Millisecond cryo-trapping by the spitrobot crystal plunger simplifies time-resolved crystallography.
Mehrabi, P., Sung, S., v. Stetten, D., Prester, A., Hatton, C., Kleine-Döpke, S., Berkes, A., Gore, G., Leimkohl, J.P., Schikora, H., Kollewe, M., Rohde, H., Wilmanns, M., Tellkamp, F., Schulz, E.C.
2023, In: Nat Commun 14, 2365
Doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-37834-w
Advanced Methods in Structural Biology
Mehrabi, P. & Schulz, E. C. .
2023, In: Methods Mol Biology 2652, 361–379
Doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-3147-8_21
Best practices for time-resolved serial synchrotron crystallography
Schulz, E. C., Yorke, B. A., Pearson, A. R. & Mehrabi, P.
2022, In: Acta Crystallogr Sect D Struct Biology 78, 14–29
# Practical guidelines to plan and carry out TR-SSX experiments for novice users.
The effect of secondary electrons on radiolysis as observed by in liquid TEM: the role of window material and electrical bias
Bultema, L. A. et al. .
2022, In: Ultramicroscopy 113579
A simple vapor-diffusion method enables protein crystallization inside the HARE serial crystallography chip
Norton-Baker, B. et al.
2021, In: Acta Crystallogr Sect D 77, 1–15
# We demonstrate in-chip micro-crystallization of vapor diffusion conditions with only 5µl of sample, the lowest sample consumption for TR-SSX so far.
An environmental control box for serial crystallography enables multi-dimensional experiments
Mehrabi, P., Stetten, D. von, Leimkohl, J.-P., Tellkamp, F. & Schulz, E. C.
2021, In:bioRxiv
# Multi-temperature, time-resolved TR-SSX enables kinetic modulation and is the experimental basis to determine free-energy landscapes of out-of-equilibrium systems. Combines structure, kinetics and thermodynamics in a crystallographic experiment.
Environmental Liquid Cell Technique for Improved Electron Microscopic Imaging of Soft Matter in Solution
Azim, S. et al.
2021, In: Microsc Microanal 27, 44–53
Serial femtosecond and serial synchrotron crystallography can yield data of equivalent quality: A systematic comparison.
Mehrabi, P. et al.
2021, In: Sci Adv 7, eabf1380
# A systematic comparison of SSX and SFX data demonstrated their equivalent quality parameters. The same experiments can be carried out at synchrotrons and XFELs albeit with different time-resolutions.
X-ray screening identifies active site and allosteric inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 main protease
Günther, S. et al.
2021, In: Science 372, 642–646
# A large-scale crystallographic screening determined MPro inhibitors and allosteric binding sites.
Serial protein crystallography in an electron microscope
Bücker, R. et al.
2020, In: Nat Commun 11, 996
# Serail electron diffraction in an electron microscope enables working with crystals of the smallest size.
The crystal structure of mycobacterial epoxide hydrolase
Schulz, E. C. et al.
2020, In: A. Sci Rep. 10, 16539 (2020).
The HARE chip for efficient time-resolved serial synchrotron crystallography
Mehrabi, P. et al.
2020, In: J Synchrotron Radiat 27, 360–370.
#A new fixed-target platform for serial crystallography, now the main workhorse tool for TR-SSX and in-chip crystallization.
Liquid application method for time-resolved analyses by serial synchrotron crystallography.
2019, In: Mehrabi, P. et al. Nat Methods 16, 979–982
# Here we developed the simplest form of reaction initiation for TR-SSX: in-situ mixing.
Time-resolved crystallography reveals allosteric communication aligned with molecular breathing.
Mehrabi, P. et al.
2019, In: Science 365, 1167–1170
# Landmark paper for TR-SSX: resolved all catalytic sub-steps, demonstrates molecular breathing and allosteric communication via water network, clearly showed ligand binding intermediates
The hit-and-return system enables efficient time-resolved serial synchrotron crystallography
Schulz, E. C. et al.
2018, In: Nat Methods 15, 901–904
Transposase-DNA Complex Structures Reveal Mechanisms for Conjugative Transposition of Antibiotic Resistance.
Rubio-Cosials, A. et al.
2018, In: Cell 173, 208-220.e20
Intermolecular base stacking mediates RNA-RNA interaction in a crystal structure of the RNA chaperone Hfq
Schulz, E. C. et al.
2017, In: Sci Rep 7, 9903
Low-dose fixed-target serial synchrotron crystallography
Owen, R. L. et al.
2017, In: Acta Crystallogr Sect D Struct Biology 73, 373–378
#One of the first SSX papers demonstrating the benefits of reduced radiation damage.
Protein crystals IR laser ablated from aqueous solution at high speed retain their diffractive properties: Applications in high-speed serial crystallography.
Schulz, E. C. et al.
2017, In: J Appl Crystallogr 50, 1773–1781
Structure of an Escherichia coli Hfq:RNA complex at 0.97Å resolution
Schulz, E. C. & Barabas, O.
2014, In: Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biology Commun 70, 1492–1497
Crystal structure of the primary piRNA biogenesis factor Zucchini reveals similarity to the bacterial PLD endonuclease Nuc
Voigt, F. et al.
2012, In: Rna 18, 2128–2134
Structure analysis of Entamoeba histolytica DNMT2 (EhMeth)
Schulz, E. C., Roth, H. M., Ankri, S. & Ficner, R.
2012, In: Plos One 7, e38728
Crystal structure analysis of the polysialic acid specific O-acetyltransferase NeuO.
Schulz, E. C., Bergfeld, A. K., Ficner, R. & Mühlenhoff, M.
2011, In: Plos One 6, e17403
Knitting and snipping: Chaperones in $\beta$-helix folding
Schulz, E. C. & Ficner, R.
2011, In: Curr Opin Struc Biol 21, 232–239
Structural Basis for the Broad Substrate Range of the UDP-Sugar Pyrophosphorylase from Leishmania major.
Dickmanns, A. et al.
2011, In: J Mol Biol 405, 461–478
Structure analysis of Entamoeba histolytica enolase.
Schulz, E. C., Tietzel, M., Tovy, A., Ankri, S. & Ficner, R.
2011, In: Acta Crystallogr Sect D Biological Crystallogr 67, 619627
Crystal structure of an intramolecular chaperone mediating triple-beta-helix folding.
Schulz, E. C. et al.
2010, In: Nat Struct Mol Biol 17, 210–5
Structural Basis for the Recognition and Cleavage of Polysialic Acid by the Bacteriophage K1F Tailspike Protein EndoNF.
Schulz, E. C. et al.
2010, In: J Mol Biol 397, 341–351
Structure analysis of endosialidase NF at 0.98 Å resolution.
Schulz, E. C., Neumann, P., Gerardy-Schahn, R., Sheldrick, G. M. & Ficner, R.
2010, In: Acta Crystallogr Sect D Biological Crystallogr 66, 176–180 .
Transient structural distortion of metal-free Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase triggers aberrant oligomerization.
Teilum, K. et al.
2009, In: Proc National Acad Sci 106, 18273–18278