Scientific Guest and Visitor Programme
The Center for Optical Quantum Technologies runs an extensive scientific guest and visitors programme. Duration of visits can range from a few days up to several months. The center offers ample office space and a modern technical infrastructure that is available to the guest scientists.
In particular there exist guest laboratories in which experimentalist can perform dedicated experiments on specific setups. Discussions and collaborations with local group members and specifically PhD as well as master students contribute to the unique atmosphere at ZOQ.
Guests at the ZOQ
Name | University |
Vassos Achilleos | University of Athens |
Ofir Alon | University of Haifa |
Alberto Amo | Université Paris-Sud |
Jaqueline Bloch | Université Paris-Sud |
Doerte Blume | Washington State University |
Yiannis Brouzos | University of Athens |
Thomas Busch | Okinawa Institute |
Tommaso Calarco | University of Ulm |
Lorenz Cederbaum | University of Heidelberg |
Luca Dal Negro | Boston University |
Fotios Diakonos | University of Athens |
Andreas Dreuw | University of Heidelberg |
Michael Drewsen | Aarhus University |
Matthew Eiles | Purdue University, Westlafayette, IN |
Johannes Feist | ITAMP, Cambridge, MA |
Boris Fine | Skolkovo Insitute of Science and Technology Moscow |
Dimitri Frantzeskakis | University of Athens |
Rosario Gonzales Ferez | University of Grenada |
Hugo van der Hart | Queen's University of Belfast |
Selim Jochim | University of Heidelberg |
Stefan Jordan | University of Heidelberg |
Rene Gerritsma | University of Mainz |
Chris Greene | Purdue University, Westlafayette, IN |
Johannes Hecker Denschlag | University of Ulm |
Walter Hofstetter | Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt |
Zbigniew Idziaszek | University of Warsaw |
Krzystof Jachymski | University of Stuttgart |
Paul Julienne | University of Maryland |
Panagiotis Kalozoumis | University of Athens |
Alexandros Karanikas | University of Athens |
Panayotis Kevrekidis | University of Massachusetts |
Rainer Klages | Queen Mary University of London |
Sandra Klevansky | University of Heidelberg |
Johannes Knörzer | MPQ Munich |
Michael Köhl | University of Bonn |
Svetlana Kotochigova | Temple University |
Stefan Kuhr | University of Strathclyde |
Peter Lambropoulos | University of Crete |
Mikhail Lemeshko | ITAMP, Cambridge, MA |
Igor Lesanovsky | University of Nottingham |
Benno Liebchen | University of Edinburgh |
Vincent Liu | University of Pittsburg |
Carlos Lobo | University of Southhampton |
Javier Madronero | Technical University Munich |
Boris Malomed | University of Tel Aviv |
Uwe Manthe | University of Bielefeld |
Marco Manzoni | ICFO, Barcelona |
Florian Marquardt | University of Erlangen |
Michael Mayle | JILA Boulder, University of Colorado |
Vladimir Melezhik | Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Dubna |
Hans-Dieter Meyer | University of Heidelberg |
Kristina Meyer | University of Heidelberg |
Boris Monozon | State Marine Technical University St. Petersburg |
Giovanna Morigi | Saarland University |
Hanns-Christoph Nägerl | University of Innsbruck |
Edvardas Narevicius | Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot |
Herwig Ott | University of Kaiserslautern |
Jiannis Pachos | University of Leeds |
Vincent Pagneux | Université du Maine |
Axel Pelster | University of Kaiserslautern |
Tilman Pfau | University of Stuttgart |
Thomas Pohl | Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems |
Arno Rauschenbeutel | Vienna University of Technology |
Gerhard Rempe | Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics |
Ferruccio Renzoni | University College London |
Olivier Richoux | Université du Maine |
Enrique Rico Ortega | University of the Basque Country |
Seth Rittenhouse | ITAMP, Cambridge, MA |
Marko Robnik | University of Maribor |
Augusto S. Rodrigues | University of Porto |
Stefan Rotter | Vienna University of Technology |
H.R. Sadeghpour | ITAMP, Cambridge, MA |
Alejandro Saenz | Humboldt University of Berlin |
José Pablo Salas Ilarraza | University of La Rioja |
Tobias Schätz | University of Freiburg |
Stefan Scheel | University of Rostock |
Enrique Solano | University of the Basque Country |
Stephen Southworth | Argonne National Laboratory |
Alexander Szameit | University of Rostock |
Georgios Theocharis | Université du Maine |
Hendrik Weimer | University of Hannover |
Wolfgang Schleich | University of Ulm |
Richard Schmidt | MPQ Munich |
Walter Strunz | Technical University Dresden |
Alexander Szameit | University of Rostock |
Anand Thirumalai | Arizona State University |
Joachim Ullrich | Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig |
Artem Volosnev | Aarhus University |
Tomasz Wasak | University of Warsaw |
Roland Wester | University of Innsbruck |
Artur Widera | Technical University of Kaiserslautern |
Fei Zhou | University of British Colombia |
Workshops at the ZoQ
Current and Previous Workshops:
Workshop on Giant Interactions in Rydberg Systems 2018
WPC Workshop 'Tensor Networks from Simulation to Holography' 2017
Workshop on Local Symmetry in Wave Mechanics 2017
CUI Young Researchers Workshop 2016
Workshop on Hybrid Atomic Quantum Systems 2015
Exploratory Workshop - Rydberg Physics with Two-Electron Systems 2015