Zeitschriften von A-Z
Das Zeitschriftenverzeichnis erfasst alle von der Bibliothek des Fachbereichs Physik laufend gehaltenen und früher bezogenen Zeitschriften. Alle an der Jungiusstrasse aufgestellten Zeitschriften sind seit März 1991 zentral im Lesesaal (LS) bzw. im Magazin (M) frei zugänglich aufgestellt. Die sich am Standort Bahrenfeld befindenden Zeitschriften (BA) sind im Lesesaal der dortigen Bibliothek ebenfalls frei zugänglich.
Die zur Fortsetzung gehaltenen Serien sind im Teil I verzeichnet.
Die Titel sind alphabetisch nach der mechanischen Wortfolge geordnet, wobei nur der erste Artikel übergangen wird. Zeitschriften, die ihren Titel geändert haben, sind sowohl unter dem alten, als auch unter dem neuen Titel mit den entsprechenden Veweisungen aufgeführt.
Seit Anfang 1997 sind zahlreiche Zeitschriften als Online-Zeitschriften elektronisch im Volltext verfügbar.
Alphabetische Übersicht Erklärung der Abkürzungen
Titel | Bestand | Standort | |
Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Hamburger Universität. Leipzig |
1 (1922)- 5 (1927) L 6 (1928) |
M | |
Abhandlungen der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Math. Naturwiss. Klasse. Berlin |
1939 - 1942 L 1943 - 1944 |
M | |
Abhandlungen und Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg. Neue Folge |
6 (1961) - 20 (1977) | M | |
Acta Crystallographica. Kopenhagen | 1 (1948) - 23 (1967) | M | |
Acta Crystallographica. Forts. in: Acta Crystallographica. Sect. A |
24 (1968) - 37 (1981) | M | |
Acta Electronica. Limeil-Brévannes |
6 (1962) - 11 (1968) | M | |
Acta Metallurgica Elmsford, N.Y. |
5 (1957) - 8 (1960) 12 (1964) - 17 (1969) |
M M |
Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. Budapest |
1 (1951) - 15 (1963) | M | |
Acta Physica Austriaca. Wien Supplemente s.: Alphabet. Katalog |
3 (1950) - 54 (1982) 1 (1964) - 8 (1971) |
M M |
Acta Physica Austriaca. New Series s.: Few Body Systems |
Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica. Prag |
15 (1974) - 37 (1996) L = 21,H.1 (1980) |
M | |
Advances in Physical Sciences. Moskau Forts. in: Soviet Physics USPEKHI |
61 (1957) - 63 (1957) | LS | |
Advances in Physics. (A Quarterly Supplement of the Philosophical Magazine). London |
8 (1959) - 49 (2000) 50 (2001) - |
SM M |
American Journal of Physics. New York |
18 (1950) - | M | |
Angewandte Chemie. Weinheim |
L 59 (1947) - 62 (1950) 77 (1965) - 85 (1973) |
M M |
Annalen der Physik. Leipzig Poggendorff |
2. Folge |
1 (1824) - 160 (1877) |
M |
Annalen der Physik. Leipzig Poggendorff |
fehlend: 31 (1834) - 33 (1834) fehlend: 46 (1838) fehlend: 49 (1840) - 50 (1840) |
Annalen der Physik. Leipzig Erg. Bde Wiedemann Drude |
3. Folge 4. Folge 5. Folge 6. Folge 7. Folge 8. Folge |
1 (1842) - 8 (1874) 1 (1877) - 69 (1899) 1 (1900) - 87 (1928) fehlend: 49 (1916) 1 (1929) - 42 (1942) 1 (1947) - 20 (1957) 1 (1958) - 48 (1991) 1 (1992) -529 (2017) Printversion vom Verlag eingestellt. |
Annalen der Physik. Leipzig Poggendorff Beiblätter s. dort |
Annalen der Physik und Chemie. s.: Annalen der Physik |
Annales de Chimie et de Physique. Paris Forts. in: Annales de Physique |
Serie 2 Serie 3 Serie 4 Serie 5 Serie 6 Serie 7 Serie 8 |
2 (1816) - 75 (1840) 1 (1841) - 69 (1863) 1 (1864) - 30 (1873) 1 (1874) - 30 (1883) 1 (1884) - 30 (1893) 1 (1894) - 30 (1903) 1 (1904) - 30 (1913) |
M M M M M M M |
Annales de Physique. Paris Forts. von: Annales de Chimie et de Physique |
Serie 9 Serie 10 Serie 11 Serie 12 Serie 13 Serie 14 Serie 15 |
1 (1914) - 20 (1923) 1 (1924) - 14 (1930) fehlt 4 (1949) - 10 (1955) 1 (1956) - 10 (1965) 1 (1966) - 9 (1975) 1 (1976) - 7 (1982) |
M M M M M M |
Annals of Physics. New York |
1 (1957) - 238 (1995) |
SM |
Applications of Surface Science. Amsterdam Forts. in: Applied Surface Science |
1 (1977) - 23 (1985) | SM | |
Applied Optics. New York |
7 (1968) - | BA | |
Applied Physics. Berlin Forts. in: Applied Physics. A Solids and Surfaces Applied Physics. B Photophysics and Laser Chemistry Applied Physics Express Tokyo Forts. von: Japanese Journal Applied Physics Letters |
1 (1973) - 25 (1981) 26 (1981) - 72 (2001) 73 (2001) - 26 (1981) - 1 (2008) - 6 (2013) |
Applied Physics. London s. Journal of Physics D |
Applied Physics Letters. New York |
92 (2008) - 103 (2013) 1 (1962) - 91 (2007) |
M SM |
Applied Radiation and Isotopes. s.: International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes |
Applied Scientific Research. B. Electrophysics, Acoustics, Optics, Mathematical Methods. Den Haag |
5 (1956) - 12 (1965/66) | M | |
Applied Scientific Research. Den Haag |
16 (1966) - 39 (1982) | M | |
Applied Surface Science. Amsterdam Forts. von: Applications of Surface Science |
24 (1985) - 202 (2002) 203 (2003) - 236 (2004) |
SM M |
Archiv der elektrischen Übertragung. Wiesbaden |
1 (1947) - 23 (1969) | M | |
Archiv für technisches Messen. ATM München Forts. in: Technisches Messen TM |
Lfg. 1 (1931) - 479 (1975) Lücken=1974 u. 1975 |
M | |
Arkiv för Fysik. Stockholm Erscheinen eingestellt. Wird fortgesetzt in: Physica Scripta |
6 (1953) - 40 (1969/74) | M | |
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Berlin |
30 (1974) - 80 (1979) | M | |
Astrophysical Journal, The Chicago |
18 (1903) - 90 (1939) 109 (1949) - 234 (1979) |
M M |
Astrophysics and Space Science. Dordrecht |
1 (1968) - 66 (1979) Lücken=16 (1972) |
M | |
AT + T Technical Journal. New York. Erscheinen eingestellt Vol. 63 (1984) u. d. Titel: AT + T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal Forts. von: Bell System. Technical Journal |
64 (1985) - 75 (1996) |
M |
ATM s.: Archiv für technisches Messen. ATM |
Atomic and Molecular Physics. London s.: Journal of Physics. B |
Atomic Data. London Forts. in: Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables |
1 (1969) - 5 (1973) | M | |
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables. New York Forts. von: Atomic Data und von Nuclear Data Tables |
12 (1973) - 58 (1994) | M | |
Atomkernenergie. München | 1 (1956) - 12 (1967) | M | |
