Project A1
Electronic correlation in atoms and molecules studied time-resolved with synchronized visible/IR and X-ray pulses
Markus Drescher, Michael Meyer
The evolution of correlated interactions between two or more electrons as a response to the deep excitation of a larger electron system is studied in their interplay with structural changes in a molecule occurring on a similar time scale. A joint focus with A2, A3, A4, A6, A7 and C7 on molecules with shared electrons will help disclosing the role of delocalized charge in locally excited systems. Control mechanisms utilizing multi-color light fields of defined polarization and timing will be explored to transfer electronic order to molecular fragments and protect molecules from being excited with ionizing radiation.
Principal Investigator
Luruper Chaussee 149
22761 Hamburg, Germany
Room: 315, Institut für Experimentalphysik / Building 62
Tel: +49 40 8998 2262
Fax: +49 40 8998 2212
Email: markus.drescher"AT"
Photo: M. Meyer
Principal Investigator
Notkestrasse 85
22607 Hamburg, Germany
Tel: +49 40 8998 5614
Fax: +49 40 8998 1905
Email: m.meyer"AT"
PhD Student
Institut für Experimentalphysik
Luruper Chaussee 149
22761 Hamburg
Room: 325, Institut für Experimentalphysik / Building 62
Tel: +49 40 8998 4715
Photo: XFEL