The following provides information on completing a Habilitation (postdoctoral qualification) and obtaining a venia legendi (authority to teach) in the Department of Physics.
The Habilitation is governed by the regulations of the Department of Physics
Habilitationsordnung des Fachbereichs Physik der Universität Hamburg vom 29. Januar 2003 (PDF).
If you have any questions about the Habilitation, contact the department advisor, Ms. Irmgard Flick (email(irmgard.flick"AT"physik.uni-hamburg.de)).
Habilitation requirements
Pursuant to the Hamburg higher education act (Hamburgisches Hochschulgesetz, HmbHG), a Habilitation (postdoctoral qualification) or equivalent academic achievement demonstrates that its holder meets the formal requirements for a professorship.
Successful completion of a Habilitation in one of the subjects of the Department of Physics proves that the holder of the qualification can:
- carry out original research that advances their field significantly, including in an international academic context.
- successfully oversee entire research projects from the initial planning stage to the final publication of the results.
- competently assess the quality of academic work within their own field during the examination process.
The Habilitation procedure is based on the Habilitation thesis submitted by the candidate. Instead of a dedicated Habilitation thesis, candidates may submit one or more scholarly publications of extraordinary significance or, in exceptional cases, an outstanding dissertation. In cases where the Habilitation work consists of a series of individual publications, candidates are additionally required to submit an extensive appraisal summarizing the cumulative work.
Application for Admission to a Habilitation
You must submit an informal admission application for the Habilitation procedure. Address your application to the head of the Department of Physics and submit it to the department advisor along with the following supporting documents (Section 4 subsection 2 of the Habilitation regulations):
- curriculum vitae
- list of publications
- dissertation
- doctoral degree certificate (submit the original certificate; a copy will be made in the Department)
- Habilitation thesis (ten copies, no spiral binding)
- CD-ROM containing the Habilitation thesis as a PDF file
- an affidavit verifying that all work submitted is your own
- declaration stating whether you have already applied for the Habilitation elsewhere
Formal Habilitation thesis requirements
Habilitation examinations board
Upon receiving the application along with the required documents, the standing Habilitation examinations board of the Department of Physics (PDF) (ex officio: physics board) decides whether to initiate the Habilitation procedure and appoints an individual Habilitation committee.
Criteria for the appointment of members of a Habilitation committee
The applicant may suggest members for the Habilitation committee; their proposals are to be accepted wherever possible and reasonable.
Membership of the Habilitation committee is subject to the following criteria:
- the Habilitation committee must consist of no fewer than five and no more than seven professors or other members of Universität Hamburg who have completed a Habilitation. at least four of those committee members must belong to the Department of Physics.
- the Habilitation committee should include members of no fewer than three department institutes.
- every Habilitation committee must include at least one experimental physicist and one theoretical physicist.
- no fewer than two of the members of the Habilitation committee must be thoroughly familiar with the field of research in which the submitted work was completed.
The Habilitation committee may not include:
- any professor assigned to the research associate applying for the Habilitation procedure.
- the head of a research group to which the applicant belongs.
- any scholars with whom the applicant worked directly during their Habilitation period.
Members of the Habilitation committee cannot be appointed as reviewers.
Habilitation thesis review
The Habilitation committee assesses the Habilitation thesis and appoints at least two independent reviewers. A reviewer must be either a professor or a researcher who has completed a Habilitation. No more than one reviewer may belong to the Department of Physics of Universität Hamburg.
The head of department sets a date for the presentation in agreement with the chair of the Habilitation committee and the applicant as per Section 2 subsection 1. S/he invites the members of the Habilitation committee, the reviewers as per Section 7, the members of the extended physics board, and the professors responsible for the subject area. All other members of the department are to be informed of the time and place of the presentation by a notice displayed in their institutes.
Presentations normally take 45 minutes and are followed by a discussion.
Habilitation diploma
You will be notified of the decision in writing and receive your Habilitation diploma. The diploma is signed by the dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences as well as the chair of the Habilitation committee; it also bears the Universität Hamburg seal.
Upon completion of the procedure, one set of the submitted academic works will be placed in the departmental library of the Department of Physics. Another set will be given to the State and University Library Hamburg.