Atompraxis. Karlsruhe Forts. in: Kerntechnik. Vereinigt mit Atompraxis |
13 (1967) - 16 (1970) | M | |
Atomwirtschaft. Atomtechnik. Düsseldorf | 16 (1971) - 28 (1983) | M | |
Australian Journal of Physics. Melbourne | 8 (1955) - 35 (1982) | M | |
Beiblätter zu den Annalen der Physik. Leipzig | 1 (1877) - 43 (1919) | M | |
Bell Laboratories Record. Murray Hill, N.Y. | L 43 (1965) - 54 (1976) | M | |
Bell System. Technical Journal. Murray Hill, N.Y. Forts. in: AT + T Technical Journal |
25 (1946) - 62 (1983) | M | |
Berichte der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft. Braunschweig s.: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft. Reihe II |
Bild der Wissenschaft. Stuttgart |
6 (1969) - L 10 (1974) - 13 (1976) L 15 (1978) Bd. 35 T.2 fehlt |
M |
British Journal of Applied Physics. London Forts. in: Journal of Physics. D Applied Physics |
1 (1950) - 18 (1967) | SM | |
Bulletin Analytique. Paris | Section III Section IV |
12 (1951) - 15 (1954) 12 (1951) - 17 (1956) |
M M |
Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences. Académie Royale de Belgique. Brüssel |
Serie 5 | 46 (1960) - 53 (1967) | M |
Bulletin of the American Physical Society. New York |
Serie 2 |
24 (1949) - 27 (1952) 1 (1956) - 27 (1982) |
M M |
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Chicago |
10 (1954) - 20 (1964) | M | |
Bureau of Standards. Journal of Research. s.: Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards |
Canadian Journal of Physics. Ottawa | 33 (1955) - 59 (1981) | M | |
Case Studies in Atomic Physics. Amsterdam Erscheinen eingestellt. Forts. in: Physics Reports. Sect. C of Physics Letters |
s: AK 34.00 CAS |
3 (1969) - 5 (1975) | BA |
Central-Zeitung für Optik und Mechanik, Elektrotechnik und verwandte Berufszweige. Berlin | 23 (1902) - 33 (1912) | M | |
Chemical Physics Letters. Amsterdam | 18 (1973) - 122 (1985) | M | |
Commentationes Physico-Matematicae. Helsinki | 19 (1957) - 49 (1979) L 40 (1970) u. 49 (1979) |
M | |
Comments on Astrophysics and Space Physics. London | 1 (1969) - 8 (1978/80) L 1 (1969) u. 4 (1972) |
M | |
Comments on Atomic and Molecular Physics. London | 1 (1969) - 34 (1998/99) | M | |
Comments on Condensed Matter Physics. London Forts. von: Comments on Solid State Physics |
12 (1985/86) - 17 (1994/96) | M | |
Comments on Modern Physics: Part A. Comments on Nuclear and Particle Physics Part B. Comments on Solid State Physics Part C. Comments on Astrophysics and Space Physics Part D. Comments on Atomic and Molecular Physics. |
Comments on Nuclear and Particle Physics. London | 1 (1967) - 22 (1996/98) | LS | |
Comments on Solid State Physics. London Forts. in: Comments on Condensed Matter Physics |
1 (1968) - 11 (1983/85) | LS | |
Communications from the Laboratory of Physics at the University of Leiden. (Später u.d.T.: Communications from the Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory of the Univ. of Leiden.) Leiden |
1 (1885/94)- 23 (1938/42) | M | |
Communications in Mathematical Physics. Berlin | 1 (1965) - 96 (1984) | M | |
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Paris Teilung in: |
256 (1963) - 261 (1965) | M | |
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Série A. Sciences Mathématiques Série B. Sciences Physiques. Vie Académique |
262 (1966) - 273 (1971) | M | |
Contemporary Physics. London | 1 (1960) - 24 (1983) | M | |
CRC Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences. Cleveland Forts. von: Critical Reviews in Solid State Sciences. |
1 (1970) - 8 (1978/79) | SM | |
Critical Reviews in Solid State Sciences. Cleveland | 9 (1980) - 25 (2000) 26 (2001) - |
SM M |
Cryogenics. Guildford, Surrey | 1 (1960/61) - 18 (1978) 22 (1982) - 50 (2010) |
LS | |
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Prag Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. B |
3 (1953) - 10 (1960) 11 (1961) - 31 (1981) L 24 (1974) |
M M |
Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, det Kongelige s.: Matematisk-Fysiske Meddelelser udgivet af det Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. |
Danske Videnskabernes Skrifter s.: Matematisk-Fysiske Skrifter udgivet af det Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. |
Discovery. Norwich | 8 (1947) - 13 (1952) | M | |
Electrical Engineering Abstracts. London ab Vol. 69 (1966): Electrical and Electronics Abstracts |
50 (1957) - 70 (1967) | M | |
Electronic Engineering. London | 29 (1957) - 34 (1962) | M | |
Elektor. Gangelt | 2 (1971) - | LS | |
Elektronenmikroskopie. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Elektronenmikroskopie. Stuttgart |
1 (1990) - 28 (2007) | LS | |
Elektronik. München | 4 (1955) - 21 (1972) - 30 (1981) |
Elektroniker, Der Aarau |
7 (1968) - 23 (1984) | M | |
Elektronische Rundschau. Berlin Forts. in: Internationale Elektronische Rundschau |
9 (1955) - 16 (1962) | M | |
Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift. (Zentralblatt für Elektrotechnik), Berlin |
1 (1880) - 52 (1931) 61 (1940) - 64 (1943) 69 (1948) - 90 (1969) |
Elrad. Magazin für Elektronik und technische Rechneranwendung. Mit der Elektroniker. Hannover |
1992 - 1998, H.8 | M | |
Endeavour. Deutsche Ausgabe, London | 6 (1947) - 35 (1976) 33 (1974) vermisst |
LS | |
Endeavour, New Series, London | 1 (1977) - 23 (1999) | SM | |
Energiediskussion. Karlsruhe Sprinkenhof AG |
1979 - 1981 | M | |
European Journal of Physics. London | 4 (1983) - | LS | |
European Physical Journal / Applied Physics Forts. von: Journal de Physique III. Applied Physics, Materials Science, Fluids, Plasma and Instrumentation. |
1 (1998) - 76 (2016) |
LS |
European Physical Journal A. Hadrons and Nuclei Forts. von: Zeitschrift für Physik A. Hadrons and Nuclei |
1 (1998) - 3 (1998) 4 (1998) - |
BA |
European Physical Journal B. Condensed Matter Physics Forts. von: Journal de Physique I. General Physics, Statistical Physics, Condensed Matter, Crross Disciplinary Physics Forts. von: Zeitschrift für Physik B. Condensed Matter and Quanta |
1 (1998) - |
LS |
European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields Forts. von: Zeitschrift für Physik C. Particles and Fields |
1 (1998) - 5 (1998) 6 (1999) - 32 (2003) |
SM II. Th |
European Physical Journal D. Atomic, molecular and optical physics Forts. von: Journal de Physique II. Atomic Molecular and Cluster Physics, Chemical Physics, Mechanics and Hydrodynamics Forts. von: Zeitschrift für Physik D. Atoms, Molecules and Clusters |
1 (1998) - 1 (1998) - |
Europhysics Letters. Paris Forts. von: Journal de Physique. Lettres und Lettere al Nuovo Cimento |
1 (1986) - 76 (2006) | BA | |
Experimentelle Technik der Physik. Berlin | 1 (1953) - 30 (1982) | M | |
Faraday Transactions. s.: Journal of the Chemical Society Faraday Transactions |
Feinwerktechnik und Messtechnik. F & M München Forts. von: Messtechnik |
82 (1974) - 92 (1984) | M | |
Few Body Systems. Acta Physica Austriaca. NS./Wien |
1 (1986) - 19 (1995) | SM | |
Fizika. Zagreb Forts. in: |
1 (1968) - 23 (1991) L 12 (1980) |
M | |
Fizika A: Atomic and Molecular Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Plasma Physics | 1 (1992) - 19 (2010) | M | |
Fizika B: General Physics, Nuclear Physics, Particles and Fields | 1 (1992) - 19 (2010) | M | |
Forschungsberichte aus Technik und Naturwissenschaften. Weinheim | 7 (1979) - 10 (1982) | M | |
Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen. Hamburg | 1 (1897) - 42 (1930) | SM | |
Fortschritte der Physik Berlin. | 1 (1953) - 32 (1984) | M | |
Fortschritte der Physik im Jahre ..., Die Berlin |
1 (1845) - 74 (1918) | M | |
Frequenz, Berlin. | 1 (1947) - 23 (1969) | M | |
Fresenius Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie. Berlin | 135 (1952) - 282 (1976) | M | |
Funkschau. München | 32 (1960) - 61 (1989) 36 (1964) - 39 (1967) |
M SM |
General Physics. London s.: Journal of Physics. A |
General Relativity and Graviation. New York | 1 (1970) - 6 (1975) L 4 (1973) u. 13 (1981) |
M | |
Glas- und Hochvakuumtechnik. Forts. u. d. Titel: Vakuumtechnik |
Helvetica Physica Acta. Basel (bis Bd. 57 (1984) DLG der SUB) und Supplemente s.: alphabet. Katalog |
1 (1928) - 17 (1944) 18 (1945) - 68 (1995) |
M M |
Hyperfine Interactions. Amsterdam | 2 (1976) - 13 (1983) | M | |
Hyperfine Interactions Amsterdam | 1 (1975) - 133 (2001) |
BA |
IEEE Electron Device Letters. New York | 9 (1988) - 31.(2010) | SM | |
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. New York |
5 (1969) - 46 (2010) | BA | |
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, New York | 4 (1968) - 11 (1975) 25 (1989) - 46 (2010) |
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. New York Forts. von: IRE Transactions on Nucelar Science |
10 (1963) - 42 (1995) | SM | |
Infrared Physics. Oxford | 16 (1976) - 35 (1994) | SM | |
International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes. Oxford | 21 (1970) - 35 (1984) | M | |
International Journal of Electronics. London Forts. von: Journal of Electronics and Control |
18 (1965) - 51 (1981) | M | |
International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves. New York | 1 (1980) - 15 (1994) | SM | |
International Journal of Magnetism. New York | 1 (1970) - 6 (1974) | M | |
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics. Amsterdam | 1 (1968) - 61 (1984) | M | |
International Journal of Modern Physics. B Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Physics, Applied Physics. Singapore |
1 (1987) - 8 (1994) | LS | |
International Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics. Singapore Forts. in: Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials |
1 (1992) - 3 (1994) | LS | |
International Journal of PIXE. Singapore | 1 (1990) - 12 (2002) | LS | |
Internationale Elektronische Rundschau. Berlin Forts. von: Elektronische Rundschau Forts. in: Nachrichten Elektronik |
17 (1963) - 29 (1975) |
M |
Inverse Problems. Bristol | 1 (1985) - 18 (2002) | BA | |
IRE Transactions on Nuclear Science. New York Forts. in: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science |
1 (1954) - 9 (1962) | LS | |
Jahrbuch der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin | 1939 - 1941 | M | |
Jahrbuch der Radioaktivität und Elektronik. Leipzig | 1 (1904) - 20 (1923) | M | |
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. Tokyo ab Vol. 21 (1982) Pt. 1: Regular Papers & Short Notes Pt. 2: Letters Pt. 2 (ab 2008): Applied Physics Express |
JETP Letters. New York | 1 (1965) - 1 (1965) - 42 (1985) |
Journal de Physique. Paris Forts. von: Journal de Physique et le Radium Forts. in: Journal de Physique I, II. |
24 (1966) - 51 (1990) |
LS |
Journal de Physique. Colloque Forts. in: Journal de Physique IV |
27 (1966) - 51 (1990) | BA | |
Journal de Physique.Lettres Forts. in: Europhysics Letters Suppl.: Revue de Physique Appliquée |
35 (1974) - 46 (1985) |
LS |
Journal de Physique I General Physics, Statistical Physics, Condensed Matter, Cross Disciplinary Physics Les Ulis Cedex A Forts. in: European Physical Journal B Condensed Matter Physics |
1 (1991) - 12 (2002) |
LS |
Journal de Physique II Atomic, Molecular and Cluster Physics, Chemical Physics, Mechanics and Hydrodynamics Forts. in: European Physical Journal D Atoms, molecules and optical physics |
1 (1991) - 7 (1997) |
LS |
Journal de Physique III Applied Physics, Materials Science, Fluids, Plasma and Instrumentation. Forts. von: Revue de Physique Appliquée Forts. in: European Physical Journal Applied Physics |
1 (1991) - 7 (1997) |
LS |
Journal de Physique IV, Colloque ab 1998: Proceedings |
1 (1991) - 131 (2005) | BA | |
Journal de Physique et le Radium. Paris Forts. in: Journal de Physique |
Serie 8 | 1 (1940) - 5 (1944) 7 (1946) - 23 (1962) |
M LS |
Journal of Applied Physics. New York (Bd. 1(1931) - 18(1947) u. ab Bd. 54(1983) DLG der SUB) Forts. von: Physics |
1 (1931) - 15 (1944) |
M SM |
Journal of Chemical Physics. New York |
1 (1933) - 12 (1944) 13 (1945) - 102 (1995) |
M SM |
Journal of Crystal Growth. Amsterdam | 32 (1976) - 246 (2002) 247 (2003) - 413 (2014) |
Journal of Electron Microscopy. Tokyo | 2 (1954) - 31 (1982) | M | |
