SFB/ZOQ Seminar
SFB/ZOQ Seminar SoSe 2023
In the summer semester 2023 the SFB 925 offers a joint seminar in cooperation with the ZOQ which takes place every Wednesday at 1.30 p.m. in the ZOQ and/or online via zoom.
SFB/ZOQ Seminar WiSe 2022/23
In the winter semester 2022/23 the SFB 925 offers a joint seminar in cooperation with the ZOQ which takes place every Wednesday at 1.30 p.m. in the ZOQ and/or online via zoom.
SFB/ZOQ Seminar SoSe 2022
In the summer semester 2022 the SFB offers a joint seminar in cooperation with the ZOQ. The format of each talk will be announced as we go.
Poster (PDF)
SFB/ZOQ Seminar WiSe 2021/22
In the winter semester 2021/22 the SFB offers a joint seminar in cooperation with the ZOQ which takes place online via zoom.
Poster (PDF)
The Zoom data for all meetings is:
Meeting ID: 813 1048 6710
Passcode: 942009
SFB/ZOQ Seminar SoSe 2020
Due to the corona pandemic, there was no SFB seminar in the summer semester 2020.
SFB/ZOQ Seminar WiSe 2019/20
In this winter semester 2019/20 the SFB offers a joint seminar in cooperation with the ZOQ.
Event information (PDF)
SFB/ZOQ Seminar WiSe 2018/19
Date | Time | Speaker | Institution | Title |
17.10. | 13:30 | Stefan Kück | PTB Braunschweig | Single-photon sources and detectors for quantum radiometry |
19.12. | 13:30 | Philippe Bouyer | CNRS Paris | |
09.01. | 13:30 | Matthias Weidemüller | Universität Heidelberg | |
23.01. | 13:30 | Alexander Altland | Universität Köln | |
20.02. | 13:30 | Tilman Enss | Universität Heidelberg |
SFB/ZOQ Seminar SoSe 2018
Date | Time | Speaker | Institution | Title |
11.04. | 13:30 | Cristiane Morais Smith | University Utrecht | Thermodynamic description of topological insulators: the search for universal behaviour |
02.05 | 13:30 | Ronny Nawrodt | Universität Stuttgart | Materials for high precision metrology |
30.05 | 13:30 | Stefan Hild | University Glasgow | The Einstein Telescope: A New Tool to Listen to the Symphony of the Universe |
06.06. | 13:30 | Andrea Alberti | Universität Bonn | Discrete-time quantum machines with neutral atoms in state-dependent optical lattices |
13.06. | 13:30 | Chris Westbrook | CNRS Paris | Two particle interference effects for atoms |
20.06. | 13:30 | Christiane Koch | Universität Kassel | |
04.07. | 13:30 | Giovanna Morigi | Universität des Saarlandes | |
11.07. | 13:30 | Peter Schauss | Princeton University |
SFB/ZOQ Seminar WiSe 2017/2018
-> The Seminar take place at the Center for Optical Quantum Technologies, seminar room
-> Poster
Date | Time | Speaker | Institution | Title |
22.11. (Mi) | 13:00 | Felix Tuczek | Universität Kiel | |
06.12. (Mi) | 13:00 | Antoine Browaeys | CNRS, Paris | Many-body physics with arrays of individual Rydberg atoms |
13.12. (Mi) | 13:00 | Christiane Koch | Universität Kassel | Strong field coherent control for bond making and time-resolved XUV spectroscopies |
10.01. (Mi) | 13:00 | Christian Groß | MPQ, Garching | Quantum Gas Microscopes - From Textbook Experiments to New Frontiers |
17.01. (Mi) | 13:00 | Joseph Thywissen | Universität Toronto | |
31.01. (Mi) | 13:30 | Jakob Reichel | ENS, Paris | Creating multiparticle enganglement with optical fiber microcavities |
06.02. (Di) | 14:00 | Thomas Busch | University Japan | Quantum dynamics in the presence of interactions |
28.02. (Mi) | 13:30 | Christian Rembe | Technische Universität Clausthal | Industrial Interferometry: Potential Applications for Squeezed-Light Techniques |
22.03. (Do) | 11:00 | Xiaopeng Li | Fudan University, Shanghai | Rotation symmetry protected spin angular-momentum tangling with p-orbital bosons |
SFB/ZOQ Colloquia SoSe 2017
-> The Colloquia take place at the Center for Optical Quantum Technologies, seminar room
-> Poster
Date | Time | Speaker | Institution | Title |
05.04. (Mi) | 17:15 | Oliver Morsch | INO-CNR and Dipartimento di Fisica, Pisa | Exploring absorbing-state phase transitions in an open driven many-body quantum system |
12.04. (Mi) | 17:15 | Dirk Manske | Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research Quantum Many-Body Theory, Stuttgart | The echo of superconductivity: Higgs Spectroscopy of Superconductors in non-equilibrium |
