Quantum Physics
Master thesis "Building up a laser system to realize a time crystal in a strongly coupled atom-cavity-system"
22 November 2021
Photo: AG Hemmerich
We are looking for master students to expand our team working towards the realization of a time crystal in a strongly coupled atom-cavity system. In analogy to spatial crystals, which break continuous translation symmetry, a time crystal is a non-equilibrium state of matter, which breaks continuous time translation symmetry. Its quantum state repeats periodically in time with a frequency that is robust against perturbations and quantum noise. To realize such a time crystal we need to pump our atom-cavity system with single mode radiation blue detuned with respect to the atomic transition. The master student should set up an ultrastable semiconductor laser system and implement it into the actual experimental set-up.
If you're interested please contact us:
Dr. Hans Keßler:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hemmerich:
There are many other research project regarding optical lattices and quantum metrology in our group. If you're interested feel welcome and pass by in our lab."