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. Amsterdam | 1 (1972) - 69 (1993) | SM | |
Journal of Electronics and Control. London Forts. in: International Journal of Electronics. |
6 (1959) - 17 (1964) | M | |
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Forts. von: Soviet Physics JETP Woodbury, New York |
76 (1993) - | LS | |
Journal of Low Temperature Physics. New York |
1 (1969) - 125 (2001) 126 (2002) - |
Journal of Luminescence. Amsterdam |
1 (1970) - 156 (2014) |
BA |
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Amsterdam |
7 (1978) - 253 (2002) 254 (2003) - 424 (2016) |
Journal of Materials Research. Pittsburgh | 1 (1986) - 16 (2001) | LS | |
Journal of Mathematical Physics.New York | 1 (1960) - 40 (1999) | SM | |
Journal of Mathematical Sciences. University of Tokyo Forts. von: Scientific Papers of the College of Arts and Sciences. The University of Tokyo |
1 (1994) - |
M |
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids.Amsterdam | 17 (1975) - 26 (1977) | M | |
Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials Forts. von: International Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics, Singapore |
4 (1995) - 12 (2003) | LS | |
Journal of Nuclear Energy. Including the Soviet Journal of Atomic Energy. London |
1 (1954) - 9 (1959) | M | |
Journal of Nuclear Energy. Parts A & B. Reactor Science and Technology. London |
14 (1961) - 21 (1967) | M | |
Journal of Nuclear Energy. Part B: Reactor Technology. London |
1 (1959) - 3 (1962) | M | |
Journal of Nuclear Energy. Part C. s.: Plasma Physics |
Journal of Optics. Paris Forts. von: Nouvelle Revue d'Optique |
8 (1977) - 11 (1980) | M | |
Journal of Physical and Colloid Chemistry. s.: Journal of Physical Chemistry |
Journal of Physical Chemistry, The. Baltimore |
L 42 (1938) - 44 (1940) 53 (1949) - 66 (1962) L 55 (1951) |
M M |
Journal of Physics. A, B, C. Forts. von: Proceedings of the Physical Society. London |
Journal of Physics. A General Physics. London ab Vol. 8 (1975): Mathematical and General |
Serie 2 |
1 (1968) - 31 (1998) |
SM |
Journal of Physics. B Atomic and Molecular Physics. London ab Vol. 21 (1988): Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics |
Serie 2 | 1 (1968) - 31 (1998) |
SM |
Journal of Physics. C Solid State Physics. London Forts. in: Journal of Physics Condensed Matter |
Serie 2 | 1 (1968) - 21 (1988) |
SM |
Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter Bristol Forts. von: Journal of Physics C + F |
1 (1989) - 10 (1998) |
SM |
Journal of Physics. D Applied Physics. London Forts. von: British Journal of Applied Physics |
Serie 2 |
1 (1968) - 31 (1998) |
SM |
Journal of Physics. E Scientific Instruments. London Forts. von: Journal of Scientific Instruments Forts. in: Measurement Science and Technology |
Serie 2 |
1 (1968) - 22 (1989) |
SM |
Journal of Physics F. Metal Physics. London Forts. in: Journal of Physics Condensed Matter |
1 (1971) - 18 (1988) |
SM |
Journal of Physics G. Nuclear Physics. London ab Vol. 15 (1989): Nuclear & Particle Physics |
1 (1975) - 21 (1995) |
SM |
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. Oxford | 1 (1956) - 55 (1994) | SM | |
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. Oxford | 5 (1965) - 14 (1974) | M | |
Journal of Research. Bureau of Standards. Washington | 1 (1928) - 12 (1934) | M | |
Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards. Washington Section A: Physics and Chemistry |
13 (1934) - 22 (1939) 58 (1957) - 62 (1959) 63 (1959) - 70 (1966) L 71 (1967) |
M M M |
Journal of Scientific Instruments. London Forts. in: Journal of Physics. E |
17 (1940) - 21 (1944) 22 (1945) - 44 (1967) |
M SM |
Journal of Statistical Physics. New York | 1 (1969) - 102 (2001) 103 (2001) - 113 (2003) |
Journal of Superconductivity. New York | 8 (1995) - 18 (2005) LS | ||
Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday Transactions II. Chemical Physics. London Forts. von: Transactions of the Faraday Society ab Vol. 86 (1990): Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday Transactions. Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics |
68 (1972) - 90 (1994) |
LS |
Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Manchester, NH | 111 (1964) - 123 (1976) L 115 (1968) u.122 (1975) |
M | |
Journal of the Optical Society of America. New York Forts. in: |
1 (1917) - 34 (1944) 35 (1945) - 73 (1983) 59 (1969) - 63 (1973) |
Journal of the Optical Society of America. A Optics and Image Science |
1 (1984) - |
BA |
Journal of the Optical Society of America. B Optical Physics |
1 (1984) - | BA | |
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. Tokyo |
1 (1946) - 13 (1958) - 41 (1976) |
Journal of the Scientific Research Institute. Tokyo Forts. in: Scientific Papers of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research |
44 (1949) - 51 (1957) | M | |
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. New York Forts. in: |
5 (1968) - 21 (1982) | LS | |
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. A Vacuum, Surfaces and Films |
2nd Ser. | 1 (1983) - 19 (2001) | LS |
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. B Microelectronics Processing and Phenomena ab Vol. 9 (1990): Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures Processing Measurement and Phenomena |
2nd Ser. |
1 (1983) - 19 (2001) |
LS |
Kerntechnik. vereinigt mit: Atompraxis. München |
13 (1971) - 16 (1974) | M | |
Kolloidchemische Beihefte. Dresden (Erg. Hefte zur Kolloid-Zeitschrift). |
1 (1909/10) - 32 (1931) | M | |
Kolloid-Zeitschrift. Dresden | 1 (1906/07) - 54 (1931) | M | |
Kultur und Technik. München | 1 (1977) - | LS | |
Laser. Aarau s.: Laser und Elektro-Optik |
Laser Focus. Newtonville |
8 (1973) - 27 (1991) L18 (1982) L 20 (1984) - 21 (1985) L 23 (1987) |
M |
Laser und Elektro-Optik. Aarau |
1 (1969) - 13 (1981) |
LS |
Laser und Optoelektronik Forts. in: Laseropto Forts. in: Photonik |
14 (1982) - 30 (1998) 31 (1999) - 33 (2001) |
