N. Lenzing, D. Krüger, M. Potthoff
Microscopic theory of spin friction and dissipative spin dynamics
M. Elbracht, M. Potthoff
Prerelaxation in quantum, classical, and quantum-classical two-impurity models
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033275 (2024)
C. Plorin, M. Potthoff
Kondo Screening and indirect magnetic exchange through a conventional superconductor studied by the density-matrix renormalization group
Phys. Rev. B 110, 085119 (2024)
S. Michel, A. Fünfhaus, R. Quade, R. Valentí, M. Potthoff
Bound states and local topological phase diagram of classical impurity spins coupled to a Chern insulator
Phys. Rev. B 109, 155116 (2024)
R. Rausch, C. Plorin, M. Peschke, C. Karrasch
Matrix-Product State Approach to the Generalized Nuclear Pairing Hamiltonian
Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 2024, 2300436
N. Lenzing, D. Krüger, M. Potthoff
Geometrical torque on magnetic moments coupled to a correlated antiferromagnet
Phys. Rev. Research 5, L032012 (2023)
R. Rausch, M. Peschke, C. Plorin, J. Schnack, C. Karrasch
Quantum spin spiral ground state of the ferrimagnetic sawtooth chain
SciPost Phys. 14, 052 (2023)
S. Michel, M. Potthoff
Spin Berry curvature of the Haldane model
Phys. Rev. B 106, 235423 (2022), Editor's Suggestion
M. Potthoff
Dynamical mean-field theory for correlated topological phases
Lecture Notes of the Autumn School on Correlated Electrons 2022, Dynamical Mean-Field Theory of Correlated Electrons, October 4-7, 2022, chapter 10 (Forschungszentrum Jülich, 2022), ISBN 978-3-95806-619-9
N. Lenzing, A.I. Lichtenstein, M. Potthoff
Emergent non-abelian gauge theory in coupled spin-electron dynamics
Phys. Rev. B 106, 094433 (2022)
R. Rausch, M. Peschke, C. Plorin, C. Karrasch
Magnetic properties of a capped kagome molecule with 60 quantum spins
SciPost Phys. 12, 143 (2022)
R. Quade, M. Potthoff
Controlling the real-time dynamics of a spin coupled to the helical edge states of the Kane-Mele model
Phys. Rev. B 105, 035406 (2022)
D. Krüger, M. Potthoff
Interacting Chern Insulator in Infinite Spatial Dimensions
Phys. Rev. Lett 126, 196401 (2021)
R. Rausch, C. Plorin, M. Peschke
The antiferromagnetic S = 1/2 Heisenberg model on the C60 fullerene geometry
SciPost Phys. 10, 087 (2021)
S. Michel, M. Potthoff
Non-Hamiltonian dynamics of indirectly coupled classical impurity spins
Phys. Rev. B 103, 024449 (2021)
M. Elbracht, M. Potthoff
Long-time relaxation dynamics of a spin coupled to a Chern insulator
Phys. Rev. B 103, 024301 (2021), Editor's Suggestion
M. Elbracht, M. Potthoff
Accessing long timescales in the relaxation dynamics of spins coupled to a conduction-electron system using absorbing boundary conditions
Phys. Rev. B 102, 115434 (2020)
R. Rausch and M. Peschke
Topological phases arising from attractive interaction and pair hopping in the extended Hubbard model
New J. Phys.22, 073051 (2020)
M. Elbracht, S. Michel, M. Potthoff
Topological spin torque emerging in classical-spin systems with different timescales
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 197202 (2020)
R. Rausch, M. Potthoff, N. Kawakami
Magnetic doublon bound states in the Kondo lattice model
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 216401 (2019)
R. Rausch, M. Potthoff
Pump-probe Auger-electron spectroscopy of Mott insulators
Phys. Rev. B 99, 205108 (2019)
M. Peschke, L.-M. Woelk, M. Potthoff
Phase diagram of the Kondo model on the zigzag ladder
Phys. Rev. B 99, 085140 (2019)
doi pdf arXiv:1901.01236
M. Potthoff
Cluster Extensions of Dynamical Mean-Field Theory
Lecture Notes of the Autumn School on Correlated Electrons 2018, DMFT: From Infinite Dimensions to Real Materials, September 17-21, 2018, chapter 5 (Forschungszentrum Jülich, 2018), ISBN 978-3-95806-313-6
M. Potthoff, M. W. Aulbach, M. Balzer, M. Hänsel, M. Peschke, A. Schwabe and I. Titvinidze
Magnetism of nanostructures on metallic substrates
in: Atomic and Nanoscale Magnetism, NanoScience and Technology, ed. by R. Wiesendanger (Springer, Cham, 2018), [ISBN 978-3-319-99557-1]
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E. Vedmedenko and M. Potthoff
Fluctuations and dynamics of magnetic nanoparticles
in: Atomic and Nanoscale Magnetism, NanoScience and Technology, ed. by R. Wiesendanger (Springer, Cham, 2018), [ISBN 978-3-319-99557-1]
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M. Steinbrecher, R. Rausch, Khai Ton That, J. Hermenau, A.A. Khajetoorians, M. Potthoff, R. Wiesendanger and J. Wiebe
Non-collinear spin states in bottom-up fabricated atomic chains
Nat. Commun. 9, 2853 (2018)
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M. Peschke, R. Rausch and M. Potthoff
Frustrated quantum magnetism in the Kondo lattice on the zigzag ladder
Phys. Rev. B 97, 115124 (2018)
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C. Stahl and M. Potthoff