26.04. (Mi) | 17:15 | Jörg Schmiedmayer | TU Wien | Probing many-body systems by correlations |
03.05. (Mi) | 17:15 | Bernd Lohmann | Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster | tba |
10.05. (Mi) | 17:15 | Robin Kaiser | CNRS / Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis | tba |
24.05. (Mi) | 17:15 | Jean-Philippe Brantut | Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | Quantum coherent transport of cold Fermions in mesoscopic structures |
14.06. (Mi) | 11:15 | Jan Hendrik Põld | DESY Hamburg | Status of ALPS II and concepts beyond |
28.06. (Mi) | 17:15 | Jook Walraven | University of Amsterdam | tba |
12.07. (Mi) | 17:15 | Xuzong Chen | Peking University | tba |
SFB/ZOQ Seminars WiSe 2016/2017
-> The seminars take place at the Center for Optical Quantum Technologies, seminar room
-> Poster
Date | Time | Speaker | Institution | Title |
19.10. (Mi) | 17:15 | Hanns-Christoph Nägerl | Universität Innsbruck | Bloch oscillations in the absence of a lattice |
16.11. (Mi) | 14:00 | Werner Vogel | Universität Rostock | Nonclassicality, Entanglement and General Quantum Correlations of Light |
30.11. (Mi) | 17:15 | Matthias Büchner | Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse | Atom interferometry « à la toulousaine » : Measurement of topological phases; atom wave beating |
14.12. (Mi) | 17:15 | Guido Pupillo | Université de Strasbourg | Quantum transport in disordered materials with cold atoms and hot molecules |
11.01. (Mi) | 17:15 | Selim Jochim | Universität Heidelberg | Strongly correlated fermions: From few- to many body physics |
18.01. (Mi) | 17:15 | Antoine Georges | Collège de France, Paris | Quantum Matter - from hot superconductors to cold atoms |
25.01. | 17:15 | Thierry Giamarchi | Université de Genève | The bizarre one-dimensional quantum world |
01.02. (Mi) | 17:15 | Gediminas Juzeliunas | Vilnius University | Topological lattices and spin-orbit coupling for ultracold atoms |
SFB/ZOQ Seminars SoSe 2016
-> The seminars take place at the Center for Optical Quantum Technologies, seminar room
-> Poster
Date | Time | Speaker | Institution | Title |
04.05. (Mi) | 17:15 | Michael Oestreich | Leibniz Universität Hannover | Optical detection of spin noise in artificial atoms |
01.06. (Mi) | 14:00 | Ignacio Cirac | Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching | Quantum optics close to dielectric materials |
08.06. (Mi) | 17:15 | Janez Bonca | University of Ljubljana | Relaxation and thermalization in many-body systems coupled to different bosonic degrees of freedom |
22.06. (Mi) | 17:15 | Maria Krikunova | Technische Universität Berlin | Dynamics of XUV induced nanoplasma as revealed by THz streaking |
29.06. (Mi) | 17:15 | Markus Greiner | Harvard University | NN |
SFB/ZOQ Seminars WiSe 2015/16
-> The seminars take place at the Center for Optical Quantum Technologies, seminar room
-> Poster
Date | Time | Speaker | Institution | Title |
21.10. (Mi) | 17:15 | Thorsten Schumm | Technical University of Vienna | Quantum Metrology: BEC interferometry and nuclear clocks |
04.11. (Mi) | 17:15 | Dieter Bauer | University of Rostock | Photoelectrons from strong-field ionization: what do they tell us and how to calculate them? |
25.11. (Mi) | 17:15 | Stefan Kuhr | University of Strathclyde, Glasgow | Single-atom imaging of fermions in a quantum-gas microscope |
09.12. (Mi) | 17:15 | Wolfgang Domcke | Technical University of Munich | Role of light-induced correlated electron and proton dynamics for photostability of biomolecules and in artificial photosynthesis |
13.01. (Mi) | 17:15 | Daniel Braun | University of Tübingen | Ultimate limits of quantum measurements |
20.01. (Mi) | 17:15 | Michael Fleischhauer | University of Kaiserslautern | Tunable Fröhlich polarons of slow light in a Bose-Einstein condensate |
SFB/ZOQ Seminars SoSe 2015
-> The seminars take place at the Center for Optical Quantum Technologies, seminar room
-> Poster
Date | Time | Speaker | Institution | Title |