Lettere al Nuovo Cimento. Bologna Forts. in: Europhysics Letters |
Serie 1 Serie 2 |
1 (1969) - 4 (1970) 1 (1971) - 44 (1985) |
London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. London s.: Philosophical Magazine. Serie 3 - Serie 7 |
Low Temperature Physics. Woodbury, NY Forts. von: Soviet Journal of Low Temperature Physics |
19 (1993) - 25 (1999) | LS | |
Matematisk-Fysiske Meddelelser udgivet af det Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Kopenhagen |
L 24 (1948) - 34 (1963/65) | M | |
Matematisk-Fysiske Skrifter udgivet af det Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Kopenhagen |
L 1 (1956/61) - 2 (1962/64) | M | |
Materials Research Bulletin. Elmsford, New York Jeweils die letzten 3 Jg. als DLG d. SUB |
16 (1981) - 31 (1996) | SM | |
Materials Science Reports. Amsterdam ab Vol. 10 (1993): Materials Science and Engineering R Reports |
1 (1986) - 13 (1994) | LS | |
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. London |
M |
Measurement Science and Technology. Bristol |
LS |
Mededelingen van de Klasse der Wetenschappen. Koninklijke Akademie van Belgie. Brüssel s.: Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences. Académie Royale de Belgique |
Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. London | 78 (1974/75) - 84 (1977) | M | |
Meßtechnik. Braunschweig Forts. von: Zeitschrift für Instrumentenkunde Forts. in: Feinwerktechnik und Meßtechnik |
78 (1968) - 81 (1973) |
M |
Metal Physics. London s.: Journal of Physics. F |
Metallurgical Transactions. New York Forts. von: Transactions of the Metallurgical Society AIME |
1 (1970) - 6 (1975) | M | |
Mitteilungen der Physikalisch Technischen Bundesanstalt. PTB Braunschweig, Berlin s.: PTB Mitteilungen |
Modern Physics Letters. B Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Physics, Applied Physics, Singapore |
1 (1987) - 30 (2016) | LS | |
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. London | 166 (1974) - 181 (1977) L 166 (1974) |
M | |
Moon, The Dordrecht MRS Bulletin, Pittsburgh, PA |
1 (1969) - 11 (1974) 33 (2008) - 41 (2016) |
M LS |
Nachrichten aus Chemie und Technik. Weinheim Beilage zu: Angewandte Chemie |
13 (1965) - 21 (1973) | M | |
Nachrichten Elektronik. Heidelberg Forts. von: Internationale Elektronische Rundschau |
30 (1976) - 35 (1981) | M | |
Nachrichten von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse |
Beihefte Autorenverzeichnis |
1891 - 1930 1917 - 1920 1751 - 1927 |
M M |
Nanotechnology. Bristol | 1 (1990) - | LS | |
Nature. London |
33 (1885/86) - 92 (1914) 106 (1920/21) - 154 (1944) 155 (1945) - |
M M LS |
Nature - Physical Science. London | 229 (1971) - 236 (1973) | LS | |
Naturwissenschaften, Die. Berlin | 1 (1913) - 32 (1944) 33 (1945) - 61 (1974) [L=58] 33 (1945) - |
Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau | 14 (1961) - 15 (1962) | SM | |
NBS Journal of Research s.: Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards |
Neue Energie Osnabrück | 8 (1998) - 14.2004, H. 1-3 | LS | |
New Scientist. London Vereinigt mit: Science Journal |
49 (1971) - 232 (2016) | LS | |
Nonlinear Optics. Philadelphia |
1 (1991) - 7 (1994) |
LS |
Nonlinearity. Bristol |
1 (1988) - 8 (1995) |
SM |
Nouvelle Revue d'Optique. Paris Forts. in: Journal of Optics |
4 (1973) - 7 (1976) |
M |
Nuclear Data. A. Tables. New York Forts. in: Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables |
1 (1965) - 11 (1972) | M | |
Nuclear Data B. Sheets New York Forts. in: Nuclear Data Sheets |
1 (1966) - 5 (1971) 6 (1971) - 73 (1994) |
M M |
Nuclear Instruments & Methods. Amsterdam ab Vol. 185 (1981): Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Forts. in: |
1 (1957) - 218 (1983) 4 (1959) - 218 (1983) |
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. A Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment |
219 (1984) - 429 (1999) 219 (1984) - 401 (1997) |
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. B Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms |
1 (1984) - 123 (1997) 1 (1984) - 158 (2000) |
Nuclear Physics. Amsterdam Forts. in: Nuclear Physics. A Nuclear Physics. B |
1 (1956) - 89 (1966) 392 (1983) - 550 (1992) 90 (1967) - 273 (1977) 194 (1982) - 211 (1983) 1(1967) -194 (1982) |
Nucleonics. New York Erscheinen eingestellt |
1 (1947) - 25 (1967) | M | |
Nucleus. Paris | 1 (1960) - 10 (1969) | M | |
Nukleonik. Berlin Erscheinen eingestellt |
1 (1958/59) - 12 (1969) | M | |
Numerische Mathematik. Berlin | 1 (1959) - 5 (1963) | M | |
Nuovo Cimento, Il., della Società Italiana di Fiscia. Bologna Forts. in: |
Serie 9 Serie 10 |
11 (1954) - 12 (1954) 1 (1955) - 39 (1965) |
M M |
Nuovo Cimento, Il. A + B | Serie 10 | 40 (1965) - 70 (1970) | M |
Nuovo Cimento, Il. A + B | Serie 11 | 1 (1971) - 84 (1984) | M |
Nuovo Cimento, Il. C | Serie 1 | 1 (1978) - 7 (1984) | M |
Nuovo Cimento, Il. D | Serie 1 | 1 (1982) - 4 (1984) | M |
Nuovo Cimento, Il. Supplemento al Bologna |
Serie IX Serie X Serie I |
11 (1954) - 12 (1954) 1 (1955) - 26 (1962) 1 (1963) - 6 (1968) |
M M M |
Optica Acta. London | 20 (1973) - 28 (1981) | M | |
Optical and Quantum Electronics. London Forts. von: Opto-Electronics |
7 (1975) - 36 (2004) | BA | |
Optical Materials. Amsterdam | 1 (1992) - 36 (2014) | BA | |
Optics & Laser Technology. Guildford | 5 (1973) - 43 (2010) | BA | |
Optics and Photonic News. Guildford | 10 (1999) - | BA | |
Optics and Spectroscopy. New York | 6 (1959) - 91 (2001) | LS | |
Optics Communications. Amsterdam | 1 (1969/70) - 332 (2014) | BA | |
Optics Letters. New York | 1 (1977) - | BA | |
Optik. Stuttgart | 1 (1946) - 68 (1984) | M | |
Opto-Electronics. London Forts. in: Optical and Quantum Electronics |
4 (1972) - 6 (1974) | LS | |
Philips Journal of Research. Eindhoven Forts. von: Philips Research Reports |
33 (1978) - 51 (1998) | LS | |
Philips Research Reports. Eindhoven Supplements Forts. in: Philips Journal of Research |
12 (1957) - 32 (1977) 1961 - 1976 1971 + 1976=Lücken |
Philips Technical Review. Eindhoven Forts. von: Philips Technische Rundschau mit Bd. 44 (1988/89) Erscheinen eingestellt |
