Prof. Dr. Peter Hauschildt
Photo: HS/Hauschildt
Professor of astronomy
Research Interests
My main area of research is the modeling of stellar and planetary atmospheres using computer simulations with our Phoenix code. This is a large scale supercomputing application, my group regularily uses large parallel supercomputers that can be found in the top 10 of the world's fastest supercomputers.
Related topics are...
- 3D radiative transfer algorithms and their implementation.
- continue the development & verification of PHOENIX/3D.
- The atmospheres and spectra of novae, M dwarfs & giants, Brown Dwarfs, L/T dwarfs, T Tauri's, SNe, basically everything that radiates.
- Irradiation of planets and secondaries of CVs
- Analyses of Nova, M/L/T dwarf & giant, Brown Dwarf, T Tauri, and SN spectra.
- The detailed physics of nova spectra, in particular line blanketing and NLTE effects.
- Numerical methods for NLTE and radiative transfer calculations.
- Line formation, blending and blanketing in (relativistically) expanding atmospheres.
- Radiative transfer in relativistically expanding, spherical atmospheres.
- Detailed NLTE calculations for extremely large model atoms.
- Effective numerical methods to treat 100's of millions spectral lines individually with detailed profiles.
- Molecular line opacities.
- Line broadening in very cool stars.
- Finishing the next versions of the M/L/T-O dwarf and nova model grids.
- Models for Stellar Winds
- Keeping PHOENIX/1D and PHOENIX/3D alive and happy (currently at version 16).
You can find a complete listing of my refereed publications on ADS.
I am Professor for Astronomy at the Hamburger Sternwarte (observatory), which is part of the Department of Physics of the University of Hamburg. I served as Dept. Chair from 01/2014 until 12/2015, as Deputy Dept. Chair for 3.5 years and as Managing Director of the observatory for 3 years. I am a member of the Lothar Collatz Center for Computing in Science.
My CV is available as PDF file