Observational Astronomy
J. Liske's complete ADS listing and ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7542-2927.
In the media and outreach
Sternstunden Festival,
Music and Astronomy Festival, Hamburger Sternwarte, 19-20 Jul 2024
Vom Anfang und Ende des Universums,
Hamburger Sternwarte, 19 Jun 2024
Welche Gesetze herrschen im Weltall?,
P.M., 06/2024, 16, Jun 2024
Schwarze Löcher: Five Fun Facts,
Herzzentrum Duisburg, 15 May 2024
Vom Anfang und Ende des Universums,
Sternwarte Lübeck, 09 Feb 2024
Auf dem roten Sofa,
DAS!, NDR, 16 Jan 2024
Vom Anfang und Ende des Universums,
Planetarium Hamburg, 07 Dec 2023
Sternstunden Festival,
Music and Astronomy Festival, Hamburger Sternwarte, 21-22 Jul 2023
Das neue Dream Team: ELT und JWST,
Planetarium am Insulaner Berlin, 07 Jun 2023
Am Anfang war das Licht,
Sternwarte Lübeck, 17 Feb 2023
Das Universum – bis zur Unendlichkeit & noch weiter!,
Wir wollen's wissen, 30-31 Jan 2023
Am Anfang war das Licht,
Vortragsreihe "Wie alles begann", 07 Nov 2022
Weltraumteleskope im Wandel,
Hamburger Sternwarte, 19 Oct 2022
Einsteins größte Eselei (die vielleicht doch keine war),
Vortragsreihe "Faszination Astronomie Online", 18 Aug 2022
Das Extremely Large Telescope und seine Rolle bei der Erforschung Schwarzer Löcher,
DLR Köln und Karl-Rahner-Akademie, 07-08 Jun 2022
Haben Schwarze Löcher wirklich keine Haare?,
Wir wollen's wissen, 17-21 Jan 2022
Ikonen des Universums,
20 Jahre LEIFIphysik, Joachim Herz Stiftung, 18 Jun 2021
Die Erforschung des Mars,
Kiwanis Klub Hamburg, 25 Feb 2021
Haben Schwarze Löcher wirklich keine Haare?,
Wir wollen's wissen, 18-21 Jan 2021
Haben Schwarze Löcher wirklich keine Haare?,
"Astro-Talk" aus dem SFZ Hamburg, 08 Dec 2020
Jochen Liske wollte eigentlich zu den Sternen fliegen,
Bergedorfer Zeitung, 26 May 2020
Spektakuläre Teleskope,
Gut zu wissen, Bayerischer Rundfunk, 16 May 2020
Der Himmel von Morgen: die neuen Superteleskope,
Planetarium Hamburg, 21 Feb 2020
Faszination Planeten,
Einführung zum Universitätskonzert, Laeiszhalle, 02 Feb 2020
„Wie kann man davon nicht begeistert sein?“,
Interview, 29 Jan 2020
Haben Schwarze Löcher wirklich keine Haare?,
Wir wollen's wissen, 21-23 Jan 2020
Der Nobelpreis für Physik 2019,
Event of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, Bucerius Law School, 04 Dec 2019
Der Himmel von morgen: die Superteleskope der Zukunft,
Planetarium am Insulaner Berlin, 25 Sep 2019
Geldsegen für die Sternwarte auf dem Gojenberg,
Bergedorfer Zeitung, 26 Jul 2019
Wie Hamburg nach den Sternen griff,
Sommer des Wissens, Hamburg, 21 Jun 2019
Revolution am Himmel - Die neuen Superteleskope,
DFG exkurs, Munich, 26 Mar 2019
Der Himmel von morgen: die neuen Superteleskope,
Hamburger Sternwarte, 20 Mar 2019
Alles in Echt-Zeit!,
forschung 3/2018, 15 Oct 2018
Erhellendes über Schwarze Löcher,
Observatorium Hoher List, 19 Sep 2018
Das Hubble Weltraumteleskop: eine Erfolgsgeschichte,
Hamburger Sternwarte, 15 Sep 2018
The sky is the limit: new frontiers of astronomy,
Dom omladine Belgrade, 05 Sep 2018
Der Himmel von morgen: die neuen Superteleskope,
Universität Stuttgart, 07 May 2018
Haben Schwarze Löcher wirklich keine Haare?,
Wissen vom Fass, 19 Apr 2018
Komm zur Dunklen Seite des Universums!,
Science Café DESY, 27 Apr 2017
Einsteins Universum: Einstein und die schwarzen Löcher,
Planetarium Hamburg, 03 Dec 2017
