Name | Thesis |
Dr. Verónica Arias |
Towards simulating convection in substellar objects PhD thesis, July 2012 |
Dr. Mario Arkenberg |
3D NLTE radiative transfer on a Sun-like atmosphere model PhD thesis, October 2019 MSc thesis Bachelor thesis |
Dr. Alexander Berkner |
3D Super Level non-LTE Radiative Transfer for Molecules PhD thesis, January 2015 3D Radiative Transfer Simulation of Starspots in Stellar Atmospheres Diploma thesis, September 2011 (German) |
Florian Blumendorf |
Verification of NLTE Codes Bachelor thesis, April 2013 |
Dr. Ines Brott |
Dr. Lars Buntemeyer |
3D radiative transfer in radial velocity fields Diploma thesis, September 2009 |
Kasim Costan |
Bachelor thesis, 2019 |
Dr. Ivan De Gennaro Aquino |
3D NLTE Radiative Transfer Modelling of M-dwarf Atmospheres PhD thesis, January 2017 |
Dr. Matthias Dehn |
Self-consistent Dust Modelling in Brown Dwarfs PhD thesis, March 2007 Modellatmosphären und synthetische Spektren von Mira-Veränderlichen Diploma thesis, August 2003 (German) |
Dr. Birgit Fuhrmeister |
Chromospheric and coronal activity : Analysing optical spectra of M dwarfs PhD thesis, Oktober 2005 |
Dr. Nadine Heidrich |
Thomas Heinemann |
Bachelor thesis, 2011 |
Anna Heise |
Spektrallinien von Wassermolekülen in kühlen M-Sternen Bachelor thesis, July 2011 (German) |
Lars Henning |
MSc thesis Bachelor thesis |
Dr. Dennis Jack |
Modeling Light Curves of Type Ia Supernovae PhD thesis, August 2009 Synthetische Infrarotspektren von Typ Ia Supernovae Diploma thesis, August 2006 (German) |
Juan Jose Jiminez Torres |
Dr. Christine Johnas |
Non-Analytical Line Profiles in Stellar Atmospheres : For Planetary Host Star Systems PhD thesis, December 2007 |
Dr. Sebastian Knop |
General Relativistic Radiative Transfer PhD thesis, April 2007 Analyse des Spektrums der Supernova SN 2003Z mit PHOENIX Diploma thesis, May 2004 (German) |
Julian Kuhlmann |
Bachelor thesis |
Dr. Ernst Lexen |
Parameter sensitivity of synthetic spectra and light curve of Type Ia supernovae PhD thesis, January 2014 |
Dr. Marlies Meyer |
A new EOS module for the atmosphere modelling code PHOENIX PhD thesis, July 2017 General equation of state for gaseous environments MSc thesis, December 2013 Overshooting-Variationen in M/L Zwergen und ihr Effekt auf die Staubwolkenbildung Bachelor thesis, July 2011 (German) |
Fabian Pannek |
Bachelor thesis |
Dr. Alexander Petz |
Modeling atmospheres of classical novae in X-rays with PHOENIX PhD thesis, December 2005 |
Fiona Prodöhl |
Synthetic spectra for the secondary of the binary star system AA Dor with PHOENIX/3D PhD thesis, June 2021 Visualisierung von 3D Strahlungstransportrechnungen Bachelor thesis, June 2015 (German) |
Jan Richter |
Diploma thesis, 2008 |
Michael Schülke |
Diploma thesis |
Dr. Andreas Seelmann |
3D radiative transfer in arbitrary velocity fields: The Eulerian approach PhD thesis, May 2011 3D Strahlungstransport - Erste Rechnungen Diploma thesis, February 2008 (German) |
Jannek Squar |
MSc thesis |
Tim Thumann |
Bachelor thesis, ? 2019 |
Dr. Daan van Rossum |
Massive NLTE models for X-ray novae with PHOENIX PhD thesis, October 2009 Cool stellar wind modelling with PHOENIX Diploma thesis, May 2006 |
Dr. Mariana Wagner |
Reflectance spectra of Earth-like exoplanets PhD thesis, June 2011 |
Dr. Alexander Wawrzyn |
The structure and spectra of irradiated secondaries in close binaries (pre-CVs) PhD thesis, January 2009 Moleküllinien in kühlen M-Zwergen, modelliert mit PHOENIX Diploma thesis, January 2006 (German) |
Dr. Viktoria Wichert |
Numerical Radiation Transport Algorithms for Emergent Computer Architectures PhD thesis, May 2019 |
Dr. Sören Witte |
Simulation of atmospheric dust clouds PhD thesis, June 2011 Dust formation in L dwarf atmospheres Diploma thesis, February 2008 |
Mirko Wytopil |
Bachelor thesis |