The research in our group investigates quantum systems which interact with quantum mechanical fluctuations produced from some external environment. They typically lead to decoherence and relaxation phenomena, before a stationary state in the statistical sense is eventually reached.
By the framework of open quantum systems, a vast number of physical systems and effects are described, ranging from excitonic energy transfer in biomolecular light-harvesting complexes, to quantum mechanical charge, spin and heat nonequilibrium transport, to activation phenomena in pumped quantum systems, to cooperative effects in ultracold quantum gases, to the dynamics of a ferromagnetic domain wall under the influence of a spin-polarized current, to name only those which are in the focus of our research group.
- Theory of nonequilibrium quantum transport
- Time-dependent dissipative quantum systems
- Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS)
- Analytical and numerical real-time path-integral techniques
- Disordered ultracold atom gases
- Nanomagnetism and spin torque
- Luttinger liquid behavior in carbon nanotubes
- Quantum hysteresis and quantum stochastic resonance