40 (1982) - 44 (1988/89) |
LS |
Philips Technische Rundschau. Eindhoven Forts. in: Philips Technical Review |
12 (1950/51) - 39 (1980/81) | LS | |
Philosophical Magazine. London Serie 3-7 u.d. Titel: London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science |
Serie 1 Serie 2 Serie 3 Serie 4 Serie 5 Serie 6 Serie 7 Serie 8 |
1 (1798) - 68 (1826) 1 (1827) - 11 (1832) 1 (1832) - 37 (1850) 1 (1851) - 50 (1875) 1 (1876) - 50 (1900) 1 (1901) - 50 (1925) 1 (1926) - 27 (1939) 40 (1949) - 46 (1955) 1 (1956) - 36 (1977) |
Philosophical Magazine. London Forts. in: Philosophical Magazine. A + B. Physics of Condensed Matter. |
Philosophical Magazine. London A: Defects and Mechanical Properites B: Structural, Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Properties Letters Jeweils die letzten 3 Jg. als DLG d. SUB |
37 (1978) - 70 (1994) 37 (1978) - 70 (1994) 55 (1987) - 74 (1996) |
Photographie und Forschung. Zeiss. Stuttgart | 5 (1952/53) - 7 (1957) | M | |
Photographie und Wissenschaft. Agfa Mitteilungen. Leverkusen |
1 (1952) - 10 (1961) | M | |
Photonik. Aarau Fortsetzung von: Laser opto |
34 (2002) - 48 (2016) |
BA |
Physica. Amsterdam Forts. in: |
1 (1934) - 10 (1943) 11 (1944) - 78 (1974) |
M LS |
Physica A Theoretical and Statistical Physics ab Vol. 153 (1988): Statistical and Theoretical Physics Jeweils die letzten 5 Jg. als DLG d. SUB |
79 (1975) - 234 (1996) |
SM |
Physica B/C B: Physics of Condensed Matter C: Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Physics, Optics Forts. in: |
79 (1975) - 151 (1988) |
SM |
Physica B Condensed Matter Jeweils die letzten 5 Jg. als DLG d. SUB in M |
152 (1988) - 229 (1996) |
SM |
Physica C Superconductivity Jeweils die letzten 5 Jg. als DLG d. SUB in M |
152 (1988) - 273 (1996) |
SM |
Physica D Nonlinear Phenomena Jeweils die letzten 5 Jg. als DLG d. SUB in M |
1 (1980) - 99 (1996) aktuellste 5 Jahrgänge |
Physica Norvegica. Oslo Erscheinen eingestellt |
1 (1961-65) - 8 (1976/77) | M | |
Physica Scripta. Stockholm Forts. von: Arkiv för Fysik Jeweils die letzten 3 Jg. als DLG der SUB in M |
1 (1970) - 30 (1984) 39 (1989) - 54 (1996) aktuellste 3 Jahrgänge |
Physica Scripta. T Topical Issues |
1 (1982) - 68 (1996) |
SM |
Physica Status Solidi. Berlin-Ost. Forts. in: |
1 (1961) - 42 (1970) 13 (1966) - 19 (1967) 21 (1967) - 42 (1970) 55 (1973) -102 (1980) |
Physica Status Solidi a Applied Research Jeweils die letzten 3 Jg. als DLG der SUB |
aktuellste 3 Jahrgänge 1 (1970) - 158 (1996) |
Physica Status Solidi b Basic Research Jeweils die letzten 3 Jg. als DLG der SUB |
aktuellste 3 Jahrgänge 43 (1971) - 198 (1996) |
Physical Review. New York von Bd. 133 (1964) - 140 (1965) Teilung in A u. B Forts. in: |
Serie 1 Serie 2 |
1 (1894) - 35 (1912) 1 (1912) - 188 (1969) 69 (1946) -188 (1969) 77 (1950) -188 (1969) |
Physical Review A. General Physics New York ab Vol. 47 (1993): Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics |
Serie 3 |
51 (1995) - 70 (2004) 1 (1970) - 24 (1981) 1 (1970) - 50 (1994) 71 (2005) ff. |
Physical Review B. Solid State New York ab Vol. 18 (1978) Condensed Matter |
Serie 3 |
51 (1995) - 70 (2004) 1 (1970) - 63 (2001) 1 (1970) - 50 (1994) 71 (2005) ff. |
Physical Review C. Nuclear Physics New York |
Serie 3 |
1 (1970) - 52 (1995) 1 (1970) - 30 (1984) 53 (1996) - |
Physical Review D. Particles and Fields New York |
Serie 3 |
1 (1970) - 50 (1994) 51 (1995) - 70 (2004) 1 (1970) - 50 (1994) 71 (2005) ff. |
Physical Review. E Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids and related interdisciplinary Topics New York |
Serie 3 |
47 (1993) - 70 (2004) 71 (2005) ff. |
Physical Review Letters. New York |
92 (2004) - 1 (1958) - 86 (2001) 74 (1995) - 91 (2003) |
Physics. New York Erscheinen eingestellt |
1 (1964/65) - 4 (1968) | LS | |
Physics : a journal of general and applied physics. s.: Journal of Applied Physics |
Physics Abstracts.(ab 1969 enth. in INSPEC !) Science Abstracts. A London |
33 (1930) - 47 (1944) 48 (1945) - (1998) |
M LS |
Physics and Chemistry of Solids. s.: Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. |
Physics Briefs. Weinheim Forts. von: Physikalische Berichte |
1 (1979) - 4 (1982) | M | |
Physics Letters. Amsterdam Forts. in: |
1 (1962) - 23 (1966) |
SM |
Physics Letters A. |
306 (2002) - 377 (2013) 24 (1967) - 305 (2002) |
Physics Letters B. |
416 (1998) - 718 (2012) 24 (1967) - 415 (1997) |
II. Th SM |
Physics Letters C. s.: Physics Reports. |
Physics of Condensed Matter. Berlin Forts. von: Physik der kondensierten Materie Forts. in: Zeitschrift für Physik. B |
17 (1973/74)- 19 (1975) |
LS |
Physics of Fluids. New York |
1 (1958) - 28 (1985) [17 (1974) +20 (1977) fehlen] |
M |
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. Amsterdam | 1 (1967) - 4 (1971) L 1 (1967) |
M . |
Physics of the solid state Forts. von: Soviet physics solid state Woodbury, NY |
35 (1993) - 41 (1999) |
LS . |
Physics Reports. Amsterdam Physics Letters. C |
373 (2003) - 533 (2013) 1 (1971) - 372 (2002) |
Physics today. New York |
1 (1948) - |
LS |
Physics Uspekhi Woodbury, NY Forts. von: Soviet Physics Uspekhi |
36 (1993) - 37 (1994) | LS | |
Physics World. Bristol | 8 (1995) - 18 (2005) | LS | |
Physik der kondensierten Materie. Berlin Forts. in: Physics of Condensed Matter |
1 (1963) - 16 (1973) | LS | |
Physik in regelmäßigen Berichten. Leipzig | 1 (1933) - 11 (1943) | M | |
Physik in unserer Zeit. Weinheim | 1 (1970) - | LS | |
Physik Journal. Weinheim Forts. von Physikalische Blätter |
1 (2002) - 30 (1999) 31 (2000) - |
Physik und Didaktik. München | 10 (1982) - 12 (1984) | M | |
Physikalische Abhandlungen der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin | 1899 - 1904 | M | |
Physikalische Berichte. Braunschweig Forts. in: Physics Briefs |
1 (1920) - 25 (1944) 26 (1947) - 57 (1978) |
M LS |
Physikalische Blätter. Mosbach, später Weinheim Forts. in Physik Journal |
1 (1944) - 57(2001) | LS | |
