SFB PhD Workshop 2015 in Hohwacht
From 7. October until 9. October 2015 we had a great workshop for the graduate students of the SFB925 in Hohwacht near the Baltic Sea.
The aim of this workshop was to give an overview of the research activities within the SFB925 and to foster discussions and networking between graduate students. This is a crucial step in order to create a cooperative environment, stimulating potential collaborations between the different research groups.
This workshop started with a presentation of the systems, theoretical methods and experimental techniques of the three areas of the SFB925 in order to broaden the scientific knowledge of the participants. The speakers made a great effort explaining the challenges and techniques of their research area in such a way that graduate students from different areas could understand.
Thank you again to all of them: Karolin Mertens (A3), Antonia Karamatskou (A5), Florian Hieke (B2), Malte Behrmann (B4), Phillip Wieburg (C4), Martin Lahrz (C9)!
Furthermore, the graduate students had the opportunity to present their research project during a poster session, which allowed for lively discussions. In addition, a soft skills training entitled “Time management” has taken place. The invited speaker presented new concepts and ideas how to work more efficiently. During this workshop everyone was really dedicated and interested to exchange ideas and experience.
For future collaborations within the SFB 925, this workshop was a great success!