About the Institut for Quantum Physics
The Institute of Quantum Physics (IQP) comprises four experimental and two theoretical groups. Their joint aim is to research quantum physics of light and matter and explore new technological applications. Main research interests are ultra-cold quantum gases, strongly correlated quantum matter, gravitational-wave detection, the development of lasers that produce squeezed and entangled light, and the fundamental questions of quantum physics in general. For all topics we provide lectures for physics students at the University of Hamburg. The IQP is part of the physics department. It hosts the DFG-funded collaborative research centre SFB925 „Light induced dynamics and control of correlated quantum systems“, and is strongly involved in the Cluster of Excellence „Quantum Universe“ (QU), in „The Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging”, which includes the Cluster of Excellence „Advanced Imaging of Matter“ (AIM), and in “The Centre for Optical Quantum Technologies” (ZOQ).