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Intensive Course on topology (2021)
Topology in condensed matter systems (2016)
Seminar talk: Anyons a la Leinaas and Myrheim
Kaiserslautern 2020: Simplifying Majorana Braiding
Kaiserslautern 2020: The Majorana Knot (Mathematica file)
ICEQT 2019: Prospects on topological qubit manipulation in quantum spin helices (pdf)
ICEQT 2019: Prospects on topological qubit manipulation in quantum spin helices (pptx, including videos)
DPG Spring meeting 2019: Winding up quantum spin helices and classical-quantum topological crossover
Anyon physics of ultracold atomic gases (2018): Anyon models in 2D and 1D
Anyon physics of ultracold atomic gases (2018):Many-particle theory of anyons in 1D
for detailed information of each lectures and talks , please visit here