Raumzeit Live on Stage,
Zeiss-Großplanetarium Berlin, 16 Nov 2017
Aufbruch ins All,
scobel, 3sat, 19 Oct 2017
Hinter dem Horizont: Riesenteleskope der Zukunft,
Planetarium Hamburg, 29 Sep 2017
The discovery of waves in space and time,
Angra do Heroísmo, Açores, 28 Aug 2017
Dunkle Energie und Riesenteleskope,
Hochschule Flensburg, 22 Jun 2017
Riesenteleskope und Einsteins "größte Eselei" - Von der Ausdehnung des Universums,
DFG exkurs, Bonn, 14 Jun 2017
Komm zur Dunklen Seite des Universums!,
Wissen vom Fass, 27 Apr 2017
The Acceleration of the Universe and the World's Largest Telescope,
Haus der Wissenschaft, Bremen, 18 Feb 2017
Bericht zu Wissen vom Fass,
NDR, 18 Nov 2016
Komm zur Dunklen Seite des Universums!,
Wissen vom Fass, 17 Nov 2016
Was ist eigentlich ein Meter? Und eine Sekunde?,
UHH, 08 Nov 2016
Einsteins größte "Eselei" (die vielleicht doch keine war),
Sternwarte Lübeck, 04 Nov 2016
Schwingungen in Raum und Zeit: die Entdeckung der Gravitationswellen,
VHS Sachsenwald, 29 Sep 2016
Das Sternschnuppen-Spektakel,
Spiegel Online, 12 Aug 2016
Einsteins größte "Eselei" (die vielleicht doch keine war),
Hamburger Sternwarte, 15 Jun 2016
Das E-ELT: Das neue Riesenauge der Astronomen,
DLR Köln und Karl-Rahner-Akademie, 26-27 Apr 2016
NDR, 29 Feb 2016
Hinter dem Horizont: Das europäische Riesenteleskop der Zukunft,
Sternwarte Lübeck, 12 Feb 2016
Hinter dem Horizont: Das europäische Riesenteleskop der Zukunft,
Planetarium im LWL-Museum für Naturkunde, Münster, 01 Dec 2015
25 Jahre Hubble – Wie ein Teleskop die Welt veränderte,
10. Koblenzer Nacht der Technik, 07 Nov 2015
Komm zur Dunklen Seite des Universums!,
Wissen vom Fass, 15 Oct 2015
Interview on Hubble's 25th Birthday,
Deutschlandradio, 25 Apr 2015
Interview about ESO's Very Large Telescope,
Episode 33, Awesome Astronomy, 01 Mar 2015
Največje oko zazrto v nebo,
Frequency X, 15 Jan 2015
Dr. J and the World’s Biggest Telescope,
Planetary Radio, 13 Jan 2015
How the World's Largest Telescope Will Hunt for Alien Life,
motherboard.com, 11 Dec 2014
Breaking Ground Now: Next-Gen Giant Telescopes,
Photonics Spectra, 15 Nov 2014
Digital Village Radio, 20 Sep 2014
Weltraum: Der Countdown hat begonnen ,
arte, 14 Sep 2014
Space Heritage 100,
NHK, Sep 2014
Interview about ESO's 3.6m telescope,
Episode 25, Awesome Astronomy, 01 Jul 2014
The European Extremely Large Telescope,
omega tau podcast, 20 Jun 2014
Chilean Mountain to Be Blasted for New Telescope,
livescience.com, 19 Jun 2014
Watch: Blowing Up a Mountain to Make Way for World’s Biggest Telescope,
wired.com, 19 Jun 2014
Mountain top in Chile to be blasted off for Extremely Large Telescope,
theguardian.com, 18 Jun 2014
Engineers will blast the top of a mountain to build an Extremely Large Telescope,
Deutsche Welle, 10 Jun 2014
Table mountain telescope,
Deutsche Welle, 09 Jun 2014
Interview about ESO,
Episode 20, Awesome Astronomy, 01 Feb 2014
New Telescope Will Be World’s Largest,
ABC News, 28 Jan 2014
Unser Auge im Universum,
Capriccio, Bayerisches Fernsehen, 16 Jan 2014
Interview on Ingolf Lück Show,
Antenne 1, 07 Dec 2013
Big Photonics Advances Build and Power Big Telescopes,
Photonics Spectra, 15 Nov 2013
Interview with University of Porto TV,
TVU, 24 Oct 2013
E-ELT - looking into black holes,
Deutsche Welle TV, 02 Sep 2013
Exoplanets: New missions hunting for alien worlds,
