News11. Februar 2025|Advanced Imaging of MatterNew start-up launches innovative lubricant for bicycle chains on the marketFoto: lu:biciNano researcher Artur Feld has developed an innovative wax-based lubricant that improves performance in cycling and has a more sustainable effect. The...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal Advanced Imaging of Matter6. Februar 2025|Advanced Imaging of MatterA fun film evening: 'Dreh meinen Film' impresses girls, parents and scientistsFoto: CUIFor three days, the Bahrenfeld Campus was transformed into a lively film set. "Dreh meinen Film" was the name of the project to which the Cluster of...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal Advanced Imaging of Matter5. Februar 2025|Advanced Imaging of MatterQuantum materials research pioneers Jie Shan and Kin Fai Mak join MPSD as directorsFoto: Julia Knop for MPSDProfessors Jie Shan and Kin Fai Mak, world leaders in the characterization and control of two-dimensional quantum materials, have become directors of...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal Advanced Imaging of Matter4. Februar 2025|Advanced Imaging of MatterFuture day in science for boys and girlsFoto: kompetenzz.deHow does a nanomotor work? How are food samples analysed? How does programming work with the Calliope? At Girls‘ Day and Boys’ Day on 3 April 2025...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal Advanced Imaging of Matter30. Januar 2025|ResearchWith the Einstein Telescope to the beginnings of the universeFoto: MPI für Gravitationsphysik/NIKHEFTogether with cooperation partners, researchers from the Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe at University of Hamburg are developing and testing...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal Quantum Universe20. Januar 2025|CHAMPPFather of string theory Edward Witten in HamburgFoto: OFC-LLCThe Wolfgang Pauli Center for Theoretical Physics (WPC), a joint institution of the University of Hamburg and DESY, hosted a groundbreaking master...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal Quantum Universe16. Januar 2025|Advanced Imaging of MatterMildred Dresselhaus Guest Professorship 2025: call for applications and nominationsFoto: Columbia University, Collage Jana BackhausApplications and nominations for the Mildred Dresselhaus Guest Professorship Program 2025 are nor open. The aim of the program is to promote...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal Advanced Imaging of Matter9. Januar 2025|Quantum UniverseSarah Heim joins University of Hamburg as professor of physicsFoto: DESYSarah Heim has joined the Institute of Experimental Physics at the University of Hamburg as a professor after a successful application to the...Beitrag aus dem News-Kanal Quantum Universe7. Januar 2025|TransferWir wollen’s wissen— The University Visits SchoolsFoto: University of HamburgIn the interactive teaching format Wir wollen’s wissen, University of Hamburg researchers trade the lecture hall for the classroom and present their...Beitrag aus dem Newsroom der Universität7. Januar 2025|Advanced Imaging of MatterUniversity of Hamburg Early Career Researchers Win International CompetitionFoto: privateA team of doctoral researchers and postdocs in the Department of Physics at the University of Hamburg have won the Airbus-BMW Group Quantum Computing...Beitrag aus dem Newsroom der UniversitätZum Archiv