15.04. (Mi) | 17:15 | Jean-Philippe Brantut | ETH Zürich | Mesoscopic physics with cold atoms |
22.04. (Mi) | 17:15 | Marco Schiro | Columbia University, NY, and CNRS, IphT-Saclay, France | Far from equilibrium quantum many body physics with strongly interacting matter and light |
06.05. (Mi) | 17:15 | Nimrod Moiseyev | Technion Haifa | Light induced conical intersections: a novel phenomenon and its consequences |
20.05. (Mi) | 17:15 | Reinhold Walser | TU Darmstadt | Ray tracing for matterwave interferometry |
03.06. (Mi) | 17:15 | Gabriele De Chiara | Queens University Belfast | Light-matter interface for probing quantum gases |
17.06. (Mi) | 17:15 | Wilhelm Zwerger | TU München | Fermi gases at infinite coupling: a new paradigm in many-body physics |
SFB/ZOQ Colloquia WiSe 2014/2015
-> The Colloquia take place at the Center for Optical Quantum Technologies, seminar room
-> Poster
Date | Time | Speaker | Institution | Title |
15.10. | 17:15 | Darrick Chang | The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Barcelona | Exploring many-body physics with cold atoms coupled to nanophotonic systems |
22.10. | 17:15 | Dmitry Turchinovich | Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz | Ultrafast terahertz spectroscopy: from spin-dependent electron transport to single-cycle nonlinear optics |
05.11. | 17:15 | Tobias Schätz | University of Freiburg | Analogue quantum simulations: exploiting ions (and atoms) in optical- and radiofrequency-traps |
26.11. | 17:15 | Thomas Feurer | University of Bern | Plasmon-enhanced THz spectroscopy |
03.12. | 17:15 | Achim Richter | TU Darmstadt | Billiards, photonic crystals and graphene |
14.01. | 17:15 | Philipp Treutlein | University of Basel | Hybrid optomechanics: using cold atoms to cool and control micromechanical oscillators |
21.01. | 17:15 | Peter Vöhringer | University of Bonn | High-valent iron by light |
22.01. | 11:00! | Sandro Stringari | University of Trento | Superfluidity and propagation of sound in ultracold atomic gases |
SFB/ZOQ Colloquia SoSe 2014
-> The Colloquia take place at the Center for Optical Quantum Technologies, seminar room
-> Poster
Date | Time | Speaker | Institution | Title |
02.04. | 17:15 | Ronald Redmer | University Rostock | The interior of giant planets as laboratory for warm dense matter |
21.05. | 17:15 | Simone Montangero | University Ulm | Simulation and control of many-body quantum systems |
28.05. | 17:15 | Dieter Meschede | University Bonn | From electric quantum walks to the quest for exactly two interacting quantum atoms |
20.06. Friday! | 14:00! | Ana Maria Rey | University of Colorado | Building with crystals of light and quantum matter: From clocks to computers |
09.07. | 17:15 | Raimund Feifel | Gothenburg University | Multi-particle correlation spectroscopy of atoms and molecules exposed to weak and strong X-ray fields |
SFB/ZOQ Colloquia WiSe 2013/2014
-> The Colloquia take place at the Center for Optical Quantum Technologies, seminar room
-> Poster
Date | Time | Speaker | Institution | Title |
16.10. (Mi) | 16:00! | Anne L'Huillier | Lund University | From extreme nonlinear optics to ultrafast atomic physics |
23.10 (Mi) | 17:15 | Dmitri Basov | University of California | Nanoplasmonic phenomena in graphene |
20.11. (Mi) | 17:15 | Klaus Mølmer | Aarhus University | Hybrid quantum computers with superconductors and spin ensembles |
04.12. (Mi) | 17:15 | Robert Schoenlein | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Dynamics of electronic ordering in transition-metal oxides via time-resolved resonant x-ray scattering |
15.01. (Mi) | 17:15 | Friedrich Reinert | University Wuerzburg | How correlations enter the electronic properties of materials |
22.01. (Mi) | 17:15 | Linda Young | Argonne Natial Laboratory | Toward precision measurements in structural dynamics |
29.01. (Mi) | 17:15 | Chen Chin | University of Chicago | N.N. |
SFB/ZOQ Colloquia SoSe 2013
-> The Colloquia take place at the Center for Optical Quantum Technologies, seminar room
-> Poster
Date | Time | Speaker | Institution | Title | Host |
