About Prof. Dr. Gudrid Moortgat-Pick
Science Activities
- Principal Investigator of Project H2 of the Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe
- Principal Investigator in the Project B1 of the DFG SFB 676, since 2009
- Project leader of the BMBF Verbund-Projekte
- BMBF-Verbundprojekt “Plasmazellen zur Fokussierung in Leptonenbeschleunigern” between the Universities Frankfurt, Hamburg, Mainz, KIT Karlsruhe and DESY and GSI, since 2021
- BMBF-Verbundprojekt “Positronenquellen” between the Universities Darmstadt, Hamburg, Mainz and DESY, since 2015
- BMBF-Verbundprojekt “Spin-Optimierung polarisierter Lepton Strahlen” between the Universities Bonn, Hamburg,Mainz and DESY, 2012–2015
- BMBF-Verbundprojekt “Spin-Management polarisierter Lepton Strahlen” between the Universities Bonn, Hamburg, Mainz and DESY, 2010–2012
- Contact person for joint activities between HEP Theory of the Kyoto University and Hamburg
- Member of the Science Advisory Board of the Institut für Hochenergiephysik der sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (HEPHY)
- Initiation and Coordination of the Helmholtz Linear Collider Forum
- Activities on Accelerator phenomenology:
- IDT-WG2 Coordinator of the Undulator Positron Source
- Coordination of the POWER Group
- Topic leader for Accelerator Physics 2006-2009 in the ILC Positron Source Group
- Leading physicist of the physics programme of the ILC with polarized beams, 2005–2008
- Member of EUROTeV, WP4 Polarized Positron Source
- Member of the UK heLiCal Collaboration
- Member of the E166 collaboration
- Research Group at times as lecturer at the University of Durham, U.K.:
- Stefan Hesselbach (postdoc)
- Krzysztof Rolbiecki (postdoc)
- Jenny Smillie (postdoc)
- Jamie Tattersall (PhD)
- Fabian Gross (Level 4, Project Student)
- Victoria Morton-Thurtle (Level 4, Project Student)
Teaching Activities
- Teaching at the Universität Hamburg
- Undergraduate Courses
- Mathematischer Vorkurs
- Einführung in Theoretische Physik 1
- Einführung in Theoretische Physik 2
- Theoretische Physik 1 (Klassische Feldtheorie)
- Theoretische Physik 3 (Thermodynamik)
- Postgraduate Courses
- Physics of the Standard Model
- Phenomenology of Physics beyond the Standard Model
- Undergraduate Courses
- Responsible for Course of Studies Physics M.Sc. (engl.)
- Initiator and Coordinator of the International Linear Collider School of the Helmholtz Alliance
- Course Director of the Quantum Universe Research School, until July 2022:
- Coordination of the Integrated Research Training Group of the DFG SFB 676
- Contact person for the ERASMUS programme for Particle Physics with the University of Durham
- Teaching at the University of Durham
- Undergraduate Courses
- Postgraduate Courses
- Level 2 and 3 Tutorials
- PhD and Level-4 Project Students
Outreach Activities
- Exhibition “Wie alles begann” in the Museum der Arbeit: Public talk and partially organization
- Regularly talks at Ringvorlesung “Physik im Alltag” at the University of Hamburg
- Regularly talks at the “Science Café DESY”
- Participation at “Wissen vom Fass” in Hamburg
- Participation at “Wir wollen es wissen” at Schools in Hamburg
- Regularly talks at the “Open Days” at DESY
- Guided Tours on-site DESY
- Activities at “Girls' Days”
- Public interviews
- Engagement at Schools
- Guided Tours at Urania in Berlin
- Talks and demonstrations at “Open Days” at the IPPP, University of Durham