Physikalische Verhandlungen. Mosbach Autorenreferate und Tagungsberichte. Erscheinen eingestellt Anlage zu: Physikalische Blätter. s. auch: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft. Reihe IV |
1 (1950) - 19 (1968) oo 10 (1959) |
LS |
Physikalische Verhandlungen. VDPG. Mosbach s. auch: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft. Reihe V. |
1 (1961) - 5 (1965) | LS | |
Physikalische Zeitschrift. Leipzig | 1 (1900) - 45 (1944) L 44 (1943) u. 45 (1944) |
M | |
Plasma Physics. Oxford bis Vol. 8 (1966): Journal of Nuclear Energy. C |
1 (1960) - 18 (1976) | M | |
Probe Microscopy. Abingdon | 1 (1997) - 2 (2000) | LS | |
Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Cambridge Forts. in: Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society |
14 (1908) - 76 (1974) | M | |
Proceedings of the Faculty of Engineering of Tokai University. Tokyo | 2 (1975) - | LS | |
Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE. New York bis Vol. 50 (1962) IRE |
42 (1954) - 57 (1969) | LS | |
Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. IEE. B. London Radio and Electronic Engineering (including Communication Engineering) |
101 (1954) - 113 (1966) | LS | |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. Washington | 1 (1915) - 25 (1939) | M | |
Proceedings of the Physical Society. London Forts. in: Journal of Physics. A, B, C. |
59 (1947) - 92 (1967) | LS | |
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Mathematical and Physical Sciences |
Ser. A. |
76 (1905) - 182 (1944) 183 (1945) - 447 (1994) |
M LS |
Progress in Quantum Electronics. Oxford |
1 (1970/71) - 38 (2014) | BA | |
Progress in Surface Science. Oxford |
1 (1971/72) - 23 (1986) |
M |
Progress of Theoretical Physics. Osaka |
Suppl. Extra-Nr. |
1 (1946) - 94 (1995) 1 (1955) - 121 (1995) 1965 - 1968 |
PTB-Mitteilungen. Braunschweig-Berlin Amts- und Mitteilungsblatt der Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt. |
74 (1964) - 92 (1982) | M | |
Quantum Elektronics. Woodbury, NY Forts. von: Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics. |
23 (1993) - 46 (2016) |
BA |
Quarterly Progress Report. Cambridge, MA Massachusetts Institute of Technology Research Laboratory of Electronics |
1952 - 1966 L 1966 - 1973 |
M M |
Radiation Effects. London | 1 (1969) - 68 (1982) | M | |
Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Oxford | 41 (1993) - 69 (2004),H.1 | BA | |
Reactor Science and Technology. s.: Journal of Nuclear Energy. Parts A & B |
Reactor Technology. s.: Journal of Nuclear Energy. Part B |
Recherche, La. Paris |
1 (1970) - 33.2002 L 14 (1983) u. 15 (1984) L 18 (1987) + Einzelhefte in 1996-2002 |
LS |
Reports on Progress in Physics. London |
12 (1949) - 61 (1998) 13-17; 19 (1956) - 52 (1989) |
Review of Scientific Instruments. New York |
1 (1929) - 15 (1944) 78 (2007) - 84 (2013) 16 (1945) - 77 (2006) |
Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics. Richmond |
4 (1966) - 9 (1971) | M | |
Reviews of Modern Physics. New York |
1 (1929) - 16 (1944) 76 (2004) - 17 (1945) - 75 (2003) |
Reviews of Solid State Science. Singapore 1992 Erscheinen eingestellt |
1 (1987/88) - 5 (1991) |
LS |
Revue de Physique Appliquée. Les Ulis Cedex Suppl. zu: Journal de Physique Forts. in: Journal de Physique III, Applied Physics ... |
1 (1966) - 25 (1990) |
LS |
RIKEN Review. Wako | 2 (1993) - 5 (1993); 8 (1995) - 19 (1998) | M | |
Rivesta del Nuovo Cimento, La. Bologna |
Serie 1 Serie 2 Serie 3 |
1 (1969) - 2 (1970) 1 (1971) - 7 (1977) 1 (1978) - 7 (1984) |
M M M |
Scanning, New York Mahwah | 15 (1993) - 34 (2012) | LS | |
Science. Washington | 120 (1954) - | LS | |
Science Abstracts. A s.: Physics Abstracts |
Science Journal. London Forts. in: New Scientist |
5 (1969) - 6 (1970) | M | |
Science Reports of the Research Institutes. Tohoku University. Sendai. Ser. A Physics, Chemistry and Metallurgy |
26 (1976) - |
LS |
Science Reports of the Tohoku University. Sendai. 1st Ser. Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy |
58 (1975) - 62 (1980) |
LS |
Scientific American. New York |
198 (1958) - 223 (1970) - 266 (1992) |
Scientific Instruments. London s.: Journal of Physics. E |
Scientific Papers of the College of General Education University of Tokyo. Tokyo ab Vol. 33 (1983): Scientific Papers of the College of Arts and Sciences. Forts. in: Journal of Mathematical sciences. University of Tokyo |
1 (1951) - 13 (1963) L 11 (1961) 24 (1974) - 43 (1993) |
Scientific Papers of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research. Tokyo Erscheinen eingestellt |
1 (1922/24) - 37 (1940) 52 (1958) - 87 (1991) [53 (1958) fehlt] |
M LS |
Semiconductor Science and Technology. Bristol | 1 (1986) - 11 (1996) 12 (1997) - 13 (1998) |
Siemens Zeitschrift. Berlin | L 29 (1955) - 36 (1962) | M | |
Sitzungsberichte. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftl. Klasse Abt. Iia: Mathematik, Astronomie, Physik, Meteorologie u. Technik |
142 (1933) - 151 (1942) |
M |
Sitzungsberichte der Königl. Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Physikalisch Mathematische Klasse | 1900 - 1921 1922 - 1938 |
M M |
Solid State Communications. New York | 125 (2003) - 150 (2010) 1 (1963) - 124 (2002) |
Solid State Physics. London s.: Journal of Physics. C |
Solid State Technology. Port Washington, N.Y. | 23 (1980) - 44 (2001) | LS | |
Soviet Atomic Energy. New York Forts. von: Soviet Journal of Atomic Energy |
14 (1964) - 27 (1969) | M | |
Soviet Journal of Atomic Energy. Forts. in: Soviet Atomic Energy. New York |
8 (1961) - 13 (1963) | M | |
Soviet Journal of Low Temperature Physics. New York Forts. in: Low Temperature Physics |
1 (1975) - 18 (1992) | LS | |
Soviet Journal of Nuclear Physics. New York |
1 (1965) - 38 (1983) 1 (1965) - 22 (1976) |
Soviet Journal of Particles and Nuclei. New York | 2 (1972) - 13 (1982) | M | |
Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics. New York Forts. in: Quantum Electronics |
17 (1987) - 22 (1992) | LS | |
Soviet Physics. Acoustics. New York | 18 (1972) - 22 (1976) | M | |
Soviet Physics. Crystallography. New York | 1 (1956) - 19 (1974/75) oo 11 (1966/67) |
