Project C7
Correlated non-equilibrium quantum dynamics in driven bosonic systems
Peter Schmelcher
The light-induced non-equilibrium quantum dynamics of mixtures of trapped ultracold atoms will be explored in order to understand, manage and control the impact of correlations. Using our state-of-the-art computational toolbox ML-MCTDHX the dynamical processes of ultracold mixtures exposed to quantum quenches or an external driving are investigated in collaboration with A1, A2, A4, A6 and A7 and C1 and C9 including the emulation of molecular processes, the preparation of highly functional metastable states and the dynamical control of transport processes.
Photo: SFB925
Principal Investigator
Luruper Chaussee 149
22761 Hamburg, Germany
Room: 101, Zentrum für Optische Quantentechnologien, Build. 90
Tel: +49 40 8998 6501
Fax: +49 40 8998 6516
PhD Student
Luruper Chaussee 149
22761 Hamburg, Germany
Room: 112, Zentrum für Optische Quantentechnologien, Build. 90
Tel: +49 40 8998 6512
PhD student
Institut für Laserphysik
Luruper Chaussee 149
22761 Hamburg
Room: 111, Building 90 (ZOQ)
Tel: +49 40 8998-6511
PhD student
Institut für Laserphysik
Luruper Chaussee 149
22761 Hamburg
Room: 112, Building 90 (ZOQ)
Tel: +49 40 8998-6512