bbc.com/future, 29 Aug 2013
European Southern Observatory (ESO) Sets 'First Light' For World's Largest Telescope,
forbes.com, 20 Mar 2013
The £900m galaxy request,
Sunday Express, 10 Mar 2013
Interview about asteroid 2012 DA14,
SWR 3 Morningshow, 14 Feb 2013
Neue Aussicht ins All – Ist Leben auf anderen Planeten möglich?,
Planetopia, Sat.1, 21 Jan 2013
Interview about dark energy and the redshift drift,
nebulacast.com, 07 Nov 2012
Looking ahead to the Extremely Large Telescope in Chile,
chile.travel, 24 Oct 2012
ESO Astronomen feiern ihr 50jähriges Jubiläum,
Deutsche Welle TV, 11 Oct 2012
A day in the life of ESO,
A live, 6-h webcast celebrating ESO's 50th anniversary, 05 Oct 2012
E-ELT interview,
IQ Wissenschaft und Forschung, Bayern 2, 05 Oct 2012
Europe to the Stars,
Documentary celebrating ESO's 50th anniversary, 05 Sep 2012
Un ojo gigante para descubrir los secretos del universo,
Deutsche Welle, 28 Jul 2012
E-ELT interview,
Deutschlandradio Kultur, 14 Jun 2012
Astronomer Dr. Joe Liske explores questions about Dark Energy,
ElectronCafe.com, 22 May 2012
So weit sind die Sterne weg (print version),
Südkurier, 18 May 2012
Kosmologie, Riesenteleskope und observierende Astronomie,
Bayern 2, artmix.gespräch, 03 Feb 2012
Aktiv, 17 Dec 2011
TEDx talk on the European Extremely Large Telescope,
TEDxBucharest, 11 Nov 2011
short appearances on "Hallo 2011",
in SWR 3 radio, 2011, 2012
Hubble – Mission Universum,
Astronomy show, Servus TV, 2011–2012
An astronomer in a 3D world (print version),
Science in School, Issue 17, Winter 2010
2010 – Sensation im Weltraum,
Südkurier, 01 Oct 2010
Mit dem Riesenteleskop auf der Suche nach Leben im All (print version),
Südkurier, 05 Aug 2010
Den Beginn der Zeit im Blick,
tz, 20 Jul 2010
Blick ins All (mp3),
Saarländischer Rundfunk, 06 Jul 2010
Jane Mond – 00* jagt Dr. NoESO, Österreichs langer Weg zur Europäischen Südsternwarte,
Okto TV, 04 Jul 2010
Das Auge 3D in Mainz,
OK:TV Mainz, 19 Jun 2010
Dokumentarfilm „Das Auge 3D“ fasziniert Zuschauer im Mainzer Cinestar (includes video),
Allgemeine Zeitung, 19 Jun 2010
E-ELT interview,
TBSeFM Radio, 10 Jun 2010
Größtes Teleskop in Chile,
Bayern 2 Radio, 30 Apr 2010
Europas Fenster ins All,
Bayerisches Fernsehen, 27 Apr 2010
Weltraumteleskop Hubble
Menschliches Werkzeug der Superlative,
Focus online, 24 Apr 2010
Das Auge 3D,
3D cinema documentary about ESO's Paranal Observatory, 29 Oct 2009
Sternstunden der Weltraumforschung
Von Galileos Fernrohr zu modernen Teleskopen,
Scobel, 3sat, 22 Oct 2009
Full interview (in German)
Das VLT in 3D,
Spektrum der Wissenschaft, 11 Sep 2009
E-ELT: Europas neuer Blick ins All,
Frankfurter Neue Presse, 17 Jul 2009
Mentioned in
Teleskope als Zeitmaschinen,
Süddeutsche Zeitung (Landkreisausgabe Dachau), 07 May 2009
New technique closes in on dark energy,
Astronomy Magazine, Jun 2009
400 Jahre fern sehen,
Spektrum der Wissenschaft, 04 May 2009
Around the World in 80 Telescopes,
A live, 24-hour webcast featuring 80 different observatories both on and off the planet. Part of the 100 hours of astronomy project of the International Year of Astronomy 2009
400 Years of the Telescope,
A documentary celebrating the International Year of Astronomy 2009
Galileos Enkel – HighTech für die Teleskope von morgen (.mp4),
Deutsche Welle TV, 18 Jan 2009
Unfortunately, my interview got cut from the final version...
