SS 2019 Condensed-Matter Theory
Special Topics
- Thursday: exercise class only (Th 10:15–11:45 Uhr, SemRm 1)
- problem set no. 11
- script part 25 (numbering of chapters somewhat inconsistent)
- Mo 14:00–15:30 Uhr, SemRm 1
- Th 12:00–13:30 Uhr, SemRm 1
- Registration: STINE
- Oral exams. Dates by arrangement.
Potential Topics
- Diagrammatic perturbation theory (continued), see: WiSe18/19
- Advanced Fermi-liquid theory
- Dynamical mean-field theory
- Keldysh formalism
- Krylov-space approach
- Diagrammatic quantum Monte-Carlo method
- Fermionic and spin path integral
- ...
- Th 10:15-11:45, SemRm 1
- Start: 11.4.
You can find the problem sheets here.