Courses (current and previous)
Einführung in die Astronomie I (SoSe2019)
Was? | Vorlesung 66-??? | Übung 66-??? |
Wer? | Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen | |
Wo? | Fachbereich Physik, Jungiusstr. 11, Hörsaal ??? | Fachbereich Physik, Jungiusstr. 11, SemRm2 |
Wann? | Donnerstag 11:15...12:45 | Donnerstag 14:45 |
Behandelte Themen
- Koordinatensysteme
- Astronomische Zeitrechnung
- Sonnensystem
- Gravitation
- Keplers Gesetze
- Strahlung
- Teleskope
- Physik der Planeten
- Sternaufbau
- Sternentwicklung
- Sternentstehung
- Interstellare Materie
- Doppelsterne und Sternhaufen
- Das Milchstraßensystem
Folien & Arbeitsblätter
- Astronomie und Astrophysik
Weigert, Wendker & Wisotzki
Wiley-VCH, 5. Auflage 2009 - Der neue Kosmos
Unsöld & Baschek
Springer, 7. Auflage 2002
Einführung Astronomie II (SoSe2019)
Was? | Vorlesung 66-??? | Übung 66-??? |
Wer? | Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen | |
Wo? | Fachbereich Physik, Jungiusstr. 11, Hörsaal ??? | Fachbereich Physik, Jungiusstr. 11, SemRm2 |
Wann? | Donnerstag 11:15...12:45 | Donnerstag 14:45 |
Behandelte Themen
- Koordinatensysteme
- Astronomische Zeitrechnung
- Sonnensystem
- Gravitation
- Keplers Gesetze
- Strahlung
- Teleskope
- Physik der Planeten
- Sternaufbau
- Sternentwicklung
- Sternentstehung
- Interstellare Materie
- Doppelsterne und Sternhaufen
- Das Milchstraßensystem
Folien & Arbeitsblätter
- Astronomie und Astrophysik
Weigert, Wendker & Wisotzki
Wiley-VCH, 5. Auflage 2009 - Der neue Kosmos
Unsöld & Baschek
Springer, 7. Auflage 2002
Cosmology (SoSe2019)
SoSe 2019
What? | Lecture | Tutorials |
Who? | Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen | Dr. Pranjal Trivedi |
Where? | Zoom | Moodle |
When? |
Summary: This course gives an elementary introduction to the theoretical and observational foundations of modern cosmology. It covers the various strands of evidence for our current cosmological model and our understanding of how structure formed in the universe. Much of the material will be presented on a blackboard which means that attendance is strongly recommended. The lecture will be held in English. There will be an emphasis on solving problems and the course will conclude with a written exam.
- Notes (excerpt)
- Python lecture
- Example script (Make sure to replace .txt by .py and uncomment first two lines.)
- We recommend to use Anaconda for Python 3 installation. Install instruction can be found in the documentation.
- Introduction to Modern Cosmology
A. Liddle
Wiley, 2003 - Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology: An Introduction
P. Schneider
Springer Verlag, 2015 - Ned Wright's Cosmology Tutorial
Extragalactic Astrophysics (SoSe2019)
SoSe 2019
What? | Lecture 66-??? | Tutorials 66-??? |
Who? | Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen | |
Where? | Fachbereich Physik, Jungiusstr. 11, SemRm3 | |
When? | Mo. 12:15...13:45 | Tue 12:30...13:15 |
Assessment: grade is based on (i) a single one-hour written exam held at the end of the course (100%) and (ii) homework (pass/fail per sheet) (20%). Full marks can be achieved with the exam. The homework can yield up to 20% bonus points.
Summary: This course gives an elementary introduction to astrophysics on the scales of galaxies and beyond. Much of the material will be presented on a blackboard which means that attendance is strongly recommended. The lecture will be held in English. There will be an emphasis on solving problems and the course will conclude with a written exam.
- Script scan
- Galaxies notes (slides by Wolfram Schmidt)
- Slides shown in lecture
- Galaxy Clusters notes
- Problem sheet 1
- Problem sheet 2
- Problem sheet 3
- Problem sheet 4
- Problem sheet 5
- Problem sheet 6
- Problem sheet 7
- Problem sheet 8
- Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology: An Introduction
Springer Verlag, 2015 - High-Energy Astrophysics
S. Rosswog, M. Brüggen
Cambridge University Press, 2007 - Ned Wright's Cosmology Tutorial
Proseminar Astrophysik
SoSe 2023
Was? | Vorbesprechung | Proseminar 66-533 |
Wer? | Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen | |
Wo? | Zoom | Sternwarte, Gojenbergsweg 112, Sonnenbau |
Wann? |
Anmerkung zu den Vorträgen
- Vorträge können auf deutsch oder englisch gehalten werden. Dasselbe gilt für die Folien.
