Photo: HS/Hauschildt
Scientific Staff
Photo: HS
Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz
Photo: HS
Photo: Gabriella di Gennaro
Photo: Birgit Fuhrmeister
Photo: Philipp Grete
- Modeling and simulation of diffuse (astro)physical plasmas
- Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
- Numerical Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics
- High Performance Computing and Performance Portability
Photo: UHH/RRZ-MCC Mentz
- Radio observations of nearby galaxies
- Star formation tracers
- Cosmic-ray transport
- F-Praktikum Radioastronomie
Photo: HS
Photo: Jan Robrade
Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz
Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz
- administration of computing and storage facilities
- HPC consulting, particularly for NHR
- research in numerical astrophysics
- teaching in physics and astrophysics
Photo: HS
Photo: HS/Schweitzer
PhD Students
Photo: Nicolas Baron
Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz
Photo: HS
Photo: Francesco Guaneri
Photo: HS
Photo: Hamburger Sternwarte
Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz
Photo: HS
Photo: Marco Simonte
Photo: HS
Photo: Hamburger Sternwarte
Photo: HS
Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz
Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz
Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz
Technisches und Verwaltungspersonal
- Wartung Gebäude und Gebäudetechnik
- Landschaftspflege
- Personalverwaltung / Personnel administration
- Assistenz der Geschäftsführung / Assistance of Managing Director
- Betreuung Gastwissenschaftler*innen / support for guest scientists
- Organisation Öffentlichkeitsarbeit / PR organization
Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz
- Wartung Gebäude und Gebäudetechnik
- Landschaftspflege
Photo: S. Tampieri
Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz
Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz