The AutoDipole package is written by K. Hasegawa, S. Moch and P. Uwer.
The SuperAutoDipole package is written by K. Hasegawa.
The packages implement the Catani-Seymour subtraction method used to handle collinear and soft singularities in real corrections. See also Tools & Toys for Phenomenology of Elementary Particle Physics at the Humboldt-University at Berlin.
The AutoDipole package can be downloaded here as AutoDipole_V1.2.3.tar.gz (106kB). The current version is V1.2.3 (See here for the release history).
The SuperAutoDipole package can be downloaded here as SuperAutoDipole_V1.0.tar.gz (147kB).
In addition to the packages MadGraph is needed (stand-alone version MG_ME_SA_V4.4.30.tar.gz (941 kB)).
For compilation with gfortran, please use the shell script FixCompiler.csh (or FixCompiler_susy.csh).
Put FixCompiler.csh in the dir 'AutoDipole_V1.2.3/', execute './FixCompiler.csh gfortran' and then start the normal installlation.
AutoDipole -- Automated generation of dipole subtraction terms --
Published in Comput.Phys.Commun.181:1802-1817,2010; e-Print Archive: arXiv:0911.4371.
Super AutoDipole
Published in Eur.Phys.J.C70;285-293,2010; e-Print Archive: arXiv:1007.1585.
Public Talks
- Lectures notes from a presentation at the "Computer Algebra and Particle Physics 2009" (CAPP 2009) School at DESY, Zeuthen, can be found here.
- Slides from a seminar at Wuppertal (Germany) in June 2009, can be found here (PDF).
Release History:
The AutoDipole package is written by K. Hasegawa, S. Moch and P. Uwer (see AutoDipole).
- Jun 04 2010: The current version is AutoDipole_V1.2.3.tar.gz (for compilation with gfortran, use also shell script FixCompiler.csh)
- Jan 11 2010: AutoDipole_V1.2.2.tar.gz
- Dec 22 2009: AutoDipole_V1.2.1.tar.gz
- Nov 20 2009: AutoDipole_V1.2.tar.gz
- Nov 04 2009: release candidate AutoDipole_V1.2rc1.tar.gz