Ultracold topological matter
In the Junior group Weitenberg group, we work with ultracold atoms to perform quantum simulations of many-body physics, in particular of topological phases. The junior group is located at the Institute for Quantum Physics at the University of Hamburg and hosted by the Sengstock group. It is funded by the European Research Council (ERC) via the project ANYON and by the SFB 925.
If you are interested in joining our highly motivated team at any level of scientific career, please contact Dr. Christof Weitenberg. See also this flyer for a current master project. If you want to do a Bachelor or Master project in the group, please use this document to provide the relevant information in your application, such that we can find a suitable project.
Please see the section research activities for more information about our research projects.
Ultracold atoms in a honeycomb lattice imaged with a quantum gas magnifier (credit: UHH/Felix Herbort)