Prof. Dr. Dieter Jaksch

Head of Group
Curriculum Vitae
Professional Experience
10/2021 – now: Professor of Physics, University of Hamburg, Germany
10/2021 – now: Emeritus Fellow, Keble College, University of Oxford, UK
10/2010 – now: Professor of Physics, University of Oxford, UK (part time since 2021)
09/2014 – 08/2019: Head of Atomic & Laser Physics, University of Oxford, UK
01/2010 – 12/2015: Editorial Board of Physical Review A
10/2008 – 10/2010: Reader, University of Oxford, UK
01/2003 – 10/2008: University Lecturer, University of Oxford, UK
01/2003 – 09/2021: Fellow & Tutor, Keble College, University of Oxford, UK
09/2001 – 12/2002: Universitätsassistent (Lecturer), University of Innsbruck, Austria
09/2000 – 08/2001: Vertragsassistent (Junior Lecturer), University Innsbruck, Austria
10/1999 – 08/2001: Post-Doc, University of Innsbruck, Austria
10/1996 – 10/1999: Vertragsassistent (Junior Lecturer), University Innsbruck, Austria
12/2009: Postgraduate Diploma in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (PGDipLATHE), University of Oxford, UK
11/1999: Dr. (PhD) in natural sciences, University of Innsbruck, Austria
04/1996: Mag. (MSc) in Physics, University of Innsbruck, Austria
05/1993: Ing. (Diploma for telecommunications and electronics), HTL Innsbruck
Prizes and Awards
2018: Fellow of the Institute of Physics (FInstP)
2018: Thomas Young Medal and Prize
2016: Professorial Distinction Award, University of Oxford, UK
2015: The MAINZ Visiting Professorship (Graduate School of Excellence in Mainz, Germany)
2013: ERC Synergy Grant Q-MAC (with A. Cavalleri, A. Georges, & J.M. Triscone)
2010: Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
2010: Award of the title Professor of Physics at the University of Oxford
2009: The CQT Visiting Research Professorship (NUS, Singapore)
2008: Merit Award, University of Oxford
2008: Award of the title Reader of Physics at the University of Oxford
2008: Outstanding Referee Award by the American Physical Society
2003: Master of Arts, University of Oxford
2002: Förderungspreis des Landes Tirol 2002
2001: Promotion unter den Auspizien des Herrn Bundespräsidenten Dr. Thomas Klestil zum Dr. rer. nat.
2000: Würdigungspreis der österreichischen Bundesministerin für Bildung Wissenschaft und Kultur