24.04. | 17.15 | Enrico Arrigoni | Graz University of Technology | „Steady-state nonequilibrium dynamical mean field theory: An auxiliary Lindblat master equation approach“ | M.Potthoff |
14.05. | 17.15 | Dan Stamper-Kurn | University of Berkeley | „Magnetism and frustration in quantum gases“ | P.Schmelcher |
29.05. | 17.15 | Nigel Cooper | University of Cambridge | „Twisting atomic gases into novel quantum phases“ | P.Schmelcher |
12.06. | 17.15 | Yoshiro Takahashi | University of Kyoto | „Ultracold Ytterbium atoms in an optical lattice“ | P.Schmelcher |
03.07. | 17.15 | Félix Werner | Laboratoire Kastler Brossel | „Normal phase of the unitary Fermi gas: High-order Feynman diagrams versus ultracold atom experiments“ | P.Schmelcher |
SFB Colloquia Wise 2012/2013
-> The SFB Colloquia take place at the Center for Optical Quantum Technologies, seminar room
-> Poster
Date | Time | Speaker | Institution | Title | Host |
24.10. | 17.15 | Michele Frabrizio | International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste | „Ergodicity loss at dynamical transitions and many-body „mobility edges“ in correlated systems“ | F. Lechermann |
14.11. | 17.15 | Stefan Scheel | Universität Rostock | „Macroscopic quantum electrodynamics – quantum optics with macroscopic bodies“ | P. Schmelcher |
21.11. | 17.15 | Ulrich Schollwöck | LMU München | „Classical computation versus quantum simulation: what can we learn about quantum many-body systems?“ | K. Sengstock |
05.12. | 17.15 | Anatoli Polkovnikov | Boston University | „Universality of dynamics in closed interacting systems“ | L. Mathey |
12.12. | 17.15 | Nirit Dudovich | Weizmann Institute for Science, Rehovot | „When does an electron exit a tunneling barrier?” | R. Santra |
09.01. | 17.15 | Mark Saffman | University of Wisconsin-Madison | „Quantum computing and hybrid quantum interfaces with trapped Rydberg atoms“ | P. Schmelcher |
23.01. | 17.15 | Helmut Ritsch | Universität Innsbruck | „Quantum Optics with ultracold quantum gases: towards the full quantum regime of the light–matter interaction” | A. Hemmerich |
SFB Colloquia SoSe 2012
-> Each SFB-Colloquium includes a Rotary Seminar, the latter typically starts at 16.15<-
->The SFB-Colloquia and the Rotary Seminars take place at the Center for Optical Quantum Technologies, seminar room<-
Date | Time | Speaker | Institution | Title | Rotary sem. by Projects | Host |
03.04. | 17.15 | Ling Miao | Associate Editor Physical Review X | The Physical Review Journals in Today's Research and Publishing Environment | Peter Schmelcher | |
24.04. | 17.15 | Ehud Altman | Weizmann Institute of Science | Mixed Bose-Fermi Mott Phases and Phase Transitions | B4 + B1 | Ludwig Mathey |
08.05. | 17.15 | Thomas Gasenzer | Universität Heidelberg | Nonthermal Fixed Points Vortices & Superfluid Turbulence in an Ultracold Bose Gas | Klaus Sengstock | |
22.05. | 17.15 | Irene Burghardt | Universität Frankfurt | Quantum dynamics of photoinduced energy and charge transfer in functional molecular systems | C7 + A5 | Peter Schmelcher |
05.06. | 17.15 | |||||
19.06. | 17.15 | Fabrice Gerbier | to be announced | to be announced | to be announced | Christoph Becker |
SFB Colloquia WiSe 2011/2012
-> Each SFB-Colloquium includes a Rotary Seminar, the latter typically starts at 16.15<-
->The SFB-Colloquia and the Rotary Seminars take place at the Center for Optical Quantum Technologies, seminar room<-
Date | Time | Speaker | Institution | Title | Rotary sem. by Projects |
08.11.11 | 17.15 | Dr. Alexander Kuleff | Universität Heidelberg | Ultrafast Electron Dynamics Following Ionization of Molecular Systems | A5+A2 |
06.12.11 | 17.15 | Dr. Oliver Morsch | Universität Pisa | Dynamical control of matter waves in optical lattices | C5+C8 |
17.01.12 | 17.15 | Prof. Dr. Georg Bruun | Universität Aarhus | Repulsive quasiparticle branch in a strongly interacting Fermi gas | B5+C4 |
31.01.12 | 17.15 | Prof. Congjun Wu | University of California | Unconventional Bose-Einstein condensation in high bands of optical lattices | C2+Prof. Dr. L. Mathey |