Cosmology and Particle Physics
Tuesday July 31
09:00 | J. Orloff G. Servant |
Welcome |
09:15 | H. Murayama |
Supersymmetry: Motivations, phenomenology, dark mattercandidates, neutrinos |
10:45 | Coffee break | |
12:30 | Lunch | |
14:30 | J.-F. Grivaz |
Collider physics |
16:00 | Coffee break | |
16:30 | C. Csaki |
Phenomenology & cosmology of models with extra dimensions |
18:00 | Welcome cocktail |
Wednesday Aug. 1
09:00 | H. Murayama | Lecture 2 |
10:30 | Coffee break | |
11:00 | J.-F. Grivaz | Lecture 2 |
12:30 | Lunch | |
14:30 | C. Csaki | Lecture 2 |
16:00 | Coffee break | |
16:30 |
Thursday Aug. 2
09:00 | H. Murayama | Lecture 3 |
10:30 | Coffee break | |
11:00 | A. Blanchard |
Dark matter: motivations, distribution, simulations |
12:30 | Lunch | |
14:30 | C. Csaki | Lecture 3 |
16:00 | Coffee break | |
16:30 |
Friday Aug. 3
09:00 | H. Murayama | Lecture 4 |
10:30 | Coffee break | |
11:00 | A. Blanchard | Lecture 2 |
12:30 | Lunch | |
14:30 | C. Burgess |
Inflation |
16:00 | Coffee break | |
16:30 | Student's Session |
Saturday Aug. 4
09:00 | C. Burgess | Lecture 2 |
10:30 | Coffee break | |
11:00 | R. Taillet | Supernocae & Joint Dark Energy Mission |
12:30 | Lunch | |
14:30 | M. Tytgat |
Baryogenesis, leptogenesis |
16:00 | Coffee break | |
16:30 |
Sunday Aug. 5
No lectures: organised boat trip
Monday Aug. 6
09:00 | C. Burgess | Lecture 3 |
10:30 | Coffee break | |
11:00 | M. Tytgat | Lecture 2 |
12:30 | Lunch | |
14:30 | R. Durrer |
Cosmic microwave background |
16:00 | Coffee break | |
16:30 |
Tuesday Aug. 7
09:00 | S. Abel |
Superstring Phenomenology |
10:30 | Coffee break | |
11:00 | P. Salati |
Indirect and direct dark matter detection |
12:30 | Lunch | |
14:30 | R. Durrer | Lecture 2 |
16:00 | Coffee break | |
16:30 |
Wednesday Aug. 8
09:00 | S. Abel | Lecture 2 |
10:30 | Coffee break | |
11:00 | P. Salati | Lecture 2 |
12:30 | Lunch | |
14:30 | R. Durrer | Lecture 3 |
16:00 | Coffee break | |
16:30 |
Thursday Aug. 9
09:00 | S. Abel | Lecture 3 |
10:30 | Coffee break | |
11:00 | G. Dvali |
Cosmological Constant and fundamental theories of dark energy |
12:30 | Lunch | |
14:30 | P. Tinyakov |
Modifications of gravity |
16:00 | Coffee break | |
16:30 | C. Grojean | Colloquium: Beyong the Higgs |
19:00 | Social dinner |
Friday Aug. 10
09:00 | G. Dvali | Lecture 2 |
10:30 | Coffee break | |
11:00 | P. Salati | Lecture 3 |
12:30 | Lunch | |
14:30 | P. Tinyakov | Lecture 2 |
16:00 | Coffee break | |
16:30 | G. Dvali | Discussion Session |
Slides & Lecture Notes
- H. Murayama
Lecture 1 (PDF), Lecture 2 (PDF), Lecture 3 (PDF), Lecture 4 (PDF), Neutrino Lecture - J.-F. Grivaz
Lecture 1 & 2 (PDF) - C. Csaki
hep-ph/0404096, hep-ph/0510275, extra notes (PDF) - C. Burgess
Proceedings (PDF) - A. Blanchard
Lecture 1 (PDF), Lecture 2 (PDF) - S. Abel
Lectures 1, 2, 3 (PDF) - R. Durrer
Lectures 1 and 2 (PDF), Lecture 3 (PDF) - P. Salati
Lecture 1 (PDF), Lecture 2 (PDF), Lecture 3 (PDF) - P. Tinyakov
Lectures 1 and 2 (PDF) - G. Dvali
Lectures 1 and 2
Student's Talks
- A. Brown: Brane's tunneling
- N. Craig: Reheating metastable susy breaking sectors (PDF)
- T. Flacke: A QCD axion from a warped extra dimension
- M. Nemevsek: See-Saw at LHC (PDF)
- E. Pajer: Chasing brane inflation
- F. Riva: Non perturbative flat direction decay
- S. Rydbeck: Expansion History in f(R) modified gravity (PDF)
- M. Lisanti: Unification & Dark Matter in a minimal extension of the Standard Model (PDF)
- E. Majerotto: Deviation from a cosmological constant: a field space parametrisation (PDF)
- R. Rahman: Domain walls as probes of gravity (PDF)
- M. Regis: Multi wave length signals from a new Kaluza-Klein dark matter candidate (PDF)
- A. Salvio: A chiral asymmetry from a 5D Higgs mechanism (PDF)
- A. Cardoso: Scalar perturbations in brane world's cosmology (PDF)
- D. Konikowska: Radion stabilisation with(out) Gauss-Bonnet interactions & inflation (PDF)
- S. SCORZA: Edelweiss: direct dark matter search experiment
- W. VALKENBURG: How much of the inflaton potential do we see? (PDF)
- A. ANABALON: Symmetry breaking of the conformal group and the cosmological constant
List of Participants
- ANABALON, Andres (Lab Theor. Phys. CECS, Chile) anabalon"AT"
- BADZIAK, Marcin (Univ. Varsovie, Poland) mbadziak"AT"
- BAE, Kyu Jung (Univ. Seoul, Korea) baekj81"AT"
- BAILLY, Sean (LPTA Montpellier, France) sean_bailly"AT"
- BAZIN, Gurvan (CEA Saclay, France) gurvan.bazin"AT"
- BEBRONNE, Michael (Univ. Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium) mbebronn"AT"
- BECKER, Claude (EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland) claude.becker"AT"
- BELTRAN, José (Univ. Madrid, Spain) jobeltra"AT"
- BETTLER, Marc-Olivier (EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland) marc-olivier.bettler"AT"
- BLUM, Alexander (Max Planck Institut, Germany) ablum"AT"
- BONVIN, Camille (Dpt. Physique Genève, Switzerland) camille.bonvin"AT"
- BROWN, Adam (Univ. Columbia, United States) arb2115"AT"
- BURRAGE, Clare (Univ. Cambridge, United Kingdom) C.Burrage"AT"
- CARDOSO, Antonio (Univ. Portsmouth, United Kingdom) Antonio.Cardoso"AT"
- CID MUNOZ, Maria Antonella (Univ. De Conception, Chile) mariaant"AT"
- CRAIG, Nathaniel (Univ. Stanford, United States) ncraig"AT"
- CYR-RACINE, Francis (Mc Gill Univ., Canada) yancyr"AT"
- DAHLEN, Alexander (Princeton Univ., United States) adahlen"AT"
- ELANDER, Daniel (Swansea Univ., United Kingdom) daniel"AT"
- FARINA SIERRA, Noela (Facultat Barcelona, Spain) noela"AT"
- FERGUSSON, James (Univ. Cambridge, United Kingdom) J.Fergusson"AT"
- FERNANDEZ FAEDO, Anton (Univ. Autonoma Madrid, Spain) anton.fernandez"AT"
- FIGUEROA, Daniel (Univ. Madrid, Spain) daniel.figueroa"AT"
- FLACKE, Thomas (Univ. Oxford, United Kingdom) t.flacke1"AT"
- GANNOUJI, Radouane (LPTA Montpellier, France) gannouji"AT"
- GRANDE, Javier (Univ. Barcelone, Spain) jgrande"AT"
- GROJEAN, Christophe (CEA/CERN, France) christophe.grojean"AT"
- GROSS, Christian (Univ. Hambourg, Germany) christian.gross"AT"
- HARRIES, Nick (Univ. Oxford, United Kingdom) n.harries1"AT"
- HOSTEINS, Pierre (CEA SPhT, France) hosteins"AT"
- INDURAIN GASPAR, Javier (Univ. Zaragoza, Spain) indurain"AT"
- JOSSE-MICHAUX, François-Xavier (LPT Orsay, France) josse"AT"
- KONIKOWSKA, Dominika (Univ. Varsovie, Poland) dominika"AT"
- KOSTOUKI, Anna (King's College London, United Kingdom) anna.kostouki"AT"
- KUEHNEL, Florian (Univ. Bielefeld, Germany) kuehnel"AT"
