ZOQ Workshop on "Bose-Einstein Condensates in Waveguides - Curvature meets Nonlinearity and Nonlocality"
The workshop will focus on the current status and future perspectives of quantum systems in curved low-dimensional traps. It will explore aspects of ultracold atoms in waveguide potentials, covering experimental techniques and theoretical approaches ranging from single particle quantum mechanics to mean field and many-body theory. Particular emphasis will be put on the interplay of curved geometry and nonlinear or nonlocal effects introduced by short or long range interactions. The workshop will offer the unique opportunity for all participants to learn about recent advances and emerging challenges in this field and to identify promising interconnections and directions for future studies.
The workshop program is online now. (PDF)
M. G. Boshier (Los Alamos, NM) | A. Rauschenbeutel (Vienna) |
D. J. Frantzeskakis (Athens) | S. Reimann (Lund) |
D. Guéry-Odelin (Toulouse) | K. Sengstock (Hamburg) |
F. Jendrzejewski (Gaithersburg, MD) | J. Stockhofe (Hamburg) |
P. G. Kevrekidis (Amherst, MA) | A. Szameit (Jena) |
B. A. Malomed (Tel Aviv) | A. Zampetaki (Hamburg) |
A. Minguzzi (Grenoble) | N. T. Zinner (Aarhus) |
G. Pupillo (Strasbourg) |
Scientific organization:
Jan Stockhofe(jan.stockhofe"AT"physnet.uni-hamburg.de)
Peter Schmelcher
Local coordination:
Anja Cordes(anja.cordes"AT"physnet.uni-hamburg.de)
This workshop is organized by the Center for Optical Quantum Technologies (ZOQ, University of Hamburg) and financed by the Körber foundation.