Particle flow calorimetry
Particle flow is a new approach to calorimetry which promises to achieve a jet energy resolution which is more than a factor of two better than traditional calorimetric approaches. It has the potential to revolutionize detector design for future lepton collider experiments. Particle flow is predicated on the ability to reconstruct the energies of the individual particles in a jet. It requires highly segmented detectors (such as those being studied by the international CALICE collaboration) and sophisticated reconstruction techniques.
Precision physics at a future lepton collider will require unprecedented jet energy resolution. The most promising way of achieving this is particle flow calorimetry. In the particle flow paradigm the calorimeter energy deposits from charged particles, photons and neutral hadrons are separated. The charged particle energies are well measured (essentially perfectly) from the associated track momentum and the calorimeters only used for the neutral electromagnetic and hadronic components.
Particle flow calorimetry requires highly segmented calorimeters and sophisticated reconstruction algorithms to utilize the detailed calorimeter information. By combining calorimeter, tracking and vertex detector information it may even be possible to reconstruct missing energy from neutrinos. The required high-granularity calorimetry becomes the major cost driver in any future detector concept utilising particle flow calorimetry, and thus a detailed understanding of particle flow calorimetry will have a major impact on the overall detector design.
Our group collaborates to the development of an analog hadron calorimeter based on plastic scintillator tiles with Silicon-PhotoMultiplier readout (AHCAL).
The following topics are the main subject of our research:
- SiPM characterization
- Design and optimization of a single calorimeter cell for mass production
- Analysis and modeling of hadronic showers
Selected Publications:
- Construction and Commissioning of the CALICE Analog Hadron Calorimeter Prototype
- Electromagnetic response of a highly granular hadronic calorimeter
- Validation of GEANT4 Monte Carlo Models with a Highly Granular
Scintillator-Steel Hadron Calorimeter - Overview on calorimetry
- Saiva Huck Bachelor Thesis
Click here to find out more about particle flow techniques.
For the SiPM tools developed in our group, see here.