Lecture Notes and Talks
- Compactifications on generalized geometries (PDF), J. Louis,
Prepared for Symposium in Honor of Julius Wess on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday, Munich, Germany, 10-11 Jan 2005. Published in Fortsch.Phys.54:146-159, 2006. - Generalized Calabi-Yau compactifications with D-branes and fluxes (PDF), J. Louis,
Lectures given at RTN workshop "The quantum structure of space and time and the geometric nature of fundamental interactions'', Kolymbari, Greece, September 2004 and the "Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics'', ICTP, Trieste, March 2005, Fortschr. Phys. 53, (2005) 770. - Stringtheorie: Auf der Suche nach der Weltformel (PDF), J. Louis,
Vortrag auf Sylter Wissenschaftsommer 2005 - Particles and Strings - Probing the Structure Matter and Space-Time (PDF), J. Louis,
Plenary talk, DPG-Jahrestagung, Berlin, März 2005 - String Theorie - Status und Perspektivien (PDF), J. Louis,
Kolloquium, Heidelberg, Juni 2003 - String theory and particle physics (PDF), J. Louis,
Talk in the TESLA Seminar, Hamburg, April 2003 - GUTS & Branes (PDF), J. Louis,
Kolloquium, Halle, Dezember 2002 - Physik von Materie, Raum und Zeit (PDF), J. Louis,
KET-Symposium: Teilchenphysik in Deutschland, Bonn, November 2002 - String theory and particle physics (PDF), J. Louis,
Talk given at the conference `From Hadrons to Strings' , Heidelberg, June 2000 - Phenomenological Aspects of String Theory (PDF), J. Louis,
Lectures given at the Strong Interaction Study Days `String Theory', organized by the Graduiertenkolleg Erlangen-Regensburg, Oct. 19 - Oct. 21, 1999, Kloster Banz - Moduli Spaces of Calabi-Yau Compactifications (PDF), J. Louis,
Four lectures presented at the 1999 NATO-ASI on `Quantum Geometry'' in Akureyri, Iceland - Phenomenological Aspects of String Theory (PDF), J. Louis,
Lectures at Trieste Spring School, March 1998, - Supersymmetry and Duality in Various Dimensions (PDF), B. de Wit, J. Louis,
Lectures at Trieste Spring School, March 1997, and Cargese, May 1997 - Holomorphic Couplings in String Theory (PDF), J. Louis, K. Förger
Lectures at Trieste Spring School, March 1996, - Duality in String Theory (PDF), S. Förste, J. Louis,
Lectures given in London, July 1996,
Selected papers not available on the arXiv
- Non-Harmonic Gauge Coupling Constants in Supersymmetry and Superstring Theory,
J. Louis, Talk at PASCOS 1991 (PDF), - Moduli-Dependence of String Loop Corrections to Gauge Coupling Constants,
L. Dixon, V. Kaplunovsky, J. Louis, Nucl. Phys. B355 (1991) 649 (PDF), - On Effective Field Theories Describing (2,2) Vacua of the Heterotic String,
L. Dixon, V. Kaplunovsky, J. Louis, Nucl. Phys. B329 (1990) 27 (PDF),