List of Publications
Ground-based gamma-ray astronomy
The H.E.S.S. experiment in Namibia is operated by an international cooperation. The University of Hamburg was one of the few initial German partners since 2000. The large telescopes with up to 600 sqm of mirror surface capture Cherenkov light produced by energetic particles in the atmosphere. The imaging information recorded in an ultra-fast camera is used to determine origin, energy and particle type. This technique has opened the very high energy sky to Astrophysical observations.
The next generation of ground-based instruments is mainly driven by the development of the Cherenkov telescope array (CTA). We are currently involved in the deployment and commissioning of the first telescopes of the northern site of the CTA observatory on La Palma. In the coming years, these telescopes will be the most sensitive instruments in the energy range above a few 10 GeV up to TeV energies.
This research activity aims at opening up the ultra-high energy gamma-ray regime (energies above 10 TeV and up to PeV), so far only poorly covered. One of the main motivations is the search for Galactic cosmic ray Pevatrons.
HiSCORE is a timing-array concept based on air Cherenkov stations with a wide field of view (30 deg. half opening angle) distributed over a very large area. The first implementation of the HiSCORE concept was realized in the Tunka-valley. After several prototype stages, 28 stations covering an area of 0.25 square-km were installed until 2015. Since this detector stage, the HiSCORE array is part of the TAIGA (Tunka Advanced Instrument for Gamma Ray Astrophysics) experiment.
TAIGA uses a unique approach, combining the timing (HiSCORE) technique with imaging air Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs). A first IACT was installed and commissioned in 2016. Currently (2017), further 30 HiSCORE stations and an additional IACT are being installed in 2017/18. Until 2019, TAIGA will consist of a 1 square-km HiSCORE array and 3 IACTs.
Lab experiments
BRASS is a novel experiment for direct, broadband hidden photon and axion/ALP dark matter searches in the 0.02 meV - 5.0 meV (4.8-1200 GHz) range of particle mass. BRASS will employ axion-photon conversion near a permanently magnetized surface, focussing the resulting photon signal onto a set of low-noise heterodyne detectors.
The project is presently concluding the first science runs, offering ample opportunity for research projects in the areas of instrumental design and signal processing.
More details on the experiment are available here.
WISPFI (WISP-searches on a Fiber Inteferometer) is an experiment that searches for photon-coupling to scalars or pseudo-scalars in the mass-range up to 100 meV. The experiment uses a fiber/free-space Mach-Zehnder interferometer with the sensing arm located inside the warm bore of a dedicated 14T-SC magnet. The coiled-up wave-guide is a photonic-crystal hollow-core fiber that provides tunable conditions for resonant conversion of photons to matching scalar/pseudoscalars (axions) in the external magnetic field. The expected sensitivity will reach for the first time the QCD-band in the mass range from several ten meV to 100 meV.
The experiment is currently in its demonstration phase, where key-technologies are being tested and optimised. A more detailed summary of the experiment is given be Battllori et al. (2023).
WISPLC (WISP-searches with a LC circuit) is an experiment that searches for dark matter.
The experiment is currently in its demonstration phase, where key-technologies are being tested and optimised. A more detailed summary of the experiment is given by Zhang et al. (2021)
This experiment uses a novel broad-band read-out in order to search for Dark Matter at masses below 2 microeV. The results have been published in Nguyen et al. (2019).
Phenomenology of Astroparticle Physics
Dunkle Materie
We are searching for Dark Matter, using Gamma-ray observations, X-ray observations as well as laboratory experiments that are sensitive to light bosonic Dark Matter..
Hochenergetische Energetic photons propagating over astrophysical distances are excellent probes search for evidence for dark sector bosons which mix with the visible photons, leading to spectroscopic signatures
Gamma-ray emission from Pulsar-Wind nebulae
The relativistic plasma of pulsar wine nebulae have a rich phenomenology, that can be used to diagnose the underlying particle acceleration, propagation, and radiation processes. With multiple objects in different environments, dynamical and evolutionary processes can be isolated.