A strong focus of our group is the development of silicon detectors, in particular for the CMS experiment. In a dedicated silicon lab we develop radiation hard silicon materials able to withstand the high particle fluxes at LHC and SLHC and participate in the RD50 collaboration. Sensor design was done for the ZEUS micro vertex detector and is currently studied for the upgrade of the CMS pixel detector. Large scale detector production was done for both ZEUS and CMS.
Our group is also strongly involved in characterization of Silicon-PhotoMultipliers (SiPM) and their applications to high-energy physics and medical fields. We are involved in the detector development for the future linear collider, via the CALICE collaboration, aiming to develop novel calorimeter designs for the application of particle flow techniques. As a spin-off of this activity the group is also active in the medical exploitation of SiPM to Time of Flight Positron Emission Tomography.