Equal Opportunity
Equal Opportunity
As a collaborative research structure of national and international visibility we consider it one of the most important duties of the SFB925 to ensure equal opportunities for all members of the SFB regardless of gender, nationality or religion and to provide a working environment that is compatible with the challenges of raising a family.
Being a cooperation of different research institutions the measures taken in the SFB925 to strengthen and promote female scientists and to create a family-friendly environment build upon the versatile equal opportunity initiatives already existing at DESY, MPG and UHH. On the right you will find links connecting to the equal opportunity pages of the partner institutions of the SFB.
Further specific equal opportunity measures of the SFB predominantly target two main goals: First we want to increase female participation on all levels of scientific career. Second and equaly important our goal is to provide a scientific environment compatible with the special requirements of young families.
Together with our cooperation partners, we offer our 12-month mentoring program especially for women. For more information please visit www.dynament.de.