- Vortragszeit ist strikt auf 15 Minuten beschränkt (auch bei Teamvorträgen). Entsprechend sollten nicht mehr als circa 12 slides verwendet werden.
- Die Folien senden Sie mir nach dem Vortrag als pdf zu. Eine weitere schriftliche Ausarbeitung ist nicht nötig.
- Achten Sie auf Quellenangaben bei der Verwendung von Bildern etc.
- Aktive Teilnahme durch Fragen/Diskussion zählt 50% zur Note.
- Teilnahme an allen Terminen ist verpflichtend.
Programm für den Donnerstag 20.06.2024
- 9:00 Sherma: What produces cosmic rays?
- 9:20 Weber: IceCube
- 9:40 Lühmann: The arrow of time
- 10:00 Meyns: The central black hole in the Milky Way
- 10:20 Kruck: Black hole information paradox
- 10:40 Burmeister: Gravitationswellen
- 11:00 Break
- 11:20 Stern: How do black holes grow?
- 11:40 Hetzer: The multiverse
- 12:00 Eschholz: The crisis in cosmology
- How will the Universe end?
- The Universe's first stars?
- The Arrow of Time
Physical Review, Supplement [0369-9706] Aartsen, M G yr:2013 vol:87 iss:6 pg:062002 - Gamma-ray astronomy - Misconceptions about the big bang
Lineweaver, Charles H., Davis, Tamara M., Scientific American, 00368733, Mar2005, Vol. 292, Issue 3 - How do radio interferometers work? - Event Horizon Telescope - New concepts of space flight - Gravitational waves - The Square Kilometre Array - The Extremely Large Telescope - The Multiverse
- The new crisis in cosmology (The Hubble constant)
- The central black hole in the Milky Way (Nobel Prize 2020)
Seminar Extragalaktische Astrophysik (WiSe 2019/2020)
WiSe 2019/2020
Was? | Seminar |
Wer? | Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen |
Wo? | Sonnenbau, Hamburger Sterwarte, Bergedorf |
Wann? | 16.01.2023 9:00 |
Anmerkung zu den Vorträgen
- Vorträge können auf deutsch oder englisch gehalten werden. Dasselbe gilt für slides.
- Vorträgzeit ist strikt auf 15 Minuten beschränkt. Entsprechend sollten nicht mehr als 12 slides verwendet werden.
- Die slides senden Sie mir nach dem Vortrag als pdf zu. Eine weitere schriftliche Ausarbeitung ist nicht nötig.
- Achten Sie auf Quellenangaben bei der Verwendung von Bildern etc.
Programm für den Montag 16.01.2023
- 09:00 Vishnu Narayan Manoj Kumar: Connection between galaxies and their dark matter halos
- 09:20 Aleena Reji: Connection between galaxies and their dark matter halos
- 09:40 Cheriyan Varghese: How to detect cosmic rays
- 10:00 Daniel Elinjikkal: How to weigh Black holes
- 10:20 Snigdha Bhattacharjee: What are fast radio bursts?
- 10:40 BREAK
- 11:00 Luisa Blum: Superintelligence
- 11:20 Wasif Shaqil: The circumgalactic medium
- 11:40 Rohan Gupta: How do Black holes grow?
- 12:00 Anna-Malin Lemke: The screwy Universe: parity violation, quintessence, Dark Energy
- 12:20 Zeyue Wu: How do black holes grow?
- 12:40 Sumukh Venkatesh Makam: What produces cosmic rays?
- 13:00 Utkarsh Bhatnagar:The Black Hole Information Paradox: A Resolution on the Horizon
- How do black holes grow?
- "What Drives the Growth of Black Holes?"
Alexander & Hickox 2011, New Astronomy reviews - "Coevolution (Or Not) of Supermassive Black Holes and Host Galaxies"
John Kormendy, Luis C. Ho 2013 - "The Growth of the Stellar Seeds of Supermassive Black Holes"
Jarrett L. Johnson, Daniel J. Whalen, Christopher L. Fryer, Hui Li 2012
- "What Drives the Growth of Black Holes?"
- How to weigh black holes? The M-sigma relation
- Observations
- "A Fundamental Relation between Supermassive Black Holes and Their Host Galaxies."
Ferrarese and Merritt 2000, ApJL, 539, 9 - "A Relationship between Nuclear Black Hole Mass and Galaxy Velocity Dispersion."
Gebhardt et al. 2000, ApJL, 539, 13 - "The M-sigma and M-L Relations in Galactic Bulges, and Determinations of Their Intrinsic Scatter."