Das Universum in neuen Spiegeln,
NZZ am Sonntag, 19 Oct 2008
iTunes and www.eso.org, 2008–2012
Eyes on the Skies,
The International Astronomical Union's official movie celebrating the 400th anniversary of the telescope, 2008
Winner of the MEDEA Special Jury Award 2009, see also this interview with Lars Christensen
iTunes and Spacetelescope.org, 2007–2012
Universum ist viel heller als gedacht,
Spiegel Online, 19 May 2008
Does the universe seem dim to you?,
Nature blog, 16 May 2008
Dust dimming our universe,
Astronomy, 16 May 2008
Astronomers use new model of dust in galaxies to remeasure the total energy output of stars in the universe,
Physorg.com, 15 May 2008
Astronomers find that Universe shines twice as bright,
Spaceref.com, 15 May 2008
Universe twice as bright as known,
BBC, 15 May 2008
Mysteriöse Dunkle Materie entdeckt,
heute-journal, 15 May 2007
Es wächst und wächst und wächst,
Financial Times Deutschland, 15 Jan 2007
Not sure, it's in Chinese,
cutech, 23 Aug 2006
Not sure, it's in Russian,
Grani, 20 Aug 2006
Universe has fuel for another 70bn years,
The Scotsman, 19 Aug 2006
Universe Has Used Up a Fifth of Its Gas Tank,
Universe Today, 18 Aug 2006
Cosmic Stocktake Reveals What's Left of Big Bang,
Physorg.com, 18 Aug 2006
IAU: What's the Universe made of?,
Nature newsblog, 18 Aug 2006
Eins, zwei, drei...,
Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, 16 Jan 2004
The Stellar Census: 70 Sextillion - Astronomers calculate there are more stars in the sky than grains of sand on Earth,
LA Times, 26 Jul 2003
Number of visible stars put at 70 sextillion,
ABC, 25 Jul 2003
Mehr Sterne als Sand am Meer,
Stern, 24 Jul 2003
Star survey reaches 70 sextillion,
CNN, 23 Jul 2003
Radio interview,
BBC Radio Wales, 23 Jul 2003 Sterne,
Bayerischer Rundfunk, 23 Jul 2003
Astronomers count the stars,
BBC, 22 Jul 2003
Imperfect Estimate Claims Universe Has 70 Sextillion Stars,
Space.com, 22 Jul 2003
Conference proceedings
ANDES, the high resolution spectrograph for the ELT: the software ecosystem,
M. Landoni et al. (incl J. Liske), 2024, in "Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy VIII", Proceedings of the SPIE, 13101, 131010M
ANDES, the high-resolution spectrograph for the ELT: calibration unit(s),
P. Huke et al. (incl J. Liske), 2024, in "Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation VI", Proceedings of the SPIE, 13100, 131000R
ANDES, the high resolution spectrograph for the ELT: science goals, project overview and future developments,
A. Marconi et al. (incl J. Liske), 2024, in "Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X", Proceedings of the SPIE, 13096, 1309613
4MOST: the 4-metre multi-object spectroscopic telescope project in the assembly, integration, and test phase,
R.S. de Jong et al. (incl J. Liske), 2022, in "Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX", Proceedings of the SPIE, 12184, 1218414
ANDES, the high resolution spectrograph for the ELT: science case, baseline design and path to construction,
A. Marconi et al. (incl J. Liske), 2022, in "Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX", Proceedings of the SPIE, 12184, 1218424
ELT-HIRES, the high resolution spectrograph for the ELT: the Phase A study and the path to construction,
A. Marconi et al. (incl J. Liske), 2020, in "Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII", Proceedings of the SPIE, 11447, 1144726
ELT-HIRES, the high resolution spectrograph for the ELT: results from the Phase A study,
A. Marconi et al. (incl J. Liske), 2018, in "Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII", Proceedings of the SPIE, 10702, 107021Y
EELT-HIRES the high-resolution spectrograph for the E-ELT,
A. Marconi et al. (incl J. Liske), 2016, in "Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI", Proceedings of the SPIE, 9908, 990823
The Wide Area VISTA Extra-Galactic Survey (WAVES),
S.P. Driver, L.J. Davies, M. Meyer, C. Power, A.S.G. Robotham, I.K. Baldry, J. Liske, P. Norberg, 2016, in "The Universe of Digital Sky Surveys" (Capodimonte, 25-28 November 2014), Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, 42, 205, N.R. Napolitano, G. Longo, M. Marconi, M. Paolillo, E. Iodice, eds.
Cosmological Dynamics: a Direct Measurement of the Expansion History of the Universe with the E-ELT,
J. Liske, 2011, in "Particle Physics and Cosmology – First results from the LHC", Proceedings of the XXIInd Rencontres de Blois (Blois, 15-20 July 2010), 123, L. Celnikier, J. Dumarchez, B. Klima, J. Tran Thanh Van, eds.
ESO Future Facilities to Probe Fundamental Physical Constants,
P. Molaro, J. Liske, 2010, in "From Varying Couplings to Fundamental Physics", Proceedings of Symposium 1 of JENAM 2010 (Lisbon, 06-10 September 2010), Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, 147, C. Martins, P. Molaro, eds.
L. Pasquini et al. (incl J. Liske), 2010, in "Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III", Proceedings of the SPIE, 7735, 77352F, I. McLean, S.K. Ramsay, H. Takami, eds.
Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA),
S.P. Driver and the GAMA Team (incl J. Liske), 2009, in "The Galaxy Disk in Cosmological Context", Proceedings of IAU Symposium 254 (Copenhagen, 09-13 June 2008), 469, J. Andersen, J. Bland-Hawthorn, B. Nordström, eds.
From ESPRESSO to CODEX, (full text)
J. Liske et al., 2009, in "Science with the VLT in the ELT Era" (Garching, 08-12 October 2007), Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, 243, A. Moorwood, ed.
ESPRESSO: a high resolution spectrograph for the combined coudé focus of the VLT, (full text)
L. Pasquini et al. (incl J. Liske), 2009, in "Science with the VLT in the ELT era" (Garching, 08-12 October 2007), Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, 395, A. Moorwood, ed.
Exoplanets: The Road to Earth Twins, (full text)
S. Udry et al. (incl J. Liske), 2009, in "Science with the VLT in the ELT era" (Garching, 08-12 October 2007), Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, 155, A. Moorwood, ed.
The CODEX-ESPRESSO experiment: Cosmic dynamics, fundamental physics, planets and much more...,
S. Cristiani et al. (incl J. Liske), 2008, in "A Century of Cosmology" (San Servolo, 27-31 August 2007), Il Nuovo Cimento, 122 B, 1165, G. Chincarini, P. Saracco, M. Bolzonella, eds.
The Hubblecast - the world's first full HD video podcast?,
L.L. Christensen, M. Kornmesser, R.Y. Shida, W. Gater, J. Liske, 2008, in "Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007", Proceedings of an IAU Commission 55 conference (Athens, 08-11 October 2007), 392, L.L. Christensen, M. Zoulias, I. Robson, eds.
GAMA: A new galaxy survey,
I. Baldry, J. Liske, S.P. Driver and the GAMA Team, 2008, in "Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges", Proceedings of IAU Symposium 245 (Oxford, 16-20 July 2007), 83, M. Bureau, E. Athanassoula, B. Barbuy, eds.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: the severe attenuation of bulge flux by dusty spiral discs,
S.P. Driver and the MGC Team (incl J. Liske), 2008, in "Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges", Proceedings of IAU Symposium 245 (Oxford, 16-20 July 2007), 403, M. Bureau, E. Athanassoula, B. Barbuy, eds.
CODEX/ESPRESSO: the era of precision spectroscopy,
V. D'Odorico, for the CODEX/ESPRESSO team (incl J. Liske), 2007, in "LI Congresso Nazionale della Societa Astronomica Italiana" (Florence, 17-20 April 2007), Mem. S.A.It., 75, 282.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: Science highlights,
S.P. Driver, J. Liske, A.W. Graham, 2007, in "From Stars to Galaxies: Building up the Pieces to Build up the Universe" (Venice, 16-20 October 2006), ASP Conference Proceedings, 374, 481, A. Vallenari, R. Tantalo, L. Portinari, A. Moretti, eds.
