MassQ - Massive object Quantum physics
ERC funding 2014 - 2020
There are currently two fundamental theories successfully describing our world: Quantum theory e.g. accurately predicts the absorption and emission of light by atoms, while the general theory of relativity is concerned with gravitation, the force emanating from masses which governs the dynamics of planets, galaxies and black holes.
One challenge of modern physics is the unification of the two in one overarching theory. To do so, we deem experiments dealing with both gravitation and quantum mechanics an important step. The aim of MassQ is the quantum mechanical entanglement of two massive mirrors which are heavy enough such that in principle their gravitational forces can be observed. The proposed experiment could potentially lead to surprising observations right at the interface of quantum mechanics and general relativity.
This project received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 339897 (2014 - 2020)