Photo: HS

Hamburg Observatory


Publications involving scientists affiliated with the Hamburg Observatory can be queried in the
astrophysics data system (NASA/ADS).

Cluster of Excellence

Leading scientists from the Observatory participate in the Cluster of Excellence "Quantum Universe“ to explore the nature of dark matter, the origin of the accelerated expansion of the Universe, and gravitational waves.


In addition to operating several instruments, we participate in international instrumentation projects:

  • LOFAR (radio interferometer substation, Norderstedt)
  • OLT (1.2m mirror, Hamburg)
  • PTST (Calar Alto/Spain)
  • TIGRE (1.2m mirror, Guanajato/Mexico)

Code development

Researches at the Observatory participate in the development of the following simulation codes:

High Performance Computing

Large simulations are regularly performed with resources from the following supercomputing facilities: