News (2016)9 November 2016|SFB925Bastian Hundt finished his PhD 09.11.2016Congratulations to Dr. Hundt. Thesis: "Optical Potentials for the Realization of Dissipative Fermi-Hubbard Models with Ultracold Ytterbium Atoms"8 November 2016|SFB925Defense of Bastian Hundt on 8 November 2016 at 3pm 08.11.2016Einladung zur hochschulöffentlichen Disputation im Rahmen des Promotionsverfahrens von Herrn Bastian Hundt3 November 2016|SFB925Highlight: Direct Observation of Chiral Order 03.11.2016Project C2 Thorge Kock, Institute of Laser PhysicsThe effect of quantum degeneracies can yield dramatic consequences in quantum many body systems...19 October 2016|SFB925Christoph Ölschläger finished his PhD 19.10.2016Congratulations to Dr. Ölschläger. Thesis: "Floquet Engineering of Bloch Bands in Shaken Optical Lattices"11 October 2016|SFB925Defense of Christoph Ölschläger on 18 October 2016 at 4pm 11.10.2016Einladung zur hochschulöffentlichen Disputation im Rahmen des Promotionsverfahrens von Herrn Christoph Ölschläger29 September 2016|SFB925Highlight: Nonlinear photoionization reveals hidden properties of collective excitationProject A5 Antonia Karamatskou, I. Institute of Theoretical Physics Combining photoionization with photoelectron spectroscopy has proven to be a...24 September 2016|SFB925Sergey Usenko finished his PhDCongratulations to Dr. Usenko. Thesis: "Interferometry on small quantum systems at short wavelength"23 September 2016|SFB925Defense of Sergey Usenko on 23 September 2016 at 10amEinladung zur hochschulöffentlichen Disputation im Rahmen des Promotionsverfahrens von Herrn Sergey Usenko6 July 2016|SFB925Felix Hofmann finished his PhDCongratulations to Dr. Hofmann. Thesis: „Nonequilibrium self-energy functional theory - Accessing the real-time dynamics of strongly correlated...5 July 2016|SFB925Defense of Felix Hofmann on 5 July 2016 at 5pmEinladung zur hochschulöffentlichen Disputation im Rahmen des Promotionsverfahrens von Herrn Felix HofmannMore articles