Anomalous spin precession under a geometrical torque
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 227203 (2017)
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F. Lechermann, A. I. Lichtenstein and M. Potthoff
Realistic many-body approaches to materials with strong nonlocal correlations
Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 226, 2591 (2017)
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C. Gramsch and M. Potthoff
Enforcing conservation laws in nonequilibrium cluster perturbation theory
Phys. Rev. B 95, 205130 (2017)
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R. Rausch and M. Potthoff
Filling-dependent doublon dynamics in the one-dimensional Hubbard model
Phys. Rev. B 95, 045152 (2017)
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M. Sayad, R. Rausch and M. Potthoff
Inertia effects in the real-time dynamics of a quantum spin coupled to a Fermi sea
Europhys. Lett. 116, 17001 (2016)
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M. Sayad, R. Rausch and M. Potthoff
Relaxation of a classical spin coupled to a strongly correlated electron system
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 127201 (2016)
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J. Braun, R. Rausch, M. Potthoff and H. Ebert
One-step theory of two-photon photoemission
Phys. Rev. B 94, 125128 (2016)
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F. Hofmann and M. Potthoff
Time-dependent Mott transition in the periodic Anderson model with nonlocal hybridization
Eur. Phys. J. B 89, 178 (2016)
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F. Hofmann, M. Eckstein and M. Potthoff
Nonequilibrium self-energy functional approach to the dynamical Mott transition
Phys. Rev. B 93, 235104 (2016)
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F. Hofmann, M. Eckstein and M. Potthoff
Nonequilibrium variational-cluster approach to real-time dynamics in the Fermi-Hubbard model
J. Phys.: Conf. Series 696, 012002 (2016)
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R. Rausch and M. Potthoff
Multiplons in the two-hole excitation spectra of the one-dimensional Hubbard model
New J. Phys. 18, 023033 (2016)
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C. Gramsch and M. Potthoff
Lehmann representation of the nonequilibrium self-energy
Phys. Rev. B 92, 235135 (2015)
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M. Aulbach, F. Assaad and M. Potthoff
Dynamical mean-field study of partial Kondo screening in the periodic Anderson model on the triangular lattice
Phys. Rev. B 92, 235131 (2015)
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M. Sayad and M. Potthoff
Spin dynamics and relaxation in the classical-spin Kondo-impurity model beyond the Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert equation
New J. Phys. 17, 113058 (2015)
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A. Schwabe, M. Hänsel, M. Potthoff and A. K. Mitchell
Screening mechanisms in magnetic nanostructures
Phys. Rev. B 92, 155104 (2015)
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M. Aulbach, I. Titvinidze and M. Potthoff
Crossover from conventional to inverse indirect magnetic exchange in the depleted Anderson lattice
Phys. Rev. B 91, 174420 (2015)
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I. Titvinidze, A. Schwabe and M. Potthoff
Strong-coupling limit of depleted Kondo- and Anderson-lattice models
Eur. Phys. J. B 88, 42 (2015)
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J. Braun, R. Rausch, M. Potthoff, J. Minar and H. Ebert
One-step theory of pump-probe photoemission
Phys. Rev. B 91, 035119 (2015)
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M. Hänsel, W. Nolting and M. Potthoff
Band model for the understanding of ferromagnetism in semiconductors and insulators
Physica B 461, 23 (2015)
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A. Schwabe, M. Hänsel and M. Potthoff
Cooperation of different exchange mechanisms in confined magnetic systems
Phys. Rev. A 90, 033615 (2014)
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M. Potthoff
Making use of self-energy functionals: The variational cluster approximation
Lecture Notes of the Autumn School on Correlated Electrons 2014, DMFT at 25: Infinite Dimensions, September 15-19, 2014, chapter 9 (Forschungszentrum Jülich, 2014), ISBN 978-3-89336-953-9
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I. Titvinidze, A. Schwabe and M. Potthoff
Ferromagnetism of magnetic impurities coupled indirectly via conduction electrons: Insights from various theoretical approaches
Phys. Rev. B 90, 045112 (2014)
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P. Blöchl, T. Pruschke and M. Potthoff
Density-matrix functionals from Green's functions
Phys. Rev. B 88, 205139 (2013)
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F. Hofmann, M. Eckstein, E. Arrigoni and M. Potthoff