LS | |
Soviet Physics. Doklady. New York | 1 (1957) - 27 (1982) | M | |
Soviet Physics. JETP. New York Forts. in: Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics |
1 (1955) - 75 (1992) 13 (1961) - 62 (1985) |
Soviet Physics. JETP Letters. s.: JETP Letters |
Soviet Physics. Solid State. New York Forts. in: Physics of the Solid State |
1 (1959) - 34 (1992) | LS | |
Soviet Physics. Technical Physics. New York | 1 (1956) - 30 (1985) | M | |
Soviet Physics. USPEKHI. New York Forts. von: Advances in Physical Sciences Forts. in: Physics Uspekhi |
1 (1958) - 35 (1992) 1 (1958) - 19 (1976) 1 (1958) - 24 (1981) |
Spektrum der Wissenschaft. Scientific American. Internationale Ausgabe in deutscher Sprache. Heidelberg |
1978 - |
LS |
Superconductivity: Physics, Chemistry, Technology. New York Erscheinen eingestellt |
4 (1991) - 7 (1994) | LS | |
Superconductor Science and Technology. Bristol | 1 (1988) - 11 (1998) | LS | |
Superlattices and Microstructure. London | 1 (1985) - 78 (2015) | LS | |
Surface Science. Amsterdam | 5 (1966) - 521 (2002) 522 (2003) - 575 (2005), 1-2 |
Surface Science Reports. Amsterdam | 1 (1981) - 47 (2002) 48 (2002)-57(2005), H.1-2 |
Synthetic Metals. Lausanne | 22 (1988) - 67 (1994) | LS | |
Technisches Messen. TM München Forts. von: Archiv für Technisches Messen. ATM |
43 (1976) - 49 (1982) | M | |
Technology Reports of the Osaka University. Osaka | 1 (1951) - 50 (2000) Lücken: 22 (1972) - 24 (1974) |
LS | |
Thin Solid Films. Lausanne | 7 (1971) - 381 (2001) | SM | |
Transactions of the Faraday Society. London Forts. in: Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday Transactions II. Chemical Physics |
26 (1930) - 40 (1944) 41 (1945) - 67 (1971) oo 42 (1946) u. 43 (1947) oo 30 (1934) u. 35 (1939) |
M SM |
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society. AIME. New York. Forts. in: Metallurgical Transactions |
236 (1966) - 245(1969) | M | |
Transport Theory and Statistical Physics. New York | 1 (1971) - 23 (1994) oo 5 (1976) |
SM | |
Ultramicroscopy. Amsterdam |
47 (1992) - 93 (2002) 94 (2003) - |
Vacuum. Oxford Jeweils die letzten 3 Jg. als DLG der SUB |
aktuellste 3 Jahrgänge 1 (1951) - 23; 25 - 47 (1996) |
Vakuum in der Praxis. Weinheim ab Vol. 7 (1995): Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis |
1 (1989) - 15 (2003) | LS | |
Vakuum-Technik. Idstein Forts. von: Glas- und Hochvakuumtechnik |
1 (1952) - 33 (1984) 3 (1954) - 21 (1972) |
M SM |
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft. Braunschweig Reihe IV u. V auch u.d.Titel: Physikalische Verhandlungen |
Reihe II Reihe III Reihe IV Reihe V Reihe VI |
1 (1899) - 21 (1919) 1 (1920) - 25 (1944) 1 (1950) - 9 (1958) 1 (1961) - 5 (1965) 1 (1966) - L 15 (1980) |
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Röntgengesellschaft. Leipzig | 1 (1905) - 17 (1926) | M | |
Waves in Random Media. Bristol |
6 (1996) - 8 (1998) L 1 (1991) L 5 (1995) |
LS |
Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen der Physikalisch Technischen Bundesanstalt. Braunschweig | 1 (1949) - 20 (1968) | M | |
Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen aus den Siemens Werken. Berlin | 1 (1920/22) - 21 (1942) | M | |
Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie. s.: Fresenius' Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie |
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. Berlin | 1 (1921) - 10 (1930) | M | |
Zeitschrift für angewandte Physik. Berlin Erscheinen eingestellt |
1 (1949) - 32 (1972) | M+SM | |
Zeitschrift für Astrophysik. Berlin | 1 (1930) - 30 (1951/52) oo 23 (1944) |
M | |
Zeitschrift für Chemie und Industrie der Kolloide s.: Kolloid-Zeitschrift |
Zeitschrift für den physikalischen und chemischen Unterricht. Berlin | 1 (1887/88) - 55 (1942) | M | |
Zeitschrift für Instrumentenkunde. Braunschweig Forts. in: Messtechnik |
65 (1957) - 75 (1967) | M | |
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie. Leipzig |
Strukturbericht Referatenteil |
56 (1921) - 75 (1930) 106 (1945) - 140 (1974) 1913 - 1926 1 (1928) Erg. zu 66-68 2 (1930) Erg. zu 69-71 |
M M M M M |
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. A Astrophysik, Physik, Physikalische Chemie. Tübingen ab Vol. 31 (1976): Physik, Physikalische Chemie, Kosmophysik |
1 (1946) - 69 (2014) 2 (1947) - 37 (1982) |
Zeitschrift für Physik. Berlin Forts. in: |
1 (1920) - 123 (1944) 124 (1948) - 271 (1974) 124 (1948) - 271 1974 166 (1962) - 271 (1974) |
Zeitschrift für Physik. A Atoms and Nuclei ab Vol. 323 (1986): Atomic Nuclei ab Vol. 338 (1991): Hadrons and Nuclei Forts. in: European Physical Journal A Hadrons and Nuclei |
272 (1975) - 359 (1997) 272 (1975) - 359 (1997) |
Zeitschrift für Physik. B Condensed Matter and Quanta Forts. von: Physic of Condensed Matter Forts. in: European Physical Journal B Condensed Matter |
20 (1975) - 104 (1997) 20 (1975) - 104 (1997) |
Zeitschrift für Physik. C Particles and Fields Forts. in: European Physical Journal C Particles and Fields |
1 (1979) - 76 (1997) 1 (1979) - 76 (1997) |
Zeitschrift für Physik. D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters Forts. in: European Physical Journal D Atoms, Molecules, Clusters and Optical Physics |
1 (1986) - 42 (1997) 4 (1986) - 42 (1997) |
Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie. Leipzig von Bd. 137 (1928) - 191 (1942) Abt. A: Chemische Thermodynamik, Kinetik, Elektrochemie, Eigenschaftslehre |
1 (1887) - 211 (1959) oo 194 (1944) u.206 (1956) |
M |
Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie. N.F. Frankfurt a.M. | 1 (1954) - 51 (1966) | M | |
Zeitschrift für Technische Physik. Leipzig | 1 (1920) - 24 (1943) | M | |
Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Photographie, Photophysik und Photochemie. Leipzig |
1 (1903) - 64 (1970) oo 42 (1944) L 64 (1970) |
M |
LS = Lesesaal, Jungiusstraße 9
M = Magazin, Jungiusstrasse 9
BA = Bibliothek Bahrenfeld (DESY-Gelände), Geb. 68
SM = Speichermagazin Bergedorf
II.Th = II. Theorie (DESY-Gelände), Geb. 2A