Rukan Nasri, M. Sc.

Photo: Manuel Müller
PhD Student
Nano-Opto-Fluidics Lab
University of Hamburg
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences
Institute for Nanostructure and Solid State Physics
Luruper Chausee 149
22761 Hamburg
Hamburg advanced research centre for bioorganic chemistry (HARBOR)
Room: 1016
At first, Rukan accomplished his bachelor's degree in general engineering science with a focus on energy and environmental engineering at the Technical University of Hamburg. He then moved to the University of Hamburg to get his bachelor's and master's degree in nanoscience within Irene Fernandez-Cuesta's group. His PhD projects combines nanofluidic systems to analyse DNA with ultrashort Laserpulses. In his spare time he produces music, plays with his dog, cooks and does yoga.