L. Pasquini et al. (incl J. Liske), 2008, in "Precision Spectroscopy in Astrophysics", Proceedings of the ESO/Lisbon/Aveiro Conference (Aveiro, 11-15 September 2006), ESO Astrophysics Symposia, 249, N.C. Santos, L. Pasquini, A.C.M. Correia, M. Romaniello, eds.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: Galaxy Bimodality,
S.P. Driver, J. Liske, A.W. Graham, 2007, in "Galaxy Evolution Across the Hubble Time", Proceedings of IAU Symposium 235 (Prague, 14-17 August 2006), 17, F. Combes, J. Palous, eds.
The Local Supermassive Black Hole Mass Function from 10,000 Galaxies and the Mbh-concentration Relation,
A. Graham, S.P. Driver, P.D. Allen, J. Liske, 2006, 208th AAS meeting (Calgary, 4-8 June 2006), Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 38, 95.
CODEX: measuring the acceleration of the universe and beyond,
L. Pasquini, S. Cristiani, H. Dekker, M. Haehnelt, P. Molaro, F. Pepe, G. Avila, B. Delabre, S. D'Odorico, J. Liske, P. Shaver, P. Bonifacio, S. Borgani, V. D'Odorico, E. Vanzella, F. Bouchy, M. Dessauges, C. Lovis, M. Mayor, D. Queloz, S. Udry, M. Murphy, M. Viel, A. Grazian, S. Levshakov, L. Moscardini, T. Wiklind, S. Zucker, 2006, in "The Scientific Requirements for Extremely Large Telescopes", Proceedings of IAU Symposium 232 (Cape Town, 14-18 November 2005), 193, P.A. Whitelock, B. Leibundgut, M. Dennefeld, eds.
L. Pasquini, S. Cristiani, H. Dekker, M. Haehnelt, P. Molaro, F. Pepe, G. Avila, B. Delabre, S. D'Odorico, J. Liske, P. Shaver, P. Bonifacio, S. Borgani, V. D'Odorico, E. Vanzella, F. Bouchy, M. Dessauges, C. Lovis, M. Mayor, D. Queloz, S. Udry, M. Murphy, M. Viel, A. Grazian, S. Levshakov, L. Moscardini, T. Wiklind, S. Zucker, 2006, in "Instrumentation for Extremely Large Telescopes", Proceedings of a Ringberg Workshop (Ringberg, 25-29 July 2005), MPIA Special Publication 0106, 127, T. Herbst, ed.
The Cosmological Dynamics Experiment, (full text)
J. Liske for the CODEX Team, 2006, in "Beyond Einstein - Physics for the 21st Century", Proceedings of EPS-13 (Bern, 11-15 July 2005), 17, A.M. Cruise, L. Ouwehand, eds.
Measuring Structural Properties of Galaxies in the Local Universe, (full text)
P.D. Allen, S.P. Driver, J. Liske, A.W. Graham, 2007, in "Island Universes - Structure and Evolution of Disk Galaxies" (Terschelling, 3-8 July 2005), Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, 23, R.S. de Jong, ed.
The Bivariate Brightness Distribution of Galaxy Disks, (full text)
J. Liske, S.P. Driver, P.D. Allen, 2007, in "Island Universes - Structure and Evolution of Disk Galaxies" (Terschelling, 3-8 July 2005), Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, 531, R.S. de Jong, ed.
The Bivariate Brightness Distributions of Bulges and Disks, (full text)
J. Liske, S.P. Driver, P.D. Allen, 2006, in "The Fabulous Destiny of Galaxies: Bridging Past and Present", Proceedings of the Vth Marseille International Cosmology Conference (Marseille, 20-24 June 2005), 81, V. Le Brun, A. Mazure, S. Arnouts, D. Burgarella, eds.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: the nearby supermassive black hole mass function,
S.P. Driver, A.W. Graham, P.D. Allen, J. Liske, 2006, in "The Fabulous Destiny of Galaxies: Bridging Past and Present", Proceedings of the Vth Marseille International Cosmology Conference (Marseille, 20-24 June 2005), 409, V. Le Brun, A. Mazure, S. Arnouts, D. Burgarella, eds.
The Bivariate Brightness Distribution of Galaxies as a Function of Spectral Type,
N.J.G. Cross, S.P. Driver, D.J. Lemon, J. Liske, W.J. Couch and the 2dFGRS Team, 2002, 200th AAS meeting (Albuquerque, 2-6 June 2002), Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 34, 703.
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue,
D.J. Lemon, J. Liske, S.P. Driver, N.J.G. Cross, 2002, in "A New Era in Cosmology" (Durham, 11-15 September 2001), ASP Conference Proceedings, 283, 117, N. Metcalfe, T. Shanks, eds.