Good scientific practice
Follow the guidelines for good scientific practice published by the conference of physics departments (Konferenz der Fachbereiche Physik, KFP) and outlined in the Universität Hamburg bylaws and the guidelines of the German Research Foundation (DFG).
- KFP: Good scientific practice for scientific qualification reports and theses in physics (PDF)
- KFP: Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis bei wissenschaftlichen Qualifikationsarbeiten in der Physik, german (PDF)
- DFG: Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice / Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis (PDF)
- UHH: Bylaws for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice and Avoiding Scientific Misconduct at Universität Hamburg (PDF)
- UHH: Satzung zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis und zur Vermeidung wissenschaftlichen Fehlverhaltens an der Universität Hamburg (PDF)
Umhabilitation (transfer to another institution)
An individual who has been appointed a Privatdozent (senior lecturer with no permanent teaching contract) as a result of completing a Habilitation or an equivalent qualification at another university will usually be given a position as a Privatdozent should they transfer to Universität Hamburg; they will obtain their venia legendi (authority to teach) on the basis of an abbreviated Umhabilitation procedure. They will retain their status as a doctor with a completed Habilitation even after leaving their current university. They merely need to regain their authority to teach at the new university.
Teaching authorization—venia legendi
The venia legendi (authorization to teach) is governed by:
- the Universität Hamburg bylaws on granting teaching authorization, Satzung der Universität Hamburg über die Verleihung der Lehrbefugnis als Privatdozentin oder Privatdozent gemäß § 17 Absatz 2 des Hamburgischen Hochschulgesetzes (Privatdozentursatzung) vom 17.11.2011 (PDF)
For more information, see:
- Procedural regulations of the Department of Physics on awarding the venia legendi, Verfahrensregelung des Fachbereichs Physik für die Verleihung der Lehrbefugnis als Privatdozent/in gemäß § 17 Absatz 2 HmbHG (PDF)
Beginning a university teaching career
German-language study on entering the university teaching career: Der Zugang zur Hochschullehrerlaufbahn im Fach Physik an deutschen Universitäten: Habilitation, Juniorprofessur, Nachwuchsgruppenleitung (PDF).
Conducted by the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (December 2010)
Habilitations at the Department of Physics
Dr. Roman Kogler
Title of the habilitation thesis
The Coming of Age of Jet Substructure at the LHC – Algorithms, Measurements and Searches for New Physical Phenomen
Field of research: Experimental physics
Date of habilitation: 15.11.2021
Dr. Jens Bernhard Reinhold Wiebe
Title of the habilitation thesis
Artificial Atomic-Spin Arrays on Solid Surfaces
Field of research: Experimental physics
Date of habilitation: 24.04.2020
Dr. Rutger Herman Boels
Title of the habilitation thesis
More Loops and Legs for Perturbative Quantum Field Theory
Field of research: Theoretical physics
Date of habilitation: 18.01.2019
Dr. Arya Fallahi
Title of the habilitation thesis
Terahertz Acceleration Technology Towards Compact Light Sources
Field of research: Experimental Physics
Date of habilitation: 29.04.2019
Dr. Kirsten Tina von Bergmann
Title of the habilitation thesis
Non-collinear Magnetism in ultrathin films / Nichtkollinearer Magnetismus in ultradünnen Filmen
Field of research: Experimental Physics
Date of habilitation: 29.10.2019
Dr. Stefan Mendach
Title of the habilitation thesis
Optical Rolled-Up Metamaterials, Spin-Wave Optics, and Tubular Micro-Resonators
Field of research: Experimental Physics
Date of habilitation: 06.04.2018
Dr. Christian Kränkel
Title of the habilitation thesis
Halbleiterlaser-gepumpte Seltenerddotierte Festkörperlaser /
Semiconductor-laser-pumped rare-earth-doped solid-state lasers
Field of research: Experimental Physics
Date of habilitation: 03.02.2017
Dr. Dirk-Sören Lühmann
Title of the habilitation thesis
Quantum simulation with ultracold atoms – solid-state models and beyond
Field of research: Theoretical physics
Date of habilitation: 24.04.2017
Dr. Antonio Negretti
Title of the habilitation thesis
Ultra-cold atoms meet trapped ions: A new interface for quantum information mprocessing and simulation
Field of research: Theoretical physics
Date of habilitation: 11.05.2017
Habilitations at the Department of Physics from 1978-2016