Über Prof. Dr. Geraldine Servant
Aktivitäten vor ihrer Zeit in Hamburg
Talks and Lectures
- Gamma ray lines from Dark Matter annihilations, DESY Theory colloquium , Feb. 6 2013
- Lectures on "Introduction to fundamental concepts in particle physics", (Lect 1 (PDF), Lect 2 (PDF), Lect 3 (PDF), Lect 4 (PDF)), for CERN summer student programme (undergraduate level), CERN, 11 - 16 July 2012.
- Three lectures on "Other BSM", (Lect 1 (PDF), Lect 2 (PDF), Lect 3 (PDF)), at the European School of High Energy Physics (ESHEP2012), Anjou, 6 - 19 June 2012.
- New Physics hunting with top quarks, LAL Orsay seminar, April 16 2012
- New fermions (PDF), workshop on Implications of LHC results for TeV scale physics, CERN, March 2012.
- Cosmology and the LHC (PDF) (for astrophysicists), Bologna Feb 13 2012, Conference on astrophysics from the radio to the submillimeter, Planck and other experiments. Also in Vienna November 25 - 27 2011.
- Cosmological aspects of strongly interacting EW symmetry breaking (PDF), ICTP Trieste, Jan 25 - 27 2012, workshop on strongly coupled physics beyond the Standard Model.
- A strong 1st order phase transition at the TeV scale and its cosmological consequences, Workshop on Strong coupling and holography in cosmology, Amsterdam, 7 Nov 2011.
- New physics in top quark production (PDF), TOP2011 conference, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Sept 2011.
- Non-susy DM candidates, colloquium & lecture, at School ISAPP 2011, the dark side of the universe, 8-15 July 2011, Heidelberg.
- The electroweak phase transition (PDF), Iguacu, June 5-10 2011, Brazilian physics meeting 2011
- Natural cold baryogenesis (PDF), talk given at the Weizmann Institute, May 2, 2011 (EW baryogenesis workhop)
- Search for new physics in top-pair and four-top production at the LHC (PDF), talk given at CERN, CEA Saclay & IFAE Barcelona in March & April 2011.
- Cosmological aspects of EW symmetry breaking, talk given at the Madrid Christmas Workshop, Dec. 2010.
- Two lectures on Cosmological and astroparticle aspects of physics beyond the Standard Model, lect 1: mainly DM (PDF), lect 2: mainly baryogenesis (PDF), Corfu Summer Institute Sept 3, 2010 & Sept 27-28 2010, Mainz U.
- Probing the EW scale (and beyond) with gravity waves (PDF), talk given at SEWM 2010, July 1 2010, McGill U., Montreal.
- Four-top events at the LHC from top-philic new physics (PDF), talk given at Physics at LHC 2010, June 7 2010, DESY, Hamburg.
- Higgs in Space! (PDF), for the CERN Theoretical Seminar, January 20 2010, CERN. Also given at the LC09 workshop on Sept 23 2009, Perugia, at the Warsaw workshop on Feb 6, in Odense CP3-origins on Feb 15, at Moriond EW2010 and at ETH Zurich on March 16.
- Dirac neutrino Dark Matter & top-philic Z', for the CLIC09 workshop, October 14 2009, CERN.
- Cosmology and the Particle Accelerator Connection (PDF), for the 4th CERN-Fermilab Hadron Collider Physics Summer School June 11 2009, CERN.
- New Phenomena at the TeV scale: What to expect?, Review talk for the Rencontre de Physique des Particules 2009, March 23-25 2009, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau.
- Multi W events at the LHC from new heavy quarks (PDF), at the KITP conference Anticipating physics at the LHC, June 2-6 2008, UC Santa Barbara. Also given at the workshop Monte Carlo Tools for Beyond the Standard Model Physics, March 10-11 2008, CERN.
- Probing the Electroweak scale (and beyond) with gravity waves (PDF), U. Berkeley, U. Neuchatel, Pisa, Cern, U. Geneve (2006-2008)
- Introduction a la cosmologie (PDF), two lectures for the ``French Teachers Programme", CERN, April 13-18 2008.
- Dark Matter & the electroweak scale (PDF), TeV Particle Astrophysics 2007, 27-31 August. 2007, Venice
- Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background in RS models, Rethinking Gravity, Tucson, Jan. 2007
- Is Randall Sundrum a viable theory and can it be tested at the ILC? (PDF), International Linear Collider Workshop, Valencia, Nov 2006.
- Two lectures on baryogenesis: Beyond the Standard Model, First Rio-Saclay meeting, Rio, Dec 2006
- Kaluza-Klein Dark matter, a review (PDF): Aspen winter conference 05,Les Houches Physics @ TeV colliders 05
- 4W events @ LHC, flavour@LHC workshop, CERN, Oct 2006
- Selected topics in extra dimensional cosmology (1st lecture only (PDF), second on black board), Les Houches summer school, Aug. 2006
School and Conference Organisation
- Across the TeV frontier with the LHC, International Cargese Summer School,
- Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargese, August 20 - September 01, 2012
- Theory Institute "BSM physics", CERN, June 18 - 29 2012
- Theory Institute "Dark Matter underground and in the heavens", CERN, July 18 - 29 2011
- Vth International Workshop on the interconnections between particle physics & cosmology, CERN, June 14 - 18 2011
- PONT D'Avignon 2011: Progress on Old and New Themes in Cosmology, Avignon, France, April 18 - 22 2011
- Physics at TeV colliders: From Tevatron to LHC, Cargese Summer School, Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargese, July 19 -31 2010
- Planck 2010: From the Planck scale to the EW scale, CERN, 31 May - 4 June 2010
- ENTApP dark matter workshop, CERN-TH, February 2 - 6 2009
- PONT D'Avignon 2008: Progress on Old and New Themes in Cosmology, Avignon, France, April 21 -25 2008
- Cosmology and particle physics beyond the Standard Models, Cargese Summer School, July 30 - Aug 11 2007, PROCEEDINGS and Lecture notes / Slides
- ENTApP visitor programme & workshop on dark matter, CERN-TH, March. 2007
- Planck06: From the EW scale to the Planck scale, Paris, May 29-June 2 2006
- CERN TH Cosmo Coffee
- CERN Particle & Astroparticle Physics Seminar
- "Alternatives" session of SUSY2012, Beijing, August 13-18 2012.
- International workshop on Linear Colliders 2010 (ECFA-CLIC-ILC), Cosmology sessions, (summary (PDF)), Geneva, Oct 18-22 2010.
- GDR Terascale, in Clermont April 2012, - GDR Terascale@Grenoble, 30th - 31th March 2009, "Alternatives" plenary and parallel sessions, GDR Terascale in Brussels, Nov 3th - 5th 2010, GDR Terascale@Lyon April 18-20 2011
- TeV Particle Astrophysics 2007, Venice, Aug. 2007; TeV particle Physics session
- New Views of the Universe, Kavli Institute Inaugural Symposium in Honor of David Schramm, Dec. 2005; Dark Matter session
Other Advisory and Scientific Committees
- Munich Institute for Astro- and Particle Physics (MIAPP)
- The 2011 Hadron Collider Physics School, CERN, June 8th -17th 2011
- Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargese
- Rencontres de Physique des Particules, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013