Variations in the Bivariate Brightness Distribution with different galaxy types,
N.J.G. Cross, S.P. Driver, D.J. Lemon, J. Liske, 2002, in "A New Era in Cosmology" (Durham, 11-15 September 2001), ASP Conference Proceedings, 283, 51, N. Metcalfe, T. Shanks, eds.
Evidence of Structure in the Lyman Alpha Forest, (full text)
J. Liske, J.K. Webb, 1999, in "Looking Deep in the Southern Sky", Proceedings of the Joint ESO/Australia Workshop (Sydney, 10-12 December 1997), ESO Astrophysics Symposia, 234, F. Morganti, W.J. Couch, eds.
Structure in the Lyman Alpha Forest,
J. Liske, J.K. Webb, 1997, in "Structure and Evolution of the IGM from QSO Absorption Line Systems", Proceedings of the 13th IAP Colloquium (Paris, 1-5 July 1997), 428, P. Petitjean, S. Charlot, eds.
Technical publications
Top Level Requirements for ELT-HIRES,
J. Liske (editor and co-author) et al., 2014, ESO publication ESO-204697
Top Level Requirements for ELT-CAM,
J. Liske (editor and co-author) et al., 2013, ESO publication ESO-193104
The E-ELT Design Reference Mission,
J. Liske (editor and co-author) et al., 2011, ESO publication E-TRE-ESO-080-0717
The E-ELT Design Reference Science Plan,
A. Küpcü-Yoldaş, M. Kissler-Patig, J. Liske, 2011, ESO publication E-TRE-ESO-080-0840
CODEX Phase A Executive Summary,
L. Pasquini et al. (incl J. Liske), 2010, ESO publication E-TRE-ESO-573-0642
CODEX Phase A Science Case,
M. Haehnelt et al. (incl J. Liske), 2010, ESO publication E-TRE-IOA-573-0001
OWL Instrument Concept Study: COsmic Dynamics EXperiment (CODEX),
L. Pasquini et al. (incl J. Liske), 2005, ESO publication OWL-CSR-ESO-00000-0160
Automated detection and analysis of object motion in CCD sky images,
M. Ashley, J. Liske, C. Bembrick, B. Carter, P. Mitchell, 1996, UNSW, project report for Lockheed Engineering & Sciences Company
Cosmology with the Lyman Alpha Forest,
J. Liske, 2000, Ph.D. thesis, University of New South Wales
Large Scale Structure in the Lyman Alpha Forest,
J. Liske, 1997, Diplom (~MSc) thesis, University of Bonn
The 4MOST Community Surveys,
V. Mainieri et al. (incl J. Liske), 2023, The Messenger, 190, 3
4MOST Complete Calibration of the Colour-Redshift Relation (4C3R2),
D. Gruen et al. (incl J. Liske), 2023, The Messenger, 190, 28
Transform our Understanding of the Baryon Cycle with High-Resolution Quasar Spectroscopy (ByCycle),
C. Peroux et al. (incl J. Liske), 2023, The Messenger, 190, 42
The 4MOST Hemisphere Survey of the Nearby Universe (4HS),
E.N. Taylor et al. (incl J. Liske), 2023, The Messenger, 190, 48
The ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope Working Groups,
P. Padovani et al. (incl J. Liske), 2022, The Messenger, 189, 23
HIRES, the High-resolution Spectrograph for the ELT,
A. Marconi et al. (incl J. Liske), 2021, The Messenger, 182, 27
The Cosmic Accelerometer,
S. Eikenberry et al. (incl J. Liske), 2019, Astro2020: Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics, APC white papers, no. 137; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 51, 137
Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Bulge-disk decomposition of KiDS and VIKING data in the nearby universe,
S. Casura, J. Liske, A.S.G.Robotham, D.S. Taranu, J. Laine, 2019, poster presentation at "The Art of Measuring Galaxy Physical Properties" (Milano, 18-22 November 2019)
Report on the ESO Workshop "Preparing for 4MOST — A Community Workshop Introducing ESO's Next-Generation Spectroscopic Survey Facility",
J. Liske, V. Mainieri, 2019, The Messenger, 177, 61
4MOST: Project overview and information for the First Call for Proposals,
R.S. de Jong et al. (incl J. Liske), 2019, The Messenger, 175, 3
4MOST Scientific Operations,