Nonequilibrium self-energy functional theory
Phys. Rev. B 88, 165124 (2013)
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A. Schwabe, I. Titvinidze and M. Potthoff
Inverse indirect magnetic exchange
Phys. Rev. B (rapid) 88, 121107(R) (2013)
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I. Titvinidze and M. Potthoff
Boundary and finite-size effects in the competition between indirect magnetic exchange and Kondo screening
J. Korean Phys. Soc. 62, 1434 (2013)
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P. Jurgenowski and M. Potthoff
Dynamical symmetry between spin and charge excitations studied by a plaquette mean-field approach in two dimensions
Phys. Rev. B 87, 205118 (2013)
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A. Schwabe, D. Gütersloh and M. Potthoff
Competition between Kondo screening and indirect magnetic exchange in a quantum box
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 257202 (2012)
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I. Titvinidze, A. Schwabe, N. Rother and M. Potthoff
Dynamical mean-field theory of indirect magnetic exchange
Phys. Rev. B 86, 075141 (2012)
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F. Hofmann and M. Potthoff
Doublon dynamics in the extended Fermi-Hubbard model
Phys. Rev. B 85, 205127 (2012)
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M. Sayad, D. Gütersloh and M. Potthoff
Macrospin approximation and quantum effects in models for magnetization reversal
Eur. Phys. J. B 85, 125 (2012)
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M. Balzer, N. Gdaniec and M. Potthoff
Krylov-space approach to the equilibrium and the nonequilibrium single-particle Green's function
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 035603 (2012)
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M. Potthoff
Self-energy-functional theory
in: Strongly Correlated Systems: Theoretical Methods, ed. by A. Avella and F. Mancini, Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, Vol. 171 (2012), pp. 303-339 [ISBN 978-3-642-21830-9]
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M. Potthoff
Static and dynamic variational principles for strongly correlated electron systems
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M. Balzer and M. Potthoff
Non-equilibrium cluster-perturbation theory
Phys. Rev. B 83, 195132 (2011)
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E.Y. Vedmedenko, N. Mikuszeit, T. Stapelfeldt, R. Wieser, M. Potthoff, A. Lichtenstein, R. Wiesendanger
Spin-spin correlations in ferromagnetic nanosystems
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M. Busch, J. Lienemann, M. Potthoff, H. Winter
Anomalous magnetic anisotropy of the topmost surface layer of Ni(110)
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M. Balzer and M. Potthoff
Variational cluster approach to ferromagnetism in infinite dimensions and in one-dimensional chains
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M. Balzer, W. Hanke and M. Potthoff
Importance of local correlations for the order parameter of high-Tc superconductors
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A. Schwabe and W. Nolting
Interacting spin waves in the ferromagnetic Kondo lattice model
Phys. Rev. B 80, 214408 (2009)
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Gang Li, W. Hanke, A.N. Rubtsov, S. Bäse and M. Potthoff
Accessing thermodynamics from dynamical cluster-embedding approaches
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M. Balzer, B. Kyung, D. Senechal, A.-M. S. Tremblay, M. Potthoff
First-order Mott transition at zero temperature in two dimensions: Variational plaquette study
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M. Balzer, W. Hanke and M. Potthoff
Mott transition in one dimension: Benchmarking dynamical cluster approaches
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M. Aichhorn, E. Arrigoni, M. Potthoff and W. Hanke
Phase separation and competition of superconductivity and magnetism in the two-dimensional Hubbard model: From strong to weak coupling
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J. Ortloff, M. Balzer and M. Potthoff
Non-perturbative conserving approximations and Luttinger's sum rule
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W. Hanke, M. Aichhorn, E. Arrigoni and M. Potthoff
A controlled route to the competing phases and the single-particle spectral function in the ground state of the 2D Hubbard model
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A. Fleszar, M. Potthoff and W. Hanke
Electronic structure of zinc-blende MnTe within the GW approximation
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M. Potthoff and M. Balzer
Self-energy-functional theory for systems of interacting electrons with disorder
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M. Eckstein, M. Kollar, M. Potthoff and D. Vollhardt
