Our main research activities are related with fundamental quantum aspects of spin phenomena in nanomagnetic structures. Formation of local spin and orbital magnetic moments, effective exchange interactions, as well as different spin, charge and orbital ordering crucially depends on the electronic structure of the nanosystem.
We developed a new theoretical approach for the accurate description of local quantum phenomena of correlated finite fermionic systems in a metallic environment. The necessity to go beyond the one-electron approximation is caused by the failure of the mean-field approach to account for the complex electronic behavior of e.g. magnetic adatoms on metallic surfaces. This is due to dynamical electron-electron correlations which become very important on the nanometer scale.
An efficient scheme which unifies realistic electronic structure methods (Local Density Approximation within Density Functional Theory) and Dynamical Mean-Field Theory to account for local correlation effects, the so-called LDA+DMFT approach, describes well the electronic structure and magnetic properties of complex materials.
We design the LDA+DMFT approach on the basis of different density functional schemes: Linear Muffin-Tin Orbital (LMTO), KKR-Green functions and Projector Augmented Wave (PAW) methods. The many-body DMFT part of the problem is investigated within the Quantum Monte-Carlo (QMC) scheme, Exact Diagonalization (ED) method or Fluctuation-Exchange approximation (FLEX).