C.J. Walcher et al. (incl J. Liske), 2019, The Messenger, 175, 12
4MOST Survey Strategy Plan,
G. Guiglion et al. (incl J. Liske), 2019, The Messenger, 175, 17
4MOST Consortium Survey 7: Wide-Area VISTA Extragalactic Survey (WAVES),
S.P. Driver, J. Liske et al., 2019, The Messenger, 175, 46
Alles in Echt-Zeit!,
J. Liske, 2018, forschung, 3, 10
Constructing the E-ELT,
T. de Zeeuw, R. Tamai, J. Liske, 2014, The Messenger, 158, 3
An Expanded View of the Universe,
M. Kissler-Patig et al. (incl J. Liske), 2011, E-ELT Science Case
Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Successes, Progress and Plans,
A. Hopkins et al. (incl J. Liske), 2011, AAO Observer, 119, 6
A Sneak Preview of the E-ELT Design Reference Science Plan Questionnaire Results,
M. Kissler-Patig, A. Küpcü-Yoldaş, J. Liske, 2009, The Messenger, 138, 11
Report on the ESO Workshop E-ELT Design Reference Mission and Science Plan,
I. Hook, J. Liske, D. Villegas, M. Kissler-Patig, 2009, The Messenger, 137, 51
GAMA: towards a physical understanding of galaxy formation,
S.P. Driver, P. Norberg, I.K. Baldry, S.P. Bamford, A.M. Hopkins, J. Liske, J. Loveday, J.A. Peacock and the GAMA Team, 2009, Astronomy & Geophysics, 50, 5.12
E-ELT and the Cosmic Expansion History – A Far Stretch?,
J. Liske and the CODEX Team, 2008, The Messenger, 133, 10
Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA),
S.P. Driver and the GAMA Team (incl J. Liske), 2008, AAO Newsletter, 114, 3
Why we need survey-style bulge-disk decomposition,
J. Liske, S.P. Driver, poster presentation at the 1st Subaru International Conference "Panoramic Views of Galaxy Formation and Evolution" (Hayama, 11-16 December 2007)
Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) - The case for a new redshift survey of 250,000 galaxies,
I. Baldry, S. Driver, A. Hopkins, J. Liske, R. Nichol, P. Norberg, J. Peacock and the GAMA team, poster presentation at the RAS National Astronomy Meeting (Preston, 16-20 April 2007) and at the IAU Symposium 245 "Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges" (Oxford, 16-20 July 2007)
A new understanding of the visible Universe,
S.P. Driver, J. Liske, 2007, PPARC Frontiers, 26, ?
The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue,
S.P. Driver, J. Liske, A.W. Graham, 2007, AAO Newsletter, 111, 5
CODEX: Measuring the Expansion of the Universe (and beyond),
L. Pasquini, S. Cristiani, H. Dekker, M. Haehnelt, P. Molaro, F. Pepe, G. Avila, B. Delabre, S. D'Odorico, J. Liske, P. Shaver, P. Bonifacio, S. Borgani, V. D'Odorico, E. Vanzella, F. Bouchy, M. Dessauges, C. Lovis, M. Mayor, D. Queloz, S. Udry, M. Murphy, M. Viel, A. Grazian, S. Levshakov, L. Moscardini, T. Wiklind, S. Zucker, 2005, The Messenger, 122, 10
CODEX - Cosmic Dynamics Experiment,
J. Liske, L. Pasquini for the CODEX Team, poster presentation at the conference "Open Questions in Cosmology: the First Billion Years" (Garching, 22-26 August 2005)
The Bivariate Brightness Distribution of Galaxy Disks,
J. Liske, S.P. Driver, P.D. Allen, poster presentation at the conference "Island Universes - Structure and Evolution of Disk Galaxies" (Terschelling, 3-8 July 2005)
First Light of SINFONI at the VLT,
H. Bonnet et al. (incl J. Liske), 2004, The Messenger, 117, 17
PD2H: A New Survey to Measure the Primordial Deuterium Abundance,
J.K. Webb, A. Fernández-Soto, J. Liske, A. Ortiz-Gil, R.F. Carswell, A. Vidal-Madjar, M. Lemoine, S. Burles, poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Astronomical Society of Australia (Sydney, 9-12 July 1999)
A Composite z ~ 3.5 QSO Spectrum,
A. Fernández-Soto, J. Liske, J.K. Webb, poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Astronomical Society of Australia (Sydney, 9-12 July 1999)