Phase separation in the particle-hole asymmetric Hubbard model
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M. Aichhorn, E. Arrigoni, M. Potthoff and W. Hanke
Variational cluster approach to the Hubbard model: Phase-separation tendency and finite-size effects
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M. Aichhorn, E. Arrigoni, M. Potthoff and W. Hanke
Antiferromagnetic to superconducting phase transition in the hole- and electron-doped Hubbard model at zero temperature
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M. Potthoff
Systematics of approximations constructed from dynamical variational principles
in: Effective models for low-dimensional strongly correlated electrons, Hrsg.: G. Batrouni and D. Poilblanc, p. 41 (AIP Proceedings, Melville, 2006)
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W. Hanke, M. Aichhorn, E. Arrigoni and M. Potthoff
Correlated band structure and the ground-state phase diagram in high-Tc cuprates
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C. Dahnken, M. Potthoff, E. Arrigoni and W. Hanke
Correlated band structure of electron-doped cuprate materials
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M. Potthoff
Non-perturbative construction of the Luttinger-Ward functional
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M. Potthoff
Dynamical variational principles for strongly correlated electron systems
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M. Balzer and M. Potthoff
Disorder- and correlation-driven metal-insulator transitions
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C. Dahnken, M. Potthoff, E. Arrigoni and W. Hanke
Electron-doping evolution of the quasiparticle band of the cuprates
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M. Aichhorn, H.G. Evertz, W. von der Linden and M. Potthoff
Charge ordering in extended Hubbard models: Variational cluster approach
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C. Dahnken, M. Aichhorn, W. Hanke, E. Arrigoni and M. Potthoff
Variational cluster approach to spontaneous symmetry breaking: The itinerant antiferromagnet in two dimensions
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Self-energy-functional approach: Analytical results and the Mott-Hubbard transition
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M. Potthoff, M. Aichhorn and C. Dahnken
Variational cluster approach to correlated electron systems in low dimensions
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M. Potthoff
Self-energy-functional approach to systems of correlated electrons
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S. Schwieger, M. Potthoff, and W. Nolting
Correlation and surface effects in Vanadium oxides
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Y. Ono, M. Potthoff, and R. Bulla
Mott transitions in correlated electron systems with orbital degrees of freedom
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Y. Ono, R. Bulla, and M. Potthoff
Mott transition in the multi-band Hubbard model in infinite dimensions
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Metal-insulator transitions at surfaces
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Y. Ono, R. Bulla, A. C. Hewson, and M. Potthoff
Critical behaviour near the metal-insulator transition of a doped Mott insulator
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R. Pfandzelter and M. Potthoff
Layer-dependent magnetization at the surface of a band-ferromagnet
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M. Potthoff
Two-site dynamical mean-field theory
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M. Potthoff
Theory of electron spectroscopies
in: Band-Ferromagnetism, Eds. K. Baberschke, M. Donath, W. Nolting, p.356, Springer, Berlin (2001)
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W. Nolting, M. Potthoff, T. Herrmann, and T. Wegner
Ferromagnetism in the Hubbard model
in: Band-Ferromagnetism, Eds. K. Baberschke, M. Donath, W. Nolting. p.208, Springer, Berlin (2001)
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M. Potthoff, T. Wegner, W. Nolting, T. Schlathölter, M. Vonbank, K. Ertl, J. Braun, and M. Donath
Electron-correlation effects in appearance-potential spectra of Ni
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J. H. Wu, T. Herrmann, M. Potthoff, and W. Nolting
Theoretical approach to the Curie temperature shift in FM1/NM/FM2/SUB (ferromagnetic metal 1/nonmagnetic metal/ferromagnetic metal 2/substrate) systems
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C. Meyer, J. Braun, G. Borstel, M. Potthoff, T. Wegner, and W. Nolting
Photoemission theory for nonlocal potentials: application to Ni(100)
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Effects of core-hole screening on spin-polarised Auger spectra from ferromagnetic Ni
