CUI-AIM Gruppen
Dr. Christina Bömer
- Röntgenoptische Wellenmischprozesse
- Porträt
Dr. Irene Fernandez-Cuesta
- Nanofabrication techniques, micro and nanofluidics
- Nano-optics, biosensing and plasmonics
- Development of a portable "lab-on-a-chip" to study single (bio)molecules
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Dr. Eric H. Hill
- Kolloidale Synthese und Selbstorganisation funktioneller Nanomaterialien zu Hybridstrukturen
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Dr. Aaron Kelly
Dr. Thore Posske
- Topologically robust properties of condensed matter systems
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Dr. Guillaume Salomon
Dr. Frank Schlawin
Dr. Philipp Wessels-Staarmann
- Interfacing ultracold quantum gases with ultrashort laser pulses
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Emmy Noether Gruppen (DFG)
Dr. Pedram Mehrabi
- Novel approaches to time-resolved data acquisition of biological systems
- Integration of time-resolved methods with ultrahigh-resolution techniques
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Dr. Georg Rohringer
- Quantum Field Theory for correlated Many-Body Systems
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Dr. Jan-Torge Schindler
- Formation and evolution of supermassive black holes
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Dr. Till Bargheer
- Mathematical aspects of quantum field and string theory
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ERC Starting Grants
Freigeist Fellowship (Volkswagen)
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Daria Gorelova
- Ultrafast processes in molecules and solid-state systems
- Attosecond x-ray and XUV pulses & analysis within quantum electrodynamics
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Helmholtz Gruppen (YIG)
Dr. Janna Katharina Behr
- Search for heavy Higgs bosons decaying into top-antitop quark pair
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Dr. Lydia Audrey Beresford
- Using the LHC as a photon collider to search for dark matter and measure tau g-2
- Pioneering the use of novel forward proton detectors
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Prof. Dr. Tobias Herr
- Ultrafast chip-based integrated photonics
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Dr. Abideh Jafari
- Top quark interactions with heavy bosons at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
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Dr. Thomas Joseph Lane
- Photoactive biological systems: interaction of light an isolated proteins
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Dr. Andrea Trabattoni
- Electron motion in atoms, molecules, and nanosize systems
- Attosecond technology and pump-probe techniques
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PD Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann
- Spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy
- Magnetism of complex and non-collinear spin textures
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