Project C4
Exploring non-equilibrium dynamics in strongly interacting Fermi gases
Henning Moritz
The dynamics of strongly correlated fermionic quantum gases are studied experimentally. Driven Josephson junctions will be investigated as models for transient light induced superconductivity in collaboration with projects B7, C7 and C9. Furthermore, we will develop novel approaches to understand and control interacting topological systems and their non-equilibrium dynamics together with projects A6, B2, B3, B8, B9, C1 and C3 by tracking the dynamics of few interacting fermions in small topological systems with a quantum gas microscope.
Photo: SFB 925
Principal Investigator/ Coordinator of Graduate School
Luruper Chaussee 149
22761 Hamburg, Germany
Room: 209, Institut für Laserphysik, Build. 69
Tel: +49 40 8998 5265
Fax: +49 40 8998 5290
PhD Student
Luruper Chaussee 149
Room: Rm. 210, Institut für Laserphysik
Email: rene-henke"AT"