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R. Bulla and M. Potthoff
„Linearized“ dynamical mean-field theory for the Mott-Hubbard transition
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Theory of spin-resolved Auger-electron spectroscopy from ferromagnetic 3d-transition metals
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Relativistic photoemission theory for general nonlocal potentials
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Metallic surface of a Mott insulator - Mott insulating surface of a metal
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D. Meyer, T. Wegner, M. Potthoff, and W. Nolting
The asymmetric single-impurty Anderson model - the modified perturbation theory
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Effective mass at the surface of a Fermi liquid
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Dynamical mean-field study of the Mott transition in thin films
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Surface metal-insulator transition in the Hubbard model
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Ferromagnetism and temperature-driven reorientation transition in thin itinerant-electron films
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The moment sum rule and its consequences for ferromagnetism in the Hubbard model
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Optimization of alloy-analogy-based approaches to the infinite-dimensional Hubbard model
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Temperature-dependent elctronic structure and ferromagnetism in the d=oo Hubbard model studied by a modified perturbation theory
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Magnetism in low-dimensional metals studied within the Hubbard model
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One-step model of photoemission for nonlocal potentials
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Weak-coupling approach to the semi-infinite Hubbard model: Non-locality of the self-energy
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Interpolating self-energy of the infinite-dimensional Hubbard model: Modifying the iterative perturbation theory
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Curie temperature and layer magnetizations of thin bcc(110) Hubbard films
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Surface magnetism in the strongly correlated Hubbard model
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The large-U Hubbard model for a semi-infinite crystal: A moment approach and an energy-dependent recursion method
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S. Parhofer, R. Pfandzelter, and M. Potthoff
Energy shift of the Cu L3M45M45 Auger line excited by proton impact on Cu(110): Enhanced electron correlations at the surface
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Surface magnetism studied within the mean-field approximation of the Hubbard model
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G. Hilgers, M. Potthoff, N. Müller, U. Heinzmann, L. Haunert, J. Braun, and G. Borstel
Necessity of self-energy corrections in LEED theory for Xe(111): Comparison between theoretical and experimental spin-polarized LEED data
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M. Potthoff, J. Braun, G. Borstel, and W. Nolting
Influence of electron correlations on Auger spectra of solids with partially filled bands
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G. Hilgers, M. Potthoff, N. Müller, and U. Heinzmann
Structure investigations of Xe-adsorbate layers by spin-polarized low-energy electron diffraction, II. Xe/Pd(111)
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Structure investigations of Xe-adsorbate layers by spin-polarized low-energy electron diffraction, I. Xe/Pt(111)
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Effects of electron correlations on Auger-electron and appearance-potential spectra of solid surfaces
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The three-particle ladder approximation as a new approach towards a general theory of electron-correlation effects in CVV Auger-electron and appearance-potential spectroscopy
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VV and CV correlation effects in CVV Auger-electron and appearance-potential spectroscopy: Exact results for limiting cases
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Theory of Auger-electron and appearance-potential spectroscopy from solids with partially filled valence bands: Effects of valence-band core interaction
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Structural investigations on Xe/Pd(111) with spin-polarized LEED
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Xe-adlayers on Pt(111) and Pd(111): Structure investigation by spin-polarized LEED
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