the news channel Research Highlight14 August 2024|PublicationThe Imprint of Cosmic Strings in High Frequency Gravitational WavesPhoto: Servant, G. and Simakachorn, P. (2024)Wrinkles in the fabric of spacetime, known as cosmic strings, which might have formed in the early Universe, could be a dominant source of...Contribution from the news channel Research Highlight31 July 2024|MIN-enHow to disable a penicillin killerPhoto: Andreas Prester, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf UKE)Antibiotic resistance is a major and particularly in recent years a growing challenge in medicine. Scientists around the world are searching for new...Contribution from the news channel Advanced Imaging Highlights31 July 2024|MIN-enFrom a continuous to a discrete time crystalPhoto: AG HemmerichAn international team of physicists from Universität Hamburg, the University of the Philippines, and the University of São Paulo has recently observed...Contribution from the news channel Advanced Imaging Highlights24 July 2024|MIN-enObserved live for the first time: photocatalysts switch off a virusPhoto: Mona Kohantorabi, DESY NanoLabAn international research team led by DESY scientists has been able to observe for the first time how the whitening agent titanium dioxide inactivates...Contribution from the news channel Advanced Imaging Highlights23 July 2024|MIN-enMildred Dresselhaus Award 2024 goes to Sonia Coriani and Laura CattaneoPhoto: privateProf. Sonia Coriani from the Technical University of Denmark and Dr. Laura Cattaneo from the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics Heidelberg...Contribution from the news channel Advanced Imaging of Matter15 July 2024|PublicationCollider Probes of Electroweak Phase Transition in an Extended Higgs SectorPhoto: Kateryna Radchenko SerdulaIs the Higgs boson solitary or part of an extended sector of Higgs bosons waiting to be discovered? Could that explain the cosmic matter-antimatter...Contribution from the news channel Research Highlight10 July 2024|MIN-enLichtinduzierter Meissner-Effekt in optisch angeregtem SupraleiterPhoto: Sebastian Fava, Jörg M. HarmsSupraleitung ist ein faszinierendes Phänomen: Sie ermöglicht es einem Material, elektrischen Strom verlustfrei zu transportieren. Dieses kollektive...Contribution from the news channel Advanced Imaging Forschung9 July 2024|MIN-enArwen Pearson elected as Humboldt ScoutPhoto: UHH, RRZ/MCC Arvid MentzCUI researcher Prof. Arwen Pearson from the Institute of Nanostructure and Solid State Physics (INF) at Universität Hamburg has been elected by the...Contribution from the news channel Advanced Imaging of Matter27 June 2024|PublicationClassifying conformal field theories by means of the Leech latticePhoto: Möller, S. and Scheithauer, N. (2024)Mathematician Sven Möller (Universität Hamburg) from the Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe and his colleague Nils Scheithauer (TU Darmstadt) have...Contribution from the news channel Research Highlight26 June 2024|ForschungAlgorithms for Optimal Airport OperationsPhoto: Hamburg Airport / Oliver SorgFrom basic research to everyday use: the Institute for Quantum Physics at Universität Hamburg and the IT provider Lufthansa Industry Solutions are...Contribution from the university's newsroom26 June 2024|PublikationCorrecting the non-Linear Response of Silicon PhotomultipliersPhoto: SensorsSilicon PhotoMultipliers (SiPMs) are efficient light detectors which can sense single photons and are used in high-energy physics, medical imaging and...Contribution from the news channel Research Highlight18 June 2024|PublicationA New Spin on Neutron Star MergersPhoto: diagram and simulation by S. Rosswog et al. (2024)Neutron star mergers are among the most violent and spectacular events in the Universe. Until now, large individual spins of the neutron stars had not...Contribution from the news channel Research Highlight10 June 2024|Forschung€4.8 million for Projects on the Big Bang and the Higgs particlePhoto: Cern/Hertzog/OrdanSeveral research groups at the Department of Physics at Universität Hamburg will receive almost €5 million over the next 3 years for their joint...Contribution from the university's newsroom30 May 2024|PublikationIntroducing: the first practical Terahertz-powered ultrafast photogunPhoto: DESYA team of researchers from the Shanghai Jiao Tong University, DESY and Universität Hamburg have developed the first practical Terahertz (THz)-driven...Contribution from the news channel Advanced Imaging Highlights29 May 2024|PublikationUltrashort optical and X-ray pulses capture elusive intermediate in catalysisPhoto: Raphael JayAn international team of scientists has used visible and X-rays light to fully understand how the key intermediate structure forms before a...Contribution from the news channel Advanced Imaging Highlights22 May 2024|MIN-enScientists decipher the contribution of electrons to molecular chiralityPhoto: Ella Maru Studio, Inc.A new experimental approach provides the long-awaited tools to understand the role of electrons in the molecular chiral reactivity and offers a way to...Contribution from the news channel Advanced Imaging Highlights15 May 2024|MIN-enDeveloping future nanomedicinesPhoto: Wolfgang ParakQuantitative analysis of biodistribution and clearance can improve the development of nanoparticles tailored to diagnostic and therapeutic needs. In a...Contribution from the news channel Advanced Imaging Highlights14 May 2024|ForschungFinding the chink in corona’s armourPhoto: European XFELThe COVID-19 pandemic resulted in millions of deaths. Despite an unparalleled collaborative research effort that led to effective vaccines and...Contribution from the news channel Advanced Imaging HighlightsShow all news