Getting Access
Step 1
A user account provided by the Regional Computing Center (RRZ) is mandatory to use IT services of the Observatory (login to PCs/servers, using storage, e-mail, etc.):
- Students, employees, and professors at the University of Hamburg automatically obtain an account upon enrollement or when sigining a work contract (see more information about accounts).
- Other persons have to apply for an account (don't forget to specify Sternwarte as organizational unit and to print out and sign the confirmation form at the end). It takes about two weeks until the account is ready.
- Guests visiting up to four weeks can alterntively appy for a short-term account. Get in touch with Wolfram Schmidt a week before arrival (Unterschriftsberechtigte can directly request a short-term account via the ServiceLine(rrz-serviceline"AT"
Step 2
To get access, you need to send the following information to support.hs"AT"
- your complete name (first name and surname)
- your username (see step 1 above)
- your status (Bachelor or Master student / employee / professor / visiting student or scientist)
Your account is then added to the user group of the Observatory.
- Workplace:
- If you have an Ubuntu desktop computer, log in with your username (see steps 1 and 2 above). BEFORE LOGGING IN FOR THE FIRST TIME, you need a local home directory (contact support.hs"AT"
- A laptop comes with a local account.
- To access storage and computing facilities of the Observatory, you can log in via
- ssh
- ssh
We recommend setting up an SSH key.
PCs that are powered off because they were idle for a prolonged time can be remotely booted by any user in the following way:
- log in to castor (fs02) or pollux (fs03), and
- execute the command
- /stservices/bin/powerwake pc_name
Account extension for former students/employees/professors
Your account will automatically expire once you are exmatriculated from Hamburg University, your employment contract ends, or you retire.
For ongoing scientific projects, teaching, or outreach activities, you can extend your account for up to one year via If you want to keep your account for a longer period, you need to apply for an extension every year.
You are notified by the University's mail system whenever your account is due to expire. If you use the e-mail account provided by the Observatory, make sure that your University mail is forwarded!