Gultekin et al. 2009, ApJ, 698, 198 - "Precise Black Hole Masses from Megamaser Disks: Black Hole-Bulge Relations at Low Mass."
Greene et al. 2010, ApJ, 721, 26 - "Black Holes in Pseudobulges and Spheroidals: A Change in the Black Hole-Bulge Scaling Relations at Low Mass."
Greene et al. 2008, ApJ, 688, 159
- Models / Explanations
- "Dark matter haloes determine the masses of supermassive black holes."
Booth and Schaye 2010, MNRAS, 405, 1 - "The Evolution of the M_BH-sigma Relation."
Robertson et al. 2006, ApJ, 641, 90 - "Large-scale outflows in galaxies."
King et al. 2011, MNRAS, 415, 6 - "Self-regulated star formation and the black hole-galaxy bulge relation."
Power et al. 2011, MNRAS, 413, 110
- "Dark matter haloes determine the masses of supermassive black holes."
- Observations
- What does redshift really mean?
- "Eppur si espande"
Marek A. Abramowicz, Stanislaw Bajtlik, Jean-Pierre Lasota, Audrey Moudens - "Expanding Space: the Root of all Evil?"
Francis, Matthew J.; Barnes, Luke A.; Berian James, J.; Lewis, Geraint F.
eprint arXiv:0707.0380 - "Coordinate Confusion in Conformal Cosmology"
Lewis, Geraint F.; Francis, Matthew J.; Barnes, Luke A.; Berian James, J.
eprint arXiv:0707.2106 - "Cosmological Radar Ranging in an Expanding Universe"
Lewis, Geraint F.; Francis, Matthew J.; Barnes, Luke A.; Kwan, Juliana; Berian James, J.
eprint arXiv:0805.2197 - "A diatribe on expanding space"
Peacock, J. A.
eprint arXiv:0809.4573 - "A short answer to critics of our article "Eppur si espande" [arXiv:astro-ph/0612155]"
Abramowicz, Marek A.; Bajtlik, Stanislaw; Lasota, Jean-Pierre; Moudens, Audrey
eprint arXiv:0812.3266 - "Eppur si muove"
Chodorowski, Michał
eprint arXiv:0812.3972 - "The Adventures of the Rocketeer: Accelerated Motion Under the Influence of Expanding Space"
Kwan, Juliana; Lewis, Geraint F.; Berian James, J.
eprint arXiv:0909.1551
- "Eppur si espande"
- What produces cosmic rays?
- "High-energy cosmic-ray acceleration"
M. Bustamante - "The Astrophysics of Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays"
Kumiko Kotera, Angela V. Olinto - "The Highest-Energy Cosmic Rays"
Beatty, James J.; Westerhoff, Stefan
- "High-energy cosmic-ray acceleration"
- What are fast radio bursts?
- "The host galaxy of a fast radio burst"
Keane et al. - "TNo precise localization for FRB 150418: claimed radio transient is AGN variability"
Williams et al.
- "The host galaxy of a fast radio burst"
- Superintelligence
- "The Coming Technological Singularity: How to Survive in the Post-Human Era " - "The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence"
- "The Coming Technological Singularity: How to Survive in the Post-Human Era "
- The connection between galaxies and their dark matter halos
- Wechsler & Tinker: Annual Reviews of Astronomy & Astrophysics
- Wechsler & Tinker: Annual Reviews of Astronomy & Astrophysics
- The Black Hole Information Paradox:A Resolution on the Horizon
- The screwy Universe: parity violation, quintessence, Dark Energy
and references therein
- 10. The circumgalactic medium
Hörer aller Fakultäten (WiSe 2019/2020)
WiSe 2019/2020
Was? | Vorlesung |
Wer? | Prof. Dr. Marcus Brüggen |
Wo? | Fachbereich Physik, Jungiusstr. 11, Hörsaal III |
Wann? | Mi. 17:00 st |
- Das James Webb Space Telescope - Das Square Kilometre Array - Der Planck Satellit - Gallerie von SOHO Bildern - Was passiert wenn man in ein schwarzes Loch fällt?
F-Praktikum, Versuch Radioastronomie
Was? | F-Praktikum |
Wer? | Dr. Volker Heesen |
Wo? | Hamburger Sternwarte |
Wann? | Termin vereinbaren |
Mit dem 3m-Radioteleskop der Hamburger Sternwarte wird im Rahmen des F-Praktikums die 21cm-Linie des neutralen Wasserstoffs in der Mlichstrasse vermessen. Mit der abgeleiteten Rotationskurve lässt sich die grobe Masse unserer Galaxies abschätzen.
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