- LAVALLE, Julien (CPPM, France) lavalle"AT"
- LI, Baojiu (Univ. Cambridge, United Kingdom) B.Li"AT"
- LISANTI, Mariangela (Univ. Stanford, United States) mlisanti"AT"
- LORENZ, Larissa (Inst. Astrophysique, France) lorenz"AT"
- LU, Hui-Ching Teresa (Univ. Cape Town, South Africa) teresa.huichinglu"AT"
- MAJEROTTO, Elisabetta (Univ. Portsmouth, United Kingdom) Elisabetta.Majerotto"AT"
- MARVEL, Katherine (Univ. Cambridge, United Kingdom) K.Marvel"AT"
- MENG, Su (Univ. Peking, China) sxsumeng"AT"
- MERLE, Alexander (Max Planck Institut, Germany) Alexander.Merle"AT"
- METHER, Lotta (Univ. Helsinki, Finland) (lotta.mether"AT"helsinki.f)
- MIDDLETON, Jonathan (Univ. Cambridge, United Kingdom) J.I.Middleton"AT"
- MISHRA, Sasmita (IIT Bombay, India) sasmita"AT"
- NELSON, William (King's College London, United Kingdom) wtn20"AT"
- NEMEVSEK, Miha (Jozef Stefan Institut, Slovenia) miha.nemevsek"AT"
- NICOLACI, Maria (Univ. Roma - INFN, Italy) maria.nicolaci"AT"
- NURMI, Sami (Univ. Helsinki, Finland) sami.nurmi"AT"
- PAJER, Enrico (Univ. Muenchen, Germany) e.pajer"AT"
- PAPINEAU, Chloé (LPT Orsay, France) chloe.papineau"AT"
- PEROTTO, Laurence (LAL - Univ. Paris Sud, France) perotto"AT"
- RAHMAN, M. Rakibur (Univ. New York, United States) mrr290"AT"
- RAIDAL, Martti (NICPB, Tallinn, Estonia) martti.raidal"AT"
- RAJAMANOHARAN, Senthooran (Univ. Cambridge, United Kingdom) S.Rajamanoharan"AT"
- REGIS, Marco (SISSA Trieste, Italy) regis"AT"
- RENAUX-PETEL, Sébastien (APC Paris, France) renaux"AT"
- RIEHM, Teresa (Stockholm Observaroty, Sweden) teresa"AT"
- RIVA, Francesco (Univ. Oxford, United Kingdom)"AT"
- ROMANO, Antonio Enea (Univ. Madison, United States) aerrea"AT"
- ROSSET, Cyrille (LAL - Univ. Paris Sud, France) rosset"AT"
- RYDBECK, Sara (Univ. Stockholm, Sweden) sararyd"AT"
- SALVIO, Alberto (EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland) alberto.salvio"AT"
- SAPONE, Domenico (Univ. Geneva, Switzerland) domenico.sapone"AT"
- SCORZA, Silvia (IPNLyon, France) sscorza"AT"
- SCOTT, Patrick (Univ. Stockholm, Sweden) pat"AT"
- SPITZER, Christopher (Univ. Washington, United States) cspitzer"AT"
- SULLY, James (Mc Gill Univ., Canada) sullyj"AT"
- SWILLENS, Quentin (Univ. Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium) qswillen"AT"
- TAJUDDIN, Nurhana (Univ. Zurich, Switzerland) nurhana"AT"
- VALKENBURG, Wessel (LAPT Annecy, France) wessel.valkenburg"AT"
- VINCENT, Aaron (Mc Gill Univ., Canada) acvincent"AT"
- VIVIER, Matthieu (CEA DSM DAPNIA, France) matthieu.vivier"AT"
- ZENHÄUSERN, Daniel (EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland) daniel.zenhaeusern"AT"
- ZIOUR, Riad (APC Paris, France) ziour"AT"
Lecture Notes
Lecture Notes will be electronically published by Proceedings of Science and will be available by the end of September on this link.
Applications must reach the School before March 5, 2007 in order to be considered by the selection committee.
The application form is available here. It should be sent by email to the secretary Catherine Pinty ( (pinty"AT" . The full cost per participant, including housing and meals, will be between 650 and 1050 euros, depending on the type of accomodation